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Topic: to spank or not to spank?  (Read 1908 times)


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to spank or not to spank?
« on: January 27, 2011, 06:18:12 pm »
Do you think spanking is correct way to discipline children?


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2011, 08:19:25 am »
NO because I'll never do that to my 7yr. old and she's growing great. Please think this, "Why would you hurt your own child?" They can understand you, just have that patience to understand and the wisdom to explain it in the right way.  You been to a child too, remember.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2011, 10:28:42 am »
Spanking is one method of discipline that is sometimes needed.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2011, 05:46:37 pm »
I don't think spanking is completely right I mean well it depends really. When i was little my mom would spank me , just not that hard. I think there are many more discipline out there than you can use rather than spanking.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2011, 06:02:42 pm »
If you talk to your child at a very early age and use common sense discipline, by the time they are 7 you usually don't have much of a problem, therefore spanking is not much of an issue.  When they are small they will get into things.  That's what children do.  You just have to let them know why you don't want them to do certain things.  Their minds comprehend much more than people give them credit for.  A tap on their hand when they are grabbing things they shouldn't, even after they have been told to leave it alone, is a just discipline.  Beating a child should never be condoned for any reason. 

As a child, I was spanked.  I learned to pay attention, therefore, I gave my parents no problems.  I can't remember being spanked by the time I reached five years old.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2011, 06:38:02 pm »
To spank! (under the right circumstances of course)  I am personally not a spanker, but I can agree with those who choose to.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 06:48:47 pm »
Spanking is one method of discipline that is sometimes needed.

Agreed. Sometimes children never listen.
With pain, they will never forget.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2011, 07:59:34 pm »
NO because I'll never do that to my 7yr. old and she's growing great. Please think this, "Why would you hurt your own child?" They can understand you, just have that patience to understand and the wisdom to explain it in the right way.  You been to a child too, remember.

It's good to hear someone else say that. My son is 13 and has never been hit by an adult. How do you teach a kid not to be violent by hitting them? Spanking makes the parents feel better because they take out their frustration and anger on the kid, it doesn't help or teach them anything. Grounding, Time Out, losing privileges, all work better.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2011, 10:48:30 pm »
NO because I'll never do that to my 7yr. old and she's growing great. Please think this, "Why would you hurt your own child?" They can understand you, just have that patience to understand and the wisdom to explain it in the right way.  You been to a child too, remember.

It's good to hear someone else say that. My son is 13 and has never been hit by an adult. How do you teach a kid not to be violent by hitting them? Spanking makes the parents feel better because they take out their frustration and anger on the kid, it doesn't help or teach them anything. Grounding, Time Out, losing privileges, all work better.

I agree that spanking does not teach a great lesson, but it is certainly a way to get kids to NOT do something, especially when that something is extremely dangerous.  Simply telling them not to do something, even when you explain to them that they could be seriously hurt, often incites curiosity to the point that they will knowingly disobey.  That is why I think in extreme circumstances it is necessary.

I also think it is wrong to jail a parent who chooses this method of discipline.  Which will scar a child more: a few spanks now and then, or seeing your parent arrested and jailed?

The bad thing about spanking is that often it is used to the extreme, and as the ONLY method of discipline.  This is when it is clearly wrong to spank.  It can turn your home into a violent atmosphere, and can lead to worse forms of abuse.

Both extremes are clearly wrong.  Moderation in all things, my friends.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2011, 08:28:20 pm »
NO because I'll never do that to my 7yr. old and she's growing great. Please think this, "Why would you hurt your own child?" They can understand you, just have that patience to understand and the wisdom to explain it in the right way.  You been to a child too, remember.

It's good to hear someone else say that. My son is 13 and has never been hit by an adult. How do you teach a kid not to be violent by hitting them? Spanking makes the parents feel better because they take out their frustration and anger on the kid, it doesn't help or teach them anything. Grounding, Time Out, losing privileges, all work better.

I agree that spanking does not teach a great lesson, but it is certainly a way to get kids to NOT do something, especially when that something is extremely dangerous.  Simply telling them not to do something, even when you explain to them that they could be seriously hurt, often incites curiosity to the point that they will knowingly disobey.  That is why I think in extreme circumstances it is necessary.

I also think it is wrong to jail a parent who chooses this method of discipline.  Which will scar a child more: a few spanks now and then, or seeing your parent arrested and jailed?

The bad thing about spanking is that often it is used to the extreme, and as the ONLY method of discipline.  This is when it is clearly wrong to spank.  It can turn your home into a violent atmosphere, and can lead to worse forms of abuse.

Both extremes are clearly wrong.  Moderation in all things, my friends.

I agree with you whole heatedly Ms.  Extreme's of any nature is dangerous. 


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2011, 08:56:54 pm »
I agree with you whole heatedly Ms.  Extreme's of any nature is dangerous. 

Thanks.  BTW, I'm a guy.  I know it says Ms in my name, but 'M' is for Michael, and 'Stachitus' is my last name.  Just so ya know :)


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2011, 01:42:16 am »
I personally wouldn't do it. I'd like to think there are other ways of discipling children. I was spanked once or twice as a kid and it didn't have any negative effects on me growing up though.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2011, 05:15:19 am »
The bible said that do not spare the rod on your children...So it is up to you to be creative... Discipline is still discipline...


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2011, 06:52:02 am »
I believe the Dog Whisperer has it right.  Whatever you are trying to accomplish with a child has to be sufficient to snap them out of what they're doing.  It should never be extreme but if you try to calmly talk when they are little without getting their full attention, you will end up with a child that no one can stand to be around.  A thump on the hand and then a talk is much more effective up to 3-4 depending on the child.  By around 4 at the latest, they should be able to reason and understand consequences but trying to reason with a 2 year old is an exercise in futility.


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Re: to spank or not to spank?
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2011, 07:56:52 am »
I think spanking is a necessary part of child discipline. Obviously the parent has to be aware of their strength on the child, but a little force on the butt is a way that they will understand they're in the wrong. I was spanked as a child, and I am not a violent person. I don't think the violence argument is relelvant when the parents aren't angry abusers, but actual discipliners.

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