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Topic: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?  (Read 35117 times)


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What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« on: January 05, 2011, 03:00:29 pm »
I was sitting reading the bible one night I read all the way through Noah and the Arc. Well In the days that God made Adam and Eve, he made other people, animals, day night, all life right? Well he found that the world was corrupt in the days of Noah and his family so he found favor in Noah and had the ark animals and Noah his wife, his sons and their wifes. My question is what happened when God only left these people isn't there incest in order to repopulate the world? Doesn't that mean that we are all related and descendents from Noah? So are we marrying our kin? I don't mean to offend anybody just a few questions I though would be good to clarify.  :angel12:


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 07:29:13 am »
Yes, if you believe in the ludicrousy of the Bible, everyone on this planet is brother and sister.  Now wait for the excuses to roll in on how it wasn't a "global" flood, god may have created a separate group of people, god waved his magic wand and made it all okay, etc.  All lies.
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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 07:58:18 am »
I believe it was a global flood.  I believe the Bible completely.

Noah and his wife, and their 3 sons (who also had wives) repopulated the world.  Cousins married cousins.  By the way, Abraham married his half sister Sarah.  Among certain races and tribes in the Bible, there was intermarrying because of the preservation of the race and bloodlines.  Was God pleased with it?  Many times He spoke against it, but man will do what he wants too.  It's called free will.

Now qon, tell me I'm lying Ms. atheist.  Since you don't believe in God OR the Bible.  You have nothing to comment about what, or what isn't in it....right?

Now....what excuse, or lie, do you accuse me (as a Christian) of?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 08:00:52 am by Annella »


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2011, 07:59:47 am »
Yes this is true. This is why we are all technically kin of Jesus. So as Christians we are not only the children of God we are also Jesus' family. It adds to the reality of why Jesus was made a human man, so we could relate and help understand God's Glory. I hope I am making sense to you.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2011, 10:16:23 am »
There is a ton more incest in the bible than just that.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2011, 01:58:49 pm »
There is a ton more incest in the bible than just that.

It's also addressed as SIN.  Just like fornication, adultery, having sex with animals, homosexuality, etc.....what is the point your trying to make?  The Bible just about names every sin known to man.  It's spelled out so that there is no question what is displeasing to God.  It's like reading the answers to a very important test before you take it.

We as Christians are not liars or making excuses.  We've been called just about everything in the book on this forum, and enough is enough.  The Bible names the sins of man, and the punishment for those sins.  After all, that's what we ALL are going to be judged by......if you believe in the Bible......and I most assuredly do!!!


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2011, 09:34:04 am »
Was God pleased with it?  Many times He spoke against it, but man will do what he wants too.  It's called free will.
Quote from: Annella
It's also addressed as SIN.  Just like fornication, adultery, having sex with animals, homosexuality, etc.....'re claiming incest is bad here, that god spoke against it, that is a "sin"...this is why Christians get accused of not being able to critically think; does anyone else not see the logic fail here??

Your god started with just 2 people, did he not?  He told them to be fruitful and multiply, in other words, Adam and Eve's kids HAD to have sex with each other at some point, otherwise the human race would have died off.  They had no "free will" in this matter.  They did not have, they did not have "plenty of fish in the sea".  The choice was, have sex with your family members, or die.  And you're trying to say that incest for them was bad when that was their only option?!!  God sure is an idiot if he expected them to procreate without incest.  Unless y'all believe in the Stork, too!

At no point in the Bible does it say god made a new batch of people...  Noah and his, "wife"...were still direct descendants of Adam and Eve; even if they are many generations removed, it is STILL the same set of DNA we are dealing with for all people that existed back then because they all came from just 2 people.  Eve herself came from Adam, so god himself committed incest by taking part of Adam to make Eve.  So every act of sex IS incest to this day if you believe the Bible; the "flood" only reinforces that point.

I say it is lying because there are clear examples of what incest is and isn't today.  If the Bible were true, we would ALL be related, all hold very similar DNA, it would be impossible to tell who we should have sex with or not to avoid retarded babies, and we would have a lot more birth defects.  What you conveniently forget is that the Bible writers knew nothing of DNA, so it made sense to them that 7 billion people could eventually come from just 2 (or 8 if you want to go the Noah route).

Since you don't believe in God OR the Bible.  You have nothing to comment about what, or what isn't in it....right?

And you don't have the right to use anything that deals with science, because science is atheistic by default.   ::)
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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2011, 10:11:43 am »
You couldn't be farther from the truth regarding science and the church.

The Catholic Church has always taught that "no real disagreement can exist between the theologian and the scientist provided each keeps within his own limits. . . . If nevertheless there is a disagreement . . . it should be remembered that the sacred writers, or more truly ‘the Spirit of God who spoke through them, did not wish to teach men such truths (as the inner structure of visible objects) which do not help anyone to salvation’; and that, for this reason, rather than trying to provide a scientific exposition of nature, they sometimes describe and treat these matters either in a somewhat figurative language or as the common manner of speech those times required, and indeed still requires nowadays in everyday life, even amongst most learned people" (Leo XIII, Providentissimus Deus 18).

