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Topic: Do you believe in the afterlife?  (Read 44801 times)


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #90 on: March 03, 2011, 02:53:06 pm »
I think it will be interesting to find out what, if anything happens. If nothing happens that's fine. I had a good life and some great times. That's all I know for sure. As I get older though, I find life gets a lot harder to cope with but that's just me.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #91 on: March 03, 2011, 03:24:48 pm »
I think it will be interesting to find out what, if anything happens. If nothing happens that's fine. I had a good life and some great times. That's all I know for sure. As I get older though, I find life gets a lot harder to cope with but that's just me.

No Marieelissa, it's not just you.  Life can be difficult at times.  The Bible says man that is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble (I'm paraphrasing).  Sometimes it's just the general environment of which we live, or right now how the economy is and affects everyone.

Then you get to an age where you realize that you don't control anything. Life really is a gift, and you need to unwrap it everyday and see what it holds, and embrace it. I try to leave the previous days troubles or trials in the previous day, and face a new day with new promise.  I don't always succeed, but many times do, with God's help.  Knowing that God has hold of my life, He can take the bad, and make it good, certainly helps.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #92 on: March 03, 2011, 03:27:57 pm »
Yes, i believe that we all have our place in Heaven when we die. Those that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and have everlasting life in the Kingdom of God. God Bless you all! <3 †


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #93 on: March 03, 2011, 03:35:43 pm »
Yes, i believe that we all have our place in Heaven when we die. Those that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and have everlasting life in the Kingdom of God. God Bless you all! <3 †

Welcome to the forum :wave:


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #94 on: March 03, 2011, 03:41:43 pm »
Sheryl, the Bible says we are brothers and sisters if we do the will of the Father.  Not everyone in the world is our brother or sister.  What agreement has light with darkness?  How can two walk together unless they agree? There are children of perdition.  We do fight the enemy of our souls, or do you not believe that?  You don't have to answer.
 The Bible says we all are made of the same stuff---"All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again."  Ecc 3:20 and that Adam & Eve were the first humans from where all humans come, even Jesus' genealogy is traced back to Eve.  So yes, we are ALL related.  (We can have our "sisters & brothers in Christ" but what does that really mean when many of those "sisters & brothers in Christ" aren't authentic Christians and know more about "lip-service" than having a personal relationship with the Lord?)  There is no agreement with light & darkness,however in John 8:12 Jesus Himself says He is the light of the WORLD, Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  Since noone is born "walking in the Light", I would assume you were once in darkness?  I would also assume it was a Christian that showed you the Light?  If that Christian had been so obsessed with "what agreement light has with darkness", I wonder where would you be today?  I'm not sure what the "walking together" has to do with anything, we are on a forum.  If you don't want to go where people of all sorts of beliefs & non-beliefs "walk" then there are other topics to post in besides d&d however, it's not an all-Christian group that treads through there either.  Yes I do believe we fight the enemy of our souls.  I also think we give the enemy way too much credit and we are a big enemy to ourselves all by ourself.  You act like it's all over and anyone that doesn't believe or believe like you do can just go to hell right now, and that is NOT your call to make.  Not now---not ever.   It's an odd attitude for an Christian to have let alone an evangelist too, btw.  This might just be a "forum" and  I would expect QON to despise my gutts.  I still pray for her and will continue to pray for her until either God finds a way to prove Himself to her or the day I die, whichever comes first. ( If a Christian doesn't pray for her...WHO will?)  Someday, I expect to find her in Heaven.  As long as a person is breathing, there is still hope.  A Christian that believes in fighting the enemy for souls doesn't just give up on a person that doesn't believe the way they do and let the enemy have them!  qon isn't really guilty of anything except of having been deceived by the enemy and various false christians which has put her in the place she is in TODAY.  God loves qon just as much as He loves anyone else on this earth, God doesn't have any favorites.  Hate from a non-Christian toward a Christian is to be expected.  Hate from a Christian right back toward a non-Christian is unacceptable.  I would also say that the way you respond to the others with various beliefs haven't been so pleasant either.  This isn't the first time you've managed to stir up a bee's nest in the forum, MANY have called you on it.  If there wasn't a problem there with your personal self...this wouldn't be.  just say'in..


