Yes Sheryl, for everything the enemy has, the devil has a substitute and tries to mimic God. I would call someone like that a false Christian. A deceiver, a charlatan, but never put the word Christian in front of witchcraft. I've seen the enemy mimic the spirit of God. He does it right here in this forum. The Bible says that satan can present himself as an angel of light, but actually, he's a deceiver and accuser of the redeemed.
My last post was neither sarcastic or demeaning to Falconer. It was reiterating again what I believe. That's acceptable on this forum.....or was last time I looked.
Sheryl, do you even read your posts? The very thing you are hammering me about, is glaringly clear in
your own posts. You will knock me down to bring someone to Jesus? What?
Don't ever believe what hateful things Annella has told you?
Are you talking about the Bible scriptures I've given or what? Yes, God does make it very clear what he thinks of the wicked. He does love the sinner. However, the point I was bringing out was there is a goodness and severity of God: You just can't teach one without the other (Ezekiel 3:17-21). There IS a Heaven and there IS a Hell. Uh, I didn't write the book. You accused me of twisting scriptures. If I post scripture, it stands by itself, and I post so others know what the BIBLE actually says on a given subject, not what I say.
A real Christian should be able to answer a non-Christian's answers respectfully. It's a HUGE part of being a witness for Him.
I have always given an answer to honest non believers questions if they ask. However, asking is not demeaning, put downs, or dragging your belief in the mud. That's not a question. That's an insult. Since we are talking to certain ones here that have professed to past Christianity, and have throw it by the wayside, doesn't qualify as someone who has an honest question of Salvation or whatever.
You also accused me of "baiting", which I've never done. I can't think of one Christian topic that I have
started in this forum anywhere.
When you consider the estimated ages of qon & falconer vs. Annella...and then you consider that the oldest one is the source of most of the immaturity & childishness going on in here (including "rushing to newbies" to "warn them about qon & falconer") I would have to agree. I think people should be commending falconer & qon for being as good to her as they have been, because if she had been warning others about me---I would have reported her to Admin, no doubt about it.
Huh? What has age got to do with it? If I want to help newbies in here so they don't just post once and then don't ever post again because they have been flamed, then what concern is that to you? Anybody can fill out a support ticket to Admin. anytime they please......Go for it! However, this is D&D, which clearly states to enter at your own risk.
Sheryl, if you prayed and prayed today, then you surely did not hear from the God I serve. It was wasted time, if you actually prayed. That's right! Your bitterness and critical spirit is paramount in your postings. Again, take the beam from your own eye, before you take it from mine.
Two newbies came into this thread and had something to say. Has anyone welcomed them? No, you were too busy being the "righteous" voice here, and trying to reprimand me. The so called religious leaders reprimanded Christ also, because he went against what they had been practicing for hundreds of years. They were a very pious and lifted up group of individuals that finally ended up crucifying their very Messiah.
Who is Dr. Oz? Since I don't believe in TV preachers or TV for that matter, your statement is lost on me. I think the real spirit of God gets mimicd falsely by individuals who want to go on National TV and spout whatever. They are seeking self glory and not Christ's. "look at me how holy I am". If you send me X amount of dollars, I'll send you this honest to goodness prayer rug, that if you pray on it, you can have anything you want! Because God told me you need it desperately! Absurd! opinion. Snake oil salesmen. Like I said before, whatever genuine person God has, the devil has a plethora of imitations.
I'm going to answer these 2 newbies, and then get out in this beautiful day, a couple wants to get married and I need to speak with them, and other errands. This is the day the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! See ya.