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Topic: Do you believe in the afterlife?  (Read 45491 times)


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #150 on: March 04, 2011, 07:06:38 pm »
Atheism is a crutch for those who cannot bear the reality of God. -- Tom Stoppard

This one is it.

The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful, and has nobody to thank.--Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Think about this one for a moment.  It really does require some insight.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #151 on: March 04, 2011, 07:11:47 pm »
Quickly, because I only have a couple of minutes to spare (visiting with family this weekend)...

Anyone that would like to contact me can reach me on facebook by searching my userid (only add a space in my name).  As for email, same thing, only with dots and an f in the middle by way of hotmail.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #152 on: March 04, 2011, 07:34:46 pm »
I'm not religious in any sort (no church, no declared faith) but I simply believe that whatever we believe to be after will be after. If I had to find anything to be true it'd be the following statements: 1) - Perception is reality 2) The Laws of Conservation for Mass and Energy. Mass and Energy cannot be created or destroyed so our 'mass and energy' has to go somewhere, kinda like the Force in Star Wars. But our subconscious will always be our own and that, I believe, can NOT die at all, so we'd live on subconsciously with whatever we feel is true.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #153 on: March 04, 2011, 08:33:20 pm »
There are some great people on here and just because we differ in our religious/non-religious belief, doesn't mean we can't speak of other things outside of religion. I have things going on right now - I'm just way down in the valley.  I hope some Christian friends will pray for me. I hope things cool down in here.  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend...
  jcribb...totally agree with you!!  I will pray for you and know things will get better for you soon.  I'm expecting you to have a splendid weekend!!  :)
Thank you.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #154 on: March 04, 2011, 08:36:54 pm »
Quote from jordandog:
I'm sorry you are feeling low, know that feeling. I will send positive thoughts your way and hope you're able to 'climb back up' soon.

Thank you very much.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #155 on: March 04, 2011, 08:38:56 pm »
To sustain the belief that there is no God, atheism has to demonstrate infinite knowledge, which is tantamount to saying, "I have infinite knowledge that there is no being in existence with infinite knowledge" --Ravi Zacharias

That gives way to some critical thinking.   :thumbsup:


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #156 on: March 04, 2011, 08:45:40 pm »
Atheism is a crutch for those who cannot bear the reality of God. -- Tom Stoppard

This one is it.

The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful, and has nobody to thank.--Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Think about this one for a moment.  It really does require some insight.

 A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. There are traps everywhere--'Bibles laid open, millions of surprises,' as Herbert says, 'fine nets and stratagems.' God is, if I may say it, very unscrupulous.
    Author: C.S. Lewis

If there were no God, there would be no atheists.
    Author: G.K. Chesterton

« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 08:48:58 pm by jcribb16 »


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #157 on: March 04, 2011, 11:49:34 pm »
well.....sorta ;o)

Trust me-- with what I do, that's a compliment. I would also accept nerd.

Falconer, you are officially my favorite person of the day.


Prove he doesn't.  The burden of proof is not on our side.  You and Falconer keep saying this like a broken record and have been answered x times over.

*sigh* I guess I'll have to post this once more to make everyone understand what you're doing here-

Would you listen to a math teacher who adamantly says that 2 + 3 = 40,000,000,000,000 and they have nothing to back up their equational method but with crazy astrological patterns? Probably not, right? Well, metaphorically, that math teacher is you in these forum arguments.

You really have never answered our questions unless we're talking on fantastical terms; they have never been realistic or unbroken from the get-go. I could tell you how the gods stem from sun worship or how yours was built up through the ages, etc. etc. but you wouldn't listen. You really never do much. You can hide behind your blind faith all you want. I don't really care much. Especially because there's no reason talking sense to someone who believes in something as genuinely ignorant as christian witchcraft  :angry7:. Do I need to state anything more for anyone reading this? Christian. Witchcraft. How out-of-touch with reality does one have to be to believe in this faith-healing garbage? It's sad that crap like this is still promoted, and here's a shining example of the methods of reasoning behind it.