I do not participate in name calling, and cursing, and I take great offense of you accusing me of it.

ur gunna go ta hell MeeMaw....

quote from you to QON:
For one thing, I wasn't peeved, LIAR!!  I was agreeing with her.  She wasn't even addressing me but Amy. go back and read the thread trouble maker.

You've never blasted either one of them because neither one of them believe in Christianity or being a YOU figure it out smart mouth!  Walks has blasted Christians, and Amy doesn't even believe in Jesus or the New Testament. Oh, but just let someone say they are a Christian, and here you come with your claws out.

I'm ABSOLUTElY NO RELATION to you!!  In this life OR the next.  In fact, such a reprobate (as you are). God forbid!!

You have a habit of verbally shredding newbies just because they profess a belief in God.  You have done it over and over again qon.  I've watched you do it, and so has everybody else.

Act all innocent all you want, I'm on to you (and so are a lot of others), and will call you on it.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #95 on: March 03, 2011, 03:49:14 pm »
Sheryl, the Bible says we are brothers and sisters if we do the will of the Father.  Not everyone in the world is our brother or sister.  What agreement has light with darkness?  How can two walk together unless they agree? There are children of perdition.  We do fight the enemy of our souls, or do you not believe that?  You don't have to answer.
  The Bible says we all are made of the same stuff---"All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again."  Ecc 3:20 and that Adam & Eve were the first humans from where all humans come, even Jesus' genealogy is traced back to Eve.  So yes, we are ALL related.  (We can have our "sisters & brothers in Christ" but what does that really mean when many of those "sisters & brothers in Christ" aren't authentic Christians and know more about "lip-service" than having a personal relationship with the Lord?)  There is no agreement with light & darkness,however in John 8:12 Jesus Himself says He is the light of the WORLD, Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  Since noone is born "walking in the Light", I would assume you were once in darkness?  I would also assume it was a Christian that showed you the Light?  If that Christian had been so obsessed with "what agreement light has with darkness", I wonder where would you be today?  I'm not sure what the "walking together" has to do with anything, we are on a forum.  If you don't want to go where people of all sorts of beliefs & non-beliefs "walk" then there are other topics to post in besides d&d however, it's not an all-Christian group that treads through there either.  Yes I do believe we fight the enemy of our souls.  I also think we give the enemy way too much credit and we are a big enemy to ourselves all by ourself.  You act like it's all over and anyone that doesn't believe or believe like you do can just go to hell right now, and that is NOT your call to make.  Not now---not ever.   It's an odd attitude for an Christian to have let alone an evangelist too, btw.  This might just be a "forum" and  I would expect QON to despise my gutts.  I still pray for her and will continue to pray for her until either God finds a way to prove Himself to her or the day I die, whichever comes first. ( If a Christian doesn't pray for her...WHO will?)  Someday, I expect to find her in Heaven.  As long as a person is breathing, there is still hope.  A Christian that believes in fighting the enemy for souls doesn't just give up on a person that doesn't believe the way they do and let the enemy have them!  qon isn't really guilty of anything except of having been deceived by the enemy and various false christians which has put her in the place she is in TODAY.  God loves qon just as much as He loves anyone else on this earth, God doesn't have any favorites.  Hate from a non-Christian toward a Christian is to be expected.  Hate from a Christian right back toward a non-Christian is unacceptable.  I would also say that the way you respond to the others with various beliefs haven't been so pleasant either.  This isn't the first time you've managed to stir up a bee's nest in the forum, MANY have called you on it.  If there wasn't a problem there with your personal self...this wouldn't be.  just say'in..


