Quote from jcribb:
God is not a superstitious creation.
Quote from Falconer:
The idea of a metaphysical being is semi-superstitious but that's more of a deep philosophical question rather than religious. Since we're talking religious-assertions here, your god was the result of many myths. I think I've already proved that plenty of times with very basic reasonings. But since you adamantly remain ignorant to the massive problems and conundrums that are constantly presented in d+d pertaining to this one specific god, of course you aren't going to acknowlege it. Speaking of which...
Quote from jcribb:
I do agree that they influence different cultures. However, you only took part of my comment and left out what I meant in how God is part of so many aspects of the United States. Zues and Aphrodite are not on our money, in our court systems, and they or their bibles are not used to swear in officials. They, and any other god, for example, are not included in the quotes and commentaries, etc. of our founding fathers. God, the Father, and His Word (the Bible) are. Whether or not you want to believe it or choose not to acknowledge it, our moral principles are based on Godly morals and principles.
Quote from Falconer:
You really need to get up to date on these things. No offense, but I gotta end the debate here because the argument you present has a completely hollow base. Your argument, at best, is just for promoting inspiration through a specific religion. Not proving a deity's existence.
Falconer, is that the best you can come up with for your answer? Obviously, you are not seeing the deeper picture of what I'm trying to show about this nation and God's moral influence from the beginning. As I mentioned to queenofnines above, God's Word (the Bible) is one proof of God, but you choose to ignore that. The proof you want is for God to show Himself in person. God does not have to do that - that would certainly make it too easy for you to accept Him. Remember "Doubting Thomas" in the Bible? He wasn't going to believe Jesus rose again until he could see Jesus for himself and see his nail-scarred hands. Faith is the answer in today's world - trusting in what you cannot literally see. But, apparently, this is something you won't be a part of. That's your choice. At least I feel I have done what I could to present Him to you and others, with other great Christians in here doing the same. What you do is your choice and your eternity.