The fact of the matter is you really shot yourself in the wait. That's too small of an example. You blew your leg off in the recent past with that one. And even when it was disproven 10-times over, you shut your eyes infront of the proof (though it was quite fun though ultimately pointless doing the IRL research that Jdog and I did). Many are witness to that, so don't try to reword your error and downplay it. The burden of proof is usually on the side of the believers. But with you, there's really no way of getting around it. I'd say now, considering your predictable pathways, it should be completely mandatory with the way you act. But of course you won't do that and I predict a pointless emotional uproar as usual. It's a perfect example seeing how it constantly happens in this forum and it's exactly what happens in the picture above.

So what is it? Are you that psycho evil-looking stickman in the picture, or are you the smiling person above it who simply presents the decent rational proof?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 12:23:26 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #158 on: March 05, 2011, 12:12:11 am »
I'm not religious at all, but there is a lot of undebunked paranormal evidence which might indicate the existence of an afterlife.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #159 on: March 05, 2011, 02:23:29 am »
well.....sorta ;o)

Trust me-- with what I do, that's a compliment. I would also accept nerd.

Falconer, you are officially my favorite person of the day.


Prove he doesn't.  The burden of proof is not on our side.  You and Falconer keep saying this like a broken record and have been answered x times over.

*sigh* I guess I'll have to post this once more to make everyone understand what you're doing here-

Would you listen to a math teacher who adamantly says that 2 + 3 = 40,000,000,000,000 and they have nothing to back up their equational method but with crazy astrological patterns? Probably not, right? Well, metaphorically, that math teacher is you in these forum arguments.

You really have never answered our questions unless we're talking on fantastical terms; they have never been realistic or unbroken from the get-go. I could tell you how the gods stem from sun worship or how yours was built up through the ages, etc. etc. but you wouldn't listen. You really never do much. You can hide behind your blind faith all you want. I don't really care much. Especially because there's no reason talking sense to someone who believes in something as genuinely ignorant as christian witchcraft  :angry7:. Do I need to state anything more for anyone reading this? Christian. Witchcraft. How out-of-touch with reality does one have to be to believe in this faith-healing garbage? It's sad that crap like this is still promoted, and here's a shining example of the methods of reasoning behind it.

The fact of the matter is you really shot yourself in the wait. That's too small of an example. You blew your leg off in the recent past with that one. And even when it was disproven 10-times over, you shut your eyes infront of the proof (though it was quite fun though ultimately pointless doing the IRL research that Jdog and I did). Many are witness to that, so don't try to reword your error and downplay it. The burden of proof is usually on the side of the believers. But with you, there's really no way of getting around it. I'd say now, considering your predictable pathways, it should be completely mandatory with the way you act. But of course you won't do that and I predict a pointless emotional uproar as usual. It's a perfect example seeing how it constantly happens in this forum and it's exactly what happens in the picture above.

So what is it? Are you that psycho evil-looking stickman in the picture, or are you the smiling person above it who simply presents the decent rational proof?

I believe in faith healing. experienced it, and seen it.  Whatever or however you want to debunk it is up to you.  that's my own personal belief based on reality and the Biblical Word.  I'm not the only one on here who believes in faith healing.  I may be the only one that has not been ashamed or afraid to say so.  Why is this such a threat to you?  This is a difference of opinion, and faith. You have yours, I have mine.

Something else......there is no such thing as Christian witchcraft.  That's something you made up.

You don't believe it right?  So go your way and don't believe it.  You have never been able to answer me in any post without being sarcastic Falconer.  What does that say about you?  However, if I don't listen as you say, and hide behind blind faith, and you really don't care much?  Why are you posting to me then?

Guess what?  I promote it everywhere I go.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #160 on: March 05, 2011, 06:52:06 am »
You know, if there are so many on here that you consider to be "such a lost cause"...there ARE "christian  forums" out there, it might save you some time trying to figure out who's actually vile and swine and all.