I do not participate in name calling, and cursing, and I take great offense of you accusing me of it.

ur gunna go ta hell MeeMaw....

quote from you to QON:
For one thing, I wasn't peeved, LIAR!!  I was agreeing with her.  She wasn't even addressing me but Amy. go back and read the thread trouble maker.

You've never blasted either one of them because neither one of them believe in Christianity or being a YOU figure it out smart mouth!  Walks has blasted Christians, and Amy doesn't even believe in Jesus or the New Testament. Oh, but just let someone say they are a Christian, and here you come with your claws out.

I'm ABSOLUTElY NO RELATION to you!!  In this life OR the next.  In fact, such a reprobate (as you are). God forbid!!

You have a habit of verbally shredding newbies just because they profess a belief in God.  You have done it over and over again qon.  I've watched you do it, and so has everybody else.

Act all innocent all you want, I'm on to you (and so are a lot of others), and will call you on it.


There's more where that came from too.
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #96 on: March 03, 2011, 03:55:32 pm »
Sheryl, the Bible says we are brothers and sisters if we do the will of the Father.  Not everyone in the world is our brother or sister.  What agreement has light with darkness?  How can two walk together unless they agree? There are children of perdition.  We do fight the enemy of our souls, or do you not believe that?  You don't have to answer.
  The Bible says we all are made of the same stuff---"All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again."  Ecc 3:20 and that Adam & Eve were the first humans from where all humans come, even Jesus' genealogy is traced back to Eve.  So yes, we are ALL related.  (We can have our "sisters & brothers in Christ" but what does that really mean when many of those "sisters & brothers in Christ" aren't authentic Christians and know more about "lip-service" than having a personal relationship with the Lord?)  There is no agreement with light & darkness,however in John 8:12 Jesus Himself says He is the light of the WORLD, Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  Since noone is born "walking in the Light", I would assume you were once in darkness?  I would also assume it was a Christian that showed you the Light?  If that Christian had been so obsessed with "what agreement light has with darkness", I wonder where would you be today?  I'm not sure what the "walking together" has to do with anything, we are on a forum.  If you don't want to go where people of all sorts of beliefs & non-beliefs "walk" then there are other topics to post in besides d&d however, it's not an all-Christian group that treads through there either.  Yes I do believe we fight the enemy of our souls.  I also think we give the enemy way too much credit and we are a big enemy to ourselves all by ourself.  You act like it's all over and anyone that doesn't believe or believe like you do can just go to hell right now, and that is NOT your call to make.  Not now---not ever.   It's an odd attitude for an Christian to have let alone an evangelist too, btw.  This might just be a "forum" and  I would expect QON to despise my gutts.  I still pray for her and will continue to pray for her until either God finds a way to prove Himself to her or the day I die, whichever comes first. ( If a Christian doesn't pray for her...WHO will?)  Someday, I expect to find her in Heaven.  As long as a person is breathing, there is still hope.  A Christian that believes in fighting the enemy for souls doesn't just give up on a person that doesn't believe the way they do and let the enemy have them!  qon isn't really guilty of anything except of having been deceived by the enemy and various false christians which has put her in the place she is in TODAY.  God loves qon just as much as He loves anyone else on this earth, God doesn't have any favorites.  Hate from a non-Christian toward a Christian is to be expected.  Hate from a Christian right back toward a non-Christian is unacceptable.  I would also say that the way you respond to the others with various beliefs haven't been so pleasant either.  This isn't the first time you've managed to stir up a bee's nest in the forum, MANY have called you on it.  If there wasn't a problem there with your personal self...this wouldn't be.  just say'in..


I do not participate in name calling, and cursing, and I take great offense of you accusing me of it.

ur gunna go ta hell MeeMaw....

quote from you to QON:
For one thing, I wasn't peeved, LIAR!!  I was agreeing with her.  She wasn't even addressing me but Amy. go back and read the thread trouble maker.

