The Middle East is a good thermometer of what is happening and going to happen. The war to end all wars is foretold in the Bible, and will happen. Thing is, we (US) are not in the war at Armaggeddon (sp). Many of the countries symbols are there (Bear=Russia, Dragon=China, etc.) but we are not. The Bible doesn't tell us why we are not. Maybe we have ceased to be a monetary/military power or we have been nuked or something. In order for any country to attack Israel, they have to go through us (US), as we are Israel's strongest protector. Since all countries do come against Israel (in the Bible), somehow we (US) have been removed from the equation.
Did anybody catch Obama's request that Israel reverse their borders to pre 1967 borders (before the 6 day war when Israel won her independence)? He went on to say that Israel and the Palestinians should split Israel so both parties can have their own state. Thing is, he wants Israel to make most of the concessions in this stupid request. Israel will never relinquish the land they won as they revere it to be what God gave them as an inheritance forever. Thing is, Biblically they are correct. When our own leadership starts coming against affects all of us as a Nation. IMHO, we're in trouble.
Of course you have to believe the Bible to understand this and realize that what is transpiring now is prophecy being fulfilled.