Reincarnation? I wanna come back as an Italian. I love Italian Food. Is it possible? Sure hope so.
Now on to the bigger question. I privately wrestle with the question of Creation vs Evolution. As a Christian, I'm inclined to side with Creation. But I have my scientific doubts. Here's some of the reasons why.
When I was going to school as a kid, I was taught that ever so slowly, the earth gets closer to the sun. So fractional is this change, that it's almost insignificant, but none the less, I was taught that it happens. Okay, if we take this as factual, wouldn't that mean that at some point in time the earth was farther from the sun? And if this is true, wouldn't that mean that the orbit to get around the sun would take longer? And if that's true, wouldn't that mean the whole concept of a day equaling 24 hours is now thrown out the window? And if that's true, then for me at least, I can no longer believe that Creation is literally done in six, 24-hour days.
Next, I wrestle with this thought. It's my understanding that we do not have the original manuscripts of the Bible. We have copies upon copies upon copies. Translations from one language to the next, and so on. Is it possible that the word DAY in Genesis could have meant PERIODS or AGES, or whatever word could be used to represent such-and-such was created/evolved first over millions/billions of years? And then the next things were done, and then the next, and so on. To me, this is more plausible.
Next, I wrestle with the thought that the Bible doesn't tell us everything. If you think about it, you realize that what the bible tells us is specific to the human race. It tells us of the Fall of Adam/Eve, and how we go from separation from God, to returning to His fellowship through salvation. It talks about the end of the world, etc. What's left out, to me, is what ever happened PRIOR to our existence. If God is eternal, than what happened before He had the notion to create/evolve Earth? Obviously there was activity, because we're told in scripture that Lucifer fell from God's grace. What led him to do that? I don't know that we're ever told this. And I'm not opening a can of worms here, I'm just grabbing a limited example to illustrate that the Bible doesn't tell us everything.
Could life have existed, or currently does exist, on other planets. Planets we have yet to discover. What about life in other galaxies. If it exists, what would God's plan be for it? Do they have a different version of "the Bible" that relates only to them? Don't know, don't think I'm ever meant to know, until death occurs.
But accepting that the Bible is deprived of this kind of information, makes me wonder if in fact there was a previous age of dinosaurs that existed before we ever did. Why not? Is it impossible that God would, and could, create such beings? Genesis' account of creation says that animals were created of all kinds, before we ever graced the planet. And if you question the word "DAY" as being Periods or Ages, then the timing for animals to roam the earth could be far greater than 24 hours.
Bottom Line (for me). I believe in both Creation and Evolution. I believe God created everything. But I do not believe in a 24 hour, six day event. I also believe, as scripture points out, that God is NOT the author of confusion. Evolution makes sense - though we're discovering more and more all the time. Creation takes a leap of faith to believe it. But then again, religion is all about faith, isn't it?
Finally, I believe that we will NEVER know for sure, and that to wonder of such things is really a waste of time. The fact remains, we're here. Who cares where we came from, or how we got here - though I do believe God is responsible. I believe in Satan too. And perhaps this whole battle of Creation vs Evolution is a means for Satan to distract from the real reason we exist, which is to regain fellowship with God. And at this point, I'll jump off my pedestal, because that's an argument not related to the questions being asked in this thread.