You've never blasted either one of them because neither one of them believe in Christianity or being a YOU figure it out smart mouth!  Walks has blasted Christians, and Amy doesn't even believe in Jesus or the New Testament. Oh, but just let someone say they are a Christian, and here you come with your claws out.

I'm ABSOLUTElY NO RELATION to you!!  In this life OR the next.  In fact, such a reprobate (as you are). God forbid!!

You have a habit of verbally shredding newbies just because they profess a belief in God.  You have done it over and over again qon.  I've watched you do it, and so has everybody else.

Act all innocent all you want, I'm on to you (and so are a lot of others), and will call you on it.


There's more where that came from too.
;o) **High Five***
I wouldn't say a word but jebus, its just down right pathetic when a self proclaimed reverend is a compulsive liar.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #97 on: March 03, 2011, 04:04:02 pm »
Okay, you got me there.  I did "label" qon.  I've never cussed anybody out though.  I admit, that post was written in anger, and probably should have been worded better.  The injustice of her accusations got to me.

I have some egg to clean off my face.  I'm not a compulsive liar, and will admit when I'm wrong.


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #98 on: March 03, 2011, 04:06:24 pm »
Okay, you got me there.  I did "label" qon.  I've never cussed anybody out though.  I admit, that post was written in anger, and probably should have been worded better.  The injustice of her accusations got to me.

I have some egg to clean off my face.  I'm not a compulsive liar, and will admit when I'm wrong.

Of course what you mean is, "ahhh!!!! I didnt get to the edit button fast enough that time!!!! GODDAMN YOU WALKS!!!!!!!"



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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #99 on: March 03, 2011, 04:09:17 pm »


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #100 on: March 03, 2011, 04:12:54 pm »
Of course what you mean is, "ahhh!!!! I didnt get to the edit button fast enough that time!!!! GODDAMN YOU WALKS!!!!!!!"


There she goes  This has been wildly entertaining!
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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #101 on: March 03, 2011, 05:51:50 pm »
Wow... just wow. 

I signed onto FC just over an hour ago and have spent that time wading through this.  There is so much here in this thread that I couldn't begin to address it all even if I tried.  Here, though, is my attempt.

First, I have to say that yesterday I had a bad day at work (for which I am grateful, because I now have a job, but still...) and therefore, when I felt my fuse burning out, I had to walk away and hit "ignore" to keep myself from saying something harsh and way out of line.  Sheryl was right; I was hurt badly.  I do not like, however, to say something in the heat of the moment that I may later regret.  Consider it my personal "pause" button. 

I have to say, though, that Annella chiding me for "slamming" her seemed incredibly hypocritical since a few months back I issued a simple hello to both her and Jordandog and I was jumped as though I was a spectator with popcorn foaming at the mouth to see a dog fight.  I no longer feel it worth my time to attempt to defend myself or anyone else to Annella as I feel nothing but pity for her now.  She lost an amazing friend: me.  I am like Mr. Darcy... my good opinion, once it is lost, is lost forever.  People may attempt to earn it back, but I will not lie around as a doormat in an effort to make someone comfortable.

I do want to see, though, proof of my slamming anyone based on their religion.  I will be waiting for the proof.

As for my when a Jewish person that believes in Jesus is not a Jew... uh, why don't you try reading the links I posted instead of arguing with me repeatedly about it?  In fact, the entire statement here:

And since when can a Jewish person believing in Jesus, not a Jew?  No, they don't practice Judaism, but they are still Jewish, are they not?

is quite incorrect.  Messianics practice Judaism except for the fact that they believe Jesus was the Messiah.  Looks like someone else should do their research, or at least read the links that an "Honest to G-d Jew" (TM) has posted for their reference.  Honestly.  I'll wait...

...still waiting...

Uh, I'd like to point out that Queen actually has a good relationship with both Sheryl and Sherene from my view here.  I've said it several times before, and each time it has been ignored.  Queen does not hate g-d or the bible itself, but the oppressive actions that people sometimes take on behalf of their interpretations of it. 