That's a point I have wondered myself, but they don't pay cash, so.....
I'll add this question. What happened to the forum/website she was starting on her own? We kept hearing about it. Maybe it did get started, but she was unable to be the Webmaster and the Supreme Ultimate Authority when faced with real, caring christians? :dontknow:

She keeps coming back because she is what I said - a "right-fighter" and a "last-worder". They will resort to anything in order to maintain their own idea of how superior and important they are, regardless of who they hurt in doing so. It is no different than the man who beats his wife and does it 'because he loves her' and 'is looking out for her'. ::)
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #161 on: March 05, 2011, 09:42:29 am »
Quote from Sheryl:
  I don't know how many times I've seen falconer's illustration there but it's getting "old" and that's what I see in his post...not sarcasm.  Even he is getting weary of trying to sincerely explain to you what his thoughts are.

I'm sorry but I have to respond here.  No offense to anyone, but Christians on here are trying to do the same thing Falconer is: to try and "sincerely explain" what their thoughts are. In the Christians' view they are speaking of truths/faith concerning God. I, for one, don't like being sarcastic, either. However, in some of these threads, there has been sarcasm directed to me (and others.) We did have a one-on-one debate recently between him and I in which things were staying pretty cordial.  That's good.  

Then sarcasm steps in, in another similar thread, in a demeaning cut-off way towards me (and others.)  Now, I suppose I just should drop out and not respond in like kind. Sometimes that is difficult to do when others "see" what is happening, and when it happens to newbies who just want to share what they believe, who are right away mocked and made to look foolish.  So, do I let the sarcasm and cut-downs bully me down or do I make my stand for myself and for my beliefs?  Yet, it seems that it's quite okay to get on to some people if they respond in like kind (sarcasm to sarcasm), but it's okay for the other/s to be rude and show mockery of what we as Christians are trying to share about.  I respect their beliefs and will willingly hear them and rebut with them.  However, I expect the same respect in turn.  If they want to be demeaning and sarcastic instead of presenting their side and listening to my side then they are the ones who need to be scolded and reminded that we are, after all, adults on here and need to act like it, whether Christian or not.  I honestly believe that some people have had their buttons pushed too far and too long, and can't help but to get upset and tell it like they feel.

As of late, there's a few banding together and pushing certain ones into the corner. That's not fair.  You haven't been in some of these threads for awhile and I have certainly missed your good points and Christian stability.  However, you are coming down on someone unfairly without knowing a lot of what has been going on for awhile. I just feel there should be a knowledge of what has been happening on both sides, and why, before scolding someone like this.

Above all, everyone of us should act like the adults we are in here. Debate and discuss should not be one-sided because of sarcasm and cut-offs and cut-downs.  Things can get sparked because of disagreeing views, but should not be demeaning and resorting to calling names and calling their beliefs names. I agree with nonbelievers on here that we disagree with our beliefs, but I certainly feel it would be wrong of me, and of them, to be ugly about it and try to make the other side look like idiots for believing like we or they do. I want to hear their views and reasons why they don't believe there is God behind Creation. I want answers to questions.  I would like the same in return.

I probably should not have responded to this at all right now, considering what's going on with me outside of this forum.  But my heart responded to what's going on in here.  Once again, no offense to anyone, and hopefully, this thread will get back on the right track topic.  :-
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 01:52:59 pm by jcribb16 »


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #162 on: March 05, 2011, 09:53:12 am »
Could it be that you always see people as "sarcastic" because that is how you are?  "Sarcastic" is how you sound about 99% of the time. A person can't treat people like complete trash but still want others to shower them with praise at all times!  Honestly Annella, it's like you keep hashing & re-hashing the "same old-same old" and forcing everyone on here to believe every single thing you say and if you can't drive your point home then it's more "re-hashing"...and it's not long at all before you start your "crying" that someone has used a bad word or started calling names.  Yet, there you are right in the middle of it all with the nasty put-downs but you seem to think as long as you are a "Christian", then it's justifed.

