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  • what happen to people who die, that had no use for GOd when they were living? 3 4
Topic: what happen to people who die, that had no use for GOd when they were living?  (Read 12524 times)


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Now the People who had no use for the ways of God the Most High and hated those who worshiped him. there is no place where their souls can go for rest; they must wander around forever in torment, grief and sorrow.
Their torment will progress in seven stages: stage 1: they ignore the Law of God  2. They can no longer make a since repentance and obtain life. 3. they see the reward stored up for those who put their faith in the covenant of God Most Hight 4. they think about the torment that has been storted up for them in the last days 5. they see angels guading the homes of other souls in complete silence.6 . they recognize that they  must soon be tormented  7. worst of all when they see the glory of God Most Hight , they are sick with remorse and shame , they cringe in fear , because while they were living they sinned against him, and now they are about to come before him to be judged on the last day.


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After reading the Bible for a long year,I know that all the people that never had the chance to know God they will go straight to hell and be punish.


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Hmm ... how could a just God punish someone for such a thing.  Some people have died not knowing anything about Jesus Christ or His atonement.  God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy can't think of a way to give ALL of his children a chance to accept his gospel?  I don't believe in such unjust God who could condemn someone in ignorance.  It's just not possible.  ALL will have a chance in this life or the next.


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God does not have any preferences or judgements against his/her children. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.  We all are but one drop of an ocean. When we have our physical death, the drop returns to the ocean, to the source of which the drop came from in the first place.


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Well that is certainly one interpretation.

I believe in a personal God, who knows us all by name, who knows our thoughts, fears, joys, strengths, and weaknesses.  I believe we are His offspring, as stated in Acts 17:28 (KJV).  God's love for each of His individual children is endless and unquestionable. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

So yes, I believe God does have a preference for us one way or the other.  He wants us to be happy, and to live with him.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 05:39:59 pm by mstachitus »


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 Whatever journey someone takes in the after-life is one that is obviously not seen by anyone else, so no one can really say "hey your going to heaven, your going to hell!", no matter what they or you believe in!!!

Heaven and hell are not tangible objects. Just because you've read a story about some man's journey to greatness and sacrifice doesn't mean the same fate is attainable by you!!  If God is not physically standing there at your door, passing out brochures for Great vacation spots in
Heaven and Hell, then why believe it!

To my knowledge, no one I know has ever taken a "physical trip" to hell or heaven and compaired time share preferences for the next vacation they take!

"Oh, its way too hot down in Hell, horrible place! Ill never vacation there again!!! Way too many pitchforks, man! I better read my bible and believe in god so I can go to Heaven! Yeah, I would rather go there next season- Such a nice tourist spot, always sunny and soft clouds!!!!

 Now your "PHYSICAL REMAINS"??? YES! You can predict where they will end up when your dead...because you see it!!! In the ground, cremated, donated to science, put in a tomb, whatever!

I know certain things exsist in this world, because they are right in front of me. I can touch them, move them around, manipulate them, study them, visit them, become inspired by them, ect. Get me scientific proof. There's the kicker for me! Otherwise, talking about where you end up because you dont believe in God is a waste of time to me!

soo yeahh good luck with that!
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Whatever journey someone takes in the after-life is one that is obviously not seen by anyone else, so no one can really say "hey your going to heaven, your going to hell!", no matter what they or you believe in!!!

Heaven and hell are not tangible objects. Just because you've read a story about some man's journey to greatness and sacrifice doesn't mean the same fate is attainable by you!!  If God is not physically standing there at your door, passing out brochures for Great vacation spots in
Heaven and Hell, then why believe it!

To my knowledge, no one I know has ever taken a "physical trip" to hell or heaven and compaired time share preferences for the next vacation they take!

"Oh, its way too hot down in Hell, horrible place! Ill never vacation there again!!! Way too many pitchforks, man! I better read my bible and believe in god so I can go to Heaven! Yeah, I would rather go there next season- Such a nice tourist spot, always sunny and soft clouds!!!!

 Now your "PHYSICAL REMAINS"??? YES! You can predict where they will end up when your dead...because you see it!!! In the ground, cremated, donated to science, put in a tomb, whatever!

I know certain things exsist in this world, because they are right in front of me. I can touch them, move them around, manipulate them, study them, visit them, become inspired by them, ect. Get me scientific proof. There's the kicker for me! Otherwise, talking about where you end up because you dont believe in God is a waste of time to me!

soo yeahh good luck with that!

Lol, you have a point I guess, but I don't think it is as simple as you say.  I don't think Heaven and Hell are physical places, but rather states of existence.  For example, someone who does bad things their entire life, without trying to change and knowing full well that they are doing terrible things, will go to "Hell".  Now is it hell because it is a burning hot lake of lava, or is it hell because he knows that he/she just blew their one and only chance to prove their loyalty to righteousness and God?  I think the latter is more likely.  Heaven and hell are still in the same universe, but those who blow their chance here on earth will live for eternity knowing they failed, and knowing they don't have another chance, that their progression is literally stopped.  That sounds like more of a hell to me than any lava pit.

And heaven is the opposite.

This is my opinion, by the way.  I'm not saying I have some signed document from God or the Bible society, so before all the criticism starts, remember that I'm just stating my ideas, not claiming to know all things the universe contains.


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Whatever journey someone takes in the after-life is one that is obviously not seen by anyone else, so no one can really say "hey your going to heaven, your going to hell!", no matter what they or you believe in!!!

Heaven and hell are not tangible objects. Just because you've read a story about some man's journey to greatness and sacrifice doesn't mean the same fate is attainable by you!!  If God is not physically standing there at your door, passing out brochures for Great vacation spots in
Heaven and Hell, then why believe it!

