The Scripture given in Matthew 22:23-30 regarding marriage is a little startling when read at first. It is a common belief, or at least a hope, that our social relationships will continue in the Heavens, especially when regarding marriage. This passage, at first glance, seems to contradict that belief and the messages of other scriptures given i the Bible:
Gen. 2:18- "It is not good for man to be alone ..."
Gen. 2:21-24- God gives Eve to Adam, and they became "one flesh". Clearly this coupling was instituted by God (read Ecclesiastes 3:14)
Matthew 19:3-8- Christ's reply to whether it is right to divorce or not. His words: "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder"
1 Corinthians 11:11-12- "Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord"
These scriptures at least hint to the importance of marriage and family in God's eyes. I ask this, why would God have us live in these family units if they would not continue in the next life, or be a type of things to come?
i]Matthew 22:23-30[/i] is relating to an entirely different doctrine. To understand the true meaning of the passage, one must look at all the factors at play. 1) There was a major division in Judaism between the Pharisees (those believing in a Resurrection) and Sadducees (those believing in no resurrection). 2) The Sadducees were attempting to tempt Christ into preaching a conflicting doctrine about the resurrection, thus coming up with a highly unlikely (and flawed) scenario for him to judge. They wished to ensnare him with his own words. Of course, Christ prevailed.
All your scriptures above are taken out of context, and are not to be used in Heavenly context. They are
earthly bonds and covenants. Jesus even chided them starting in the in the 29th verse: Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in Heaven. 31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God saying, 32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
Yes, there was a division between the Sadducees and the Pharisees, but the Lord answered literally. There was no hidden meaning or hidden doctrine. He flat out said there was a resurrection. In Heaven, we will have neither husband or wife, but are as the angels in Heaven. God many times referred to the marriage covenant to explain His love for the redeemed (the church). He refers to the church many times as the Bride, and Himself as the Bridegroom. Song of Solomon is the symbolic book of love between God and the church (redeemed). If a man had 3 wives on earth, who would actually be his wife in Heaven? All three? I know the Mormons believe this, so do the Muslims (multiple wives or virgins in Heaven). However, the redeemed are not coupled with a spouse but serve the Lord singularly.
Those who die in their sins will become "as the angels in heaven", or merely ministering angels, not attaining the Glory that Christ has in store for all those who he has redeemed.
Where in the world in scripture do you get this? The Bible clearly states that if you die in your sins, you will go to hell. Why even have a plan of Salvation if you can go to Heaven with sins. Nowhere in the Bible can you find scripture to lend credence to sinful flesh making it to Heaven.
The continuation of Marriage in the next life is only available to those who have kept all the laws and ordinances of the gospel; IE: the righteous.
There is
nowhere in the Bible that says this. Nowhere does it say continuation of marriage in Heaven anywhere. Keeping the laws and ordinances of the Gospel is a Christians reasonable service when he or she becomes redeemed (follows the plan of Salvation).
The Bible is imperfect, and in numerous occasions contradicts itself. This is not to say that the Bible is not scripture, and is not Holy, but merely has been corrupted over the hundreds of years of being translated, re-translated, scribed, and destroyed. Others have maliciously taken plain and precious things from the Bible for their own gain.
There are also at least 16 books of scripture mentioned in the Bible itself that are not included therein, attesting to the incomplete nature of the work.
The Bible is
NOT imperfect, and does
NOT contradict itself. Scripture interprets scripture, and you are not "rightly dividing the Word". It amazes me when someone wants to lend their own interpretation of the scriptures, that they will denounce the Bible as not being the pure Word of God, or it's corrupted. The Bible can stand on it's own, and the Lord made sure the books that needed to be included in it.....
WERE included. Some of the books you are referring to are individual or scribe historical accounts of the day, custom, and age of which they lived.....NOT scripture. (Josephus comes to mind). Or they are books written by certain denominations to lend credence of how they interpreted the Bible themselves (adding to it, and taking from it)?
A few places say that no man has ever seen God, yet there are numerous passages stating that Moses, Aaron, the Israelite nation, Solomon, Stephen, and others all saw and spoke to God "face to face, as a man speaketh to another.
Maybe you better go back and look and see what these individuals actually saw? Did they "see" God, or a manifestation of Him? Burning bush, pillar of fire, pillar of smoke, etc.
The Bible is wonderful, but must be read with this in mind, and interpreted with the spirit to gain the full meaning insight available. 5) Christ often spoke in a manner so that only those with the spirit could interpret, thus the use of parable, so that he could give his message to those that believed, while the learned and worldly are left confused. Again, this particular passage can only be interpreted with the Holy Ghost.
While you are correct in this statement, many times the Lord will "open" a persons understanding of the scriptures, when others are quite literal, and need no interpretation to understand them at all.
Also, what exactly is the Holy Ghost to you, and who has it, and who does not? Since God is not the author of confusion (Bible). I would say that some people remain blinded, and need enlightened.
And contrary to popular belief, there is a true answer for this confusion, whether or not it is known. It does not depend upon your personal beliefs, because many beliefs are incorrect. I could believe that the earth is a cube, but that does not make it right. The same goes for every Religious, Political, or Philosophical belief. Truth is eternal and constant. The trick is finding out what is true, and ultimately there is only one true source of knowledge: God. Ask in prayer, and he will answer in his own time and in his own way. The scriptures attest to this.
Again.......God is not the author of Confusion (Bible). However, Truth is eternal and constant, but there is no "trick" finding out what is True. It's right there in the Bible. The Lord will give you wisdom of His Word if you ask Him. However, you have been interpreting His Word wrong, which would lend me to believe that your interpretation is your own.