Sheryl, the Bible says we are brothers and sisters if we do the will of the Father. Not everyone in the world is our brother or sister. What agreement has light with darkness? How can two walk together unless they agree? There are children of perdition. We do fight the enemy of our souls, or do you not believe that? You don't have to answer.
The Bible says we all are made of the same stuff---"All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again." Ecc 3:20 and that Adam & Eve were the first humans from where all humans come, even Jesus' genealogy is traced back to Eve. So yes, we are ALL related. (We can have our "sisters & brothers in Christ" but what does that really mean when many of those "sisters & brothers in Christ" aren't authentic Christians and know more about "lip-service" than having a personal relationship with the Lord?) There is no agreement with light & darkness,however in John 8:12 Jesus Himself says He is the light of the WORLD, Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Since noone is born "walking in the Light", I would assume you were once in darkness? I would also assume it was a Christian that showed you the Light? If that Christian had been so obsessed with "what agreement light has with darkness", I wonder where would you be today? I'm not sure what the "walking together" has to do with anything, we are on a forum. If you don't want to go where people of all sorts of beliefs & non-beliefs "walk" then there are other topics to post in besides d&d however, it's not an all-Christian group that treads through there either. Yes I do believe we fight the enemy of our souls. I also think we give the enemy way too much credit and we are a big enemy to ourselves all by ourself. You act like it's all over and anyone that doesn't believe or believe like you do can just go to hell right now, and that is NOT your call to make. Not now---not ever. It's an odd attitude for an Christian to have let alone an evangelist too, btw. This might just be a "forum" and I would expect QON to despise my gutts. I still pray for her and will continue to pray for her until either God finds a way to prove Himself to her or the day I die, whichever comes first. ( If a Christian doesn't pray for her...WHO will?) Someday, I expect to find her in Heaven. As long as a person is breathing, there is still hope. A Christian that believes in fighting the enemy for souls doesn't just give up on a person that doesn't believe the way they do and let the enemy have them! qon isn't really guilty of anything except of having been deceived by the enemy and various false christians which has put her in the place she is in TODAY. God loves qon just as much as He loves anyone else on this earth, God doesn't have any favorites. Hate from a non-Christian toward a Christian is to be expected. Hate from a Christian right back toward a non-Christian is unacceptable. I would also say that the way you respond to the others with various beliefs haven't been so pleasant either. This isn't the first time you've managed to stir up a bee's nest in the forum, MANY have called you on it. If there wasn't a problem there with your personal self...this wouldn't be. just say'in..
You are certainly entitled to your opinion Sheryl. However, you have no idea what is in my heart. In fact, your posts are nothing but critical. No, you are not my spiritual authority, and I
do have a "head" over me. Your posting about my being my own authority certainly opens up that you yourself have a problem with spiritual authority.
I do not participate in name calling, and cursing, and I take great offense of you accusing me of it.
I've read how you have had so many problems with your neighbors and so on, you have posted many posts about how your Christian friends did not treat you right, and so and so right, and on and on. You, my dear, have a critical spirit against your own brothers and sisters, and everybody else. I have to call it as I see it. Take the mote out of your own eye, before you try to remove it from mine.
Btw, God
does have an ignore button, He most certainly says he will ignore the prayers and pleadings of the wicked at times. Read your Bible. There is a
goodness and a severity to God. Do you know that God said "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated"? Because of the reprobate and idolatry Esau fell into and taught his house to do, God cut him off. Yes, God is Love, but also he is just. Hate is an emotion just like love, anger, kindness, etc, and God gave them all to us. There is a time to hate and a time to love?
I hate every blasphemy that is thrown out. It vexes my spirit. Maybe you are different or it doesn't affect you like it does me. God is everything to me, and I will defend His Name, Supreme King that He is! You are correct about one thing. I came in here to defend another Christian and got caught up in the "mess" again. I regret that. Easily remedied.
You feel you should pray for qon, by all means, we are to pray for those that are lost. How do you know I don't pray for her too? See, you have made a lot of assumptions that you really don't know. We are to pray for those who despitefully use us, who offends us. By doing so, we reap a blessing. I pray for all on here, but that's actually between me and my personal time with God. Since you felt like you should chide me, I wanted to let you know that you are making assumptions that you don't really know.
I do want to address one thing, because I've been accused of it over and over, and somehow you have picked it up and accused me of it also. I never had said that if people don't believe as I do, they will go to hell...never have I said that. What I have said, is if people neglect the plan of Salvation which is in the Bible, there is a hell to look forward to. With it, you also insulted my position as an Evangelist with this accusation.
Now, again, you are entitled to your opinion Sheryl.