 :notworthy: :notworthy:

(here's some of my unused worship for ya!)
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #163 on: March 05, 2011, 11:37:42 am »
I beleive there is afterlife in Heaven or Hell and our choices and beliefs here in our life time designate where we will be. It is our choice to believe in the Bible and having a relationship with Jesus Christ and this is our faith. I know with out a shadow of doubt that I will go to Heaven, because of my relationship with Christ and my faith.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #164 on: March 05, 2011, 01:18:08 pm »
Yes Sheryl, for everything the enemy has, the devil has a substitute and tries to mimic God.  I would call someone like that a false Christian.  A deceiver, a charlatan, but never put the word Christian in front of witchcraft.  I've seen the enemy mimic the spirit of God. He does it right here in this forum.  The Bible says that satan can present himself as an angel of light, but actually, he's a deceiver and accuser of the redeemed.

My last post was neither sarcastic or demeaning to Falconer.  It was reiterating again what I believe.  That's acceptable on this forum.....or was last time I looked.

Sheryl, do you even read your posts?  The very thing you are hammering me about, is glaringly clear in your own posts. You will knock me down to bring someone to Jesus?  What? 

  Don't ever believe what hateful things Annella has told you?

Are you talking about the Bible scriptures I've given or what?  Yes, God does make it very clear what he thinks of the wicked.  He does love the sinner.  However, the point I was bringing out was there is a goodness and severity of God:  You just can't teach one without the other (Ezekiel 3:17-21).  There IS a Heaven and there IS a Hell. Uh, I didn't write the book.  You accused me of twisting scriptures.  If I post scripture, it stands by itself, and I post so others know what the BIBLE actually says on a given subject, not what I say.

A real Christian should be able to answer a non-Christian's answers respectfully.  It's a HUGE part of being a witness for Him.

I have always given an answer to honest non believers questions if they ask.  However, asking is not demeaning, put downs, or dragging your belief in the mud. That's not a question. That's an insult.  Since we are talking to certain ones here that have professed to past Christianity, and have throw it by the wayside, doesn't qualify as someone who has an honest question of Salvation or whatever. 

You also accused me of "baiting", which I've never done.  I can't think of one Christian topic that I have started in this forum anywhere.

When you consider the estimated ages of qon & falconer vs. Annella...and then you consider that the oldest one is the source of most of the immaturity & childishness going on in here (including "rushing to newbies" to "warn them about qon & falconer") I would have to agree.  I think people should be commending falconer & qon for being as good to her as they have been, because if she had been warning others about me---I would have reported her to Admin, no doubt about it.

Huh? What has age got to do with it?  If I want to help newbies in here so they don't just post once and then don't ever post again because they have been flamed, then what concern is that to you?  Anybody can fill out a support ticket to Admin. anytime they please......Go for it!  However, this is D&D, which clearly states to enter at your own risk.

Sheryl, if you prayed and prayed today, then you surely did not hear from the God I serve. It was wasted time, if you actually prayed. That's right! Your bitterness and critical spirit is paramount in your postings. Again, take the beam from your own eye, before you take it from mine.

Two newbies came into this thread and had something to say.  Has anyone welcomed them?  No, you were too busy being the "righteous" voice here, and trying to reprimand me. The so called religious leaders reprimanded Christ also, because he went against what they had been practicing for hundreds of years. They were a very pious and lifted up group of individuals that finally ended up crucifying their very Messiah.

Who is Dr. Oz? Since I don't believe in TV preachers or TV for that matter, your statement is lost on me. I think the real spirit of God gets mimicd falsely by individuals who want to go on National TV and spout whatever.  They are seeking self glory and not Christ's. "look at me how holy I am". If you send me X amount of dollars, I'll send you this honest to goodness prayer rug, that if you pray on it, you can have anything you want!  Because God told me you need it desperately! Absurd! opinion. Snake oil salesmen. Like I said before, whatever genuine person God has, the devil has a plethora of imitations.

I'm going to answer these 2 newbies, and then get out in this beautiful day, a couple wants to get married and I need to speak with them, and other errands. This is the day the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!  See ya.

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