To my knowledge, no one I know has ever taken a "physical trip" to hell or heaven and compaired time share preferences for the next vacation they take!

"Oh, its way too hot down in Hell, horrible place! Ill never vacation there again!!! Way too many pitchforks, man! I better read my bible and believe in god so I can go to Heaven! Yeah, I would rather go there next season- Such a nice tourist spot, always sunny and soft clouds!!!!

 Now your "PHYSICAL REMAINS"??? YES! You can predict where they will end up when your dead...because you see it!!! In the ground, cremated, donated to science, put in a tomb, whatever!

I know certain things exsist in this world, because they are right in front of me. I can touch them, move them around, manipulate them, study them, visit them, become inspired by them, ect. Get me scientific proof. There's the kicker for me! Otherwise, talking about where you end up because you dont believe in God is a waste of time to me!

soo yeahh good luck with that!

Lol, you have a point I guess, but I don't think it is as simple as you say.  I don't think Heaven and Hell are physical places, but rather states of existence.  For example, someone who does bad things their entire life, without trying to change and knowing full well that they are doing terrible things, will go to "Hell".  Now is it hell because it is a burning hot lake of lava, or is it hell because he knows that he/she just blew their one and only chance to prove their loyalty to righteousness and God?  I think the latter is more likely.  Heaven and hell are still in the same universe, but those who blow their chance here on earth will live for eternity knowing they failed, and knowing they don't have another chance, that their progression is literally stopped.  That sounds like more of a hell to me than any lava pit.

And heaven is the opposite.

This is my opinion, by the way.  I'm not saying I have some signed document from God or the Bible society, so before all the criticism starts, remember that I'm just stating my ideas, not claiming to know all things the universe contains.

Everyones entitled to their own  opinions...i love the fact that i am receiving feedback from our FC members ...I love others rejuvenates me to see how others think freely on any given topic for the day


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If athiests have lived compassionate, loving, generous lives, they will become part of the sunlight of the spirit. If they have lived this sort of life, they have been connected with a power greater than themselves, even though they never realized it.


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Now the People who had no use for the ways of God the Most High and hated those who worshiped him. there is no place where their souls can go for rest; they must wander around forever in torment, grief and sorrow.
Their torment will progress in seven stages: stage 1: they ignore the Law of God  2. They can no longer make a since repentance and obtain life. 3. they see the reward stored up for those who put their faith in the covenant of God Most Hight 4. they think about the torment that has been storted up for them in the last days 5. they see angels guading the homes of other souls in complete silence.6 . they recognize that they  must soon be tormented  7. worst of all when they see the glory of God Most Hight , they are sick with remorse and shame , they cringe in fear , because while they were living they sinned against him, and now they are about to come before him to be judged on the last day.

After reading the Bible for a long year,I know that all the people that never had the chance to know God they will go straight to hell and be punish.

 :confused1: Errrrrr.....

It's times like these that I pat myself on the back for not having the narrow mindedness of these absolutely sick, twisted, and ridiculously judgemental individuals and their ancient ooga-booga reasonings.

soo yeahh good luck with that!

My sentiments exactly, tzs.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 11:55:24 am by Falconer02 »


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People who rejected God and had no use for him, will one day stand beofre his judgment throne, where they will be condemned to eternity in hell and the lake of fire.


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People who rejected God and had no use for him, will one day stand beofre his judgment throne, where they will be condemned to eternity in hell and the lake of fire

Good thing I don't work for your company. Those benefits suck!


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If athiests have lived compassionate, loving, generous lives, they will become part of the sunlight of the spirit. If they have lived this sort of life, they have been connected with a power greater than themselves, even though they never realized it.
I really like your post concerning this subject.  Most people who are atheists turn from the God as portrayed in dogma written by man.  It goes back to this statement that was in "Conversations With God" by Neale Donald Walsch:  God speaks to all but most do not listen.


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ok and i say to you all if god is love and the puerest form and is suppose to imitate his love for it is perfect then why would he subject us to torment for eternity.....yes i was a christian yes i was a minister, but i realised one day i was preaching lies to my people and could not do it anymore,   now i am not knocking your beliefs just expressing my views on this, i believe that when we die we simply go between the worlds till we are ready (reincarnated) to try to get life right, when we do get it right then we become one with the universe.


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People who rejected God and had no use for him, will one day stand beofre his judgment throne, where they will be condemned to eternity in hell and the lake of fire

Good thing I don't work for your company. Those benefits suck!

ok and i say to you all if god is love and the puerest form and is suppose to imitate his love for it is perfect then why would he subject us to torment for eternity.....yes i was a christian yes i was a minister, but i realised one day i was preaching lies to my people and could not do it anymore,   now i am not knocking your beliefs just expressing my views on this, i believe that when we die we simply go between the worlds till we are ready (reincarnated) to try to get life right, when we do get it right then we become one with the universe.

Wow... I once was a believer as well.. not a minister or anything.. but I believed it all. How did you make that change? Was it difficult? Sorry, don't mean to ask so many questions, and you don't have to answer, but it was a little difficult for me. Not everyone in my circle of friends and family knows yet. and if I told them, I would never hear the end of it. To be quite honest, I don't want to hear it, or have to deal with the drama... so, I'm still workin on that.

Reincarnation has always been an interesting idea though. It could be possible.
I never understood the burning in hell for all eternity thing. I mean, what about the people who have never even heard about jesus, and they're wonderful, amazing, good hearted people? They go to hell? It just doesn't make sense to me.
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.

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