As far as I know, I still believe in G-d...  Why does everything have to be related to either being "Christian" or "anti-Christian"?  Its a big big world, with many many beliefs in it.  Quite honestly, I can't see any other way than to take some of the comments I've seen as personal.  Anyone is welcome to disagree with me, to disagree with my faith, or to even hate me, but to disrespect me that way (and this isn't just directed at you, jcribb, because I know you well enough to know that your intention was not to hurt me with your words; whether or not they did is another story)...I'm at a loss for words.  My heart is in my throat.  I've done everything I could to give credit where it was due, to take words at face value, to defend where I saw injustice, and to be open enough to make friends with anyone wanting to be my friend regardless of whether their religion or ideology matched mine.  I don't see why its my name and my faith that has to get dragged in here, when, quite honestly, I have done nothing wrong.  In fact, why drag Walks in?  He has proven time and again to be steadfast and loyal to his faith and his people.  Why drag anyone's faith, at least anyone who doesn't happen to agree, be they Christian or not?  Why y'all be hatin'?

Sheryl as a moral authority?  I'll take that deal as long as you add a Sherene.  Both of them have demonstrated time and again through their words on here, no matter how vexed or slighted (I've been on a Jane Austen kick lately... so sue me, lol) they may have felt that they have a good moral compass. for this:
I know people that have found God after MANY years of people praying for them.  If you're any kind of evangelist at all---you should KNOW that. 
I felt it was beautiful.  I would like to say that it is easier to believe that people have found g-d as a result of prayer than it is to believe that someone has been cured of a deadly and incurable disease because of it.  /endsnarkycomment


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #102 on: March 03, 2011, 05:52:27 pm »
I've already admitted that the titles I used to qon was not a very good thing. However, I've never cussed anyone out and took offense to that accusation from you.

Your mention of authority Sheryl clearly tells me you have a great deal of animosity against spiritual authority. Just an observance in your writings.  

You twisted some of my answers around like the "hate" issue.  You said that God does not have an "ignore button", and I elaborated on that there are 2 sides to that.  God does ignore the prayers of the wicked, He also said "I will laugh when your fear cometh". I mentioned "hate" because it's mentioned in the Bible by God.  What's wrong with you that you can't read my posts correctly and then "jump" on "meanings" that I didn't say? It also says that God is angry with the wicked everyday. I did not say there is a time to hate a sinner, I was showing there are 2 sides to God, the goodness and the severity.  You jump to the conclusion that I said to hate the sinner.  Really Sheryl, that was stretch.

You will not answer for me, and I will not answer for you on that day. We are not perfect, but striving for perfection. While you think your way is absolutely right in your stance, I think mine is also. In that we disagree. Jesus never minced words.  As He was God incarnate, then we know something about the personality of God.  God does love us everyone, but he hates sin.  You made the statement hate the sin, but love the sinner.  Do you have any idea how many times I've said that on here and got slammed for it?

In conclusion, I think we need to shelve this as I think the enemy is getting a kick out of it. It's not edifying to either one of us as professing Christians.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 05:56:51 pm by Annella »


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #103 on: March 03, 2011, 06:11:19 pm »
Well....I guess an apology is in order to those who have felt offended.  I can say I didn't mean to offend, and for the most part that was true. I did mean to tell qon what for, and probably should have used better language. I've had to repent of that anger.  

Christians are not perfect, but forgiven. Yes, it's a forum, and we are all behind our computer screens and really don't know each other in the real world.  There are those I've cultivated friendships with outside the forum, and hope to meet someday, and maybe get to know better.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 06:18:14 pm by Annella »


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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #104 on: March 03, 2011, 06:19:25 pm »
Yes, I think we are spiritual beings here on earth in physical bodies to learn lessons. When our physical bodies die our spirits continue on.

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