Just in case your email address has been entered incorrectly:
At the bottom of the entry is a "reply" link; click it and you will get a box to enter your response.
You can also click on the quote link. That will bring up the reply window as well as the verbage of the person you want to reply to in quotes. Be sure to start your reply AFTER the final quote.
When you are looking for your old entries, you can eithor try the search window -- enter your name and see what comes up. I haven't been all that successful using the search window since it's important to be in the right section of the forum.
More reliable is to click on the "paid to post" link at the top of every forum page. On the landing page, click on the "forum posting request form" link (mid page in green highlight).
On that landing page, mid page on the right, is a link to "Click here to view all your posts" and find the post you are looking for and then click on the "re: title of your post"