As the Catechism puts it, "Methodical research in all branches of knowledge, provided it is carried out in a truly scientific manner and does not override moral laws, can never conflict with the faith, because the things of the world and the things the of the faith derive from the same God. The humble and persevering investigator of the secrets of nature is being led, as it were, by the hand of God in spite of himself, for it is God, the conserver of all things, who made them what they are" (CCC 159). The Catholic Church has no fear of science or scientific discovery.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2011, 06:59:54 pm »
Was God pleased with it?  Many times He spoke against it, but man will do what he wants too.  It's called free will.
Quote from: Annella
It's also addressed as SIN.  Just like fornication, adultery, having sex with animals, homosexuality, etc.....'re claiming incest is bad here, that god spoke against it, that is a "sin"...this is why Christians get accused of not being able to critically think; does anyone else not see the logic fail here??

Your god started with just 2 people, did he not?  He told them to be fruitful and multiply, in other words, Adam and Eve's kids HAD to have sex with each other at some point, otherwise the human race would have died off.  They had no "free will" in this matter.  They did not have, they did not have "plenty of fish in the sea".  The choice was, have sex with your family members, or die.  And you're trying to say that incest for them was bad when that was their only option?!!  God sure is an idiot if he expected them to procreate without incest.  Unless y'all believe in the Stork, too!

At no point in the Bible does it say god made a new batch of people...  Noah and his, "wife"...were still direct descendants of Adam and Eve; even if they are many generations removed, it is STILL the same set of DNA we are dealing with for all people that existed back then because they all came from just 2 people.  Eve herself came from Adam, so god himself committed incest by taking part of Adam to make Eve.  So every act of sex IS incest to this day if you believe the Bible; the "flood" only reinforces that point.

I say it is lying because there are clear examples of what incest is and isn't today.  If the Bible were true, we would ALL be related, all hold very similar DNA, it would be impossible to tell who we should have sex with or not to avoid retarded babies, and we would have a lot more birth defects.  What you conveniently forget is that the Bible writers knew nothing of DNA, so it made sense to them that 7 billion people could eventually come from just 2 (or 8 if you want to go the Noah route).

Since you don't believe in God OR the Bible.  You have nothing to comment about what, or what isn't in it....right?

And you don't have the right to use anything that deals with science, because science is atheistic by default.   ::)

Where am I using science in my explanation of the Bible? is not atheistic by default.  We have been over this numerous times in other threads, and have proven that even science points to a Creator (Case for a Creator, etc.).  Anybody can go back and read all your "rants" in previous threads, and how Sherene put you in your place more than once proving that science points to a Creator (God).  

Quite making snide remarks about my intelligence.  Same old same old with you qon.  For someone who doesn't believe in God OR the Bible, you sure like to refer to it all the time, but only if you can twist it around, and use it against any Christian like you have done numerous times before.

No the Bible doesn't say a lot about what and how there were people other than Adam and Eve.  It also doesn't say a lot about that dispensation period, except that sin got introduced to humanity through Adam and Eve.  It also doesn't spell out why a blood sacrifice from Abel was acceptable practice, and Cain's was rejected because it wasn't done according to God's specifications which we don't know about, because the Bible doesn't say.  They lived under a different set of rules about worshipping/sacrifice to God and acceptable practice in their dispensation.  I believe that God made more people, but I really don't know.  However, there was NO law given (for all humanity) in the dispensation of Adam and Eve, but we are told of the entrance of sin in man.  It was a different time with a different social acceptance and structure. Man did that which was right in his own eyes (Bible).  

You take scripture and dispensations out of context, and apply them to what we live under today.  Today we have the law, AND Grace.  Adam and Eve didn't have what we have today, Noah didn't have it either. However, men cried out to God the best they knew how.  Moses was the beginning of the actual Law of God handed down to man. The "Grace" and "Church" came so much further after.......when Jesus was crucified and rose again.  Every person will be judged by what they know, and the law they lived under.  The dispensation of "Grace" had not happened yet, and there was no pure sacrifice for sin (no remission) yet.  Jesus was the supreme sacrifice, and no more were the sins "rolled ahead" for another year, but remitted for good.  Different dispensation and fulfillment of the Law....Just like Adam and Eve.

I don't mind talking with people about the Word of God, but your different qon.  You were once a Christian, or professed to being one, then turned your back on God.  For that I have no desire to talk with you about anything pertaining to my Lord, as you like to spew your verbal filth on what we Christians hold dear.  No more do you get any explanation from me about anything Biblical.  Go be just a miserable as you want in your own verbal filth. I want nothing to do with you.  Since you live under the dispensation of law and grace.....get ready!!  Your in for a big surprise!  LOL
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 07:07:30 pm by Annella »


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2011, 07:08:36 am »
science is not atheistic by default.

Yes it is.  Science explains how numerous workings in our universe came to be invisible, magical sky daddy required. 

Science relies on testable evidence, which is the exact opposite of FAITH.  Science never inserts a nonexistent fairytale as a precursor to whatever it is explaining.  Where demons and devils were once said to be the cause for disease, science came in and showed how that's all bullsh*t.  The Bible writers thought the earth was flat, and science, mathematics, and geography proved that wrong once again.  The Bible says you can drink poison and not die.  Science (reality) has a different story.  I could go on and on...   

have proven that even science points to a Creator (Case for a Creator, etc.).

Quit with the slimy terminology.  You don't mean A creator, you mean YOUR creator...Yahweh, the Christian myth.  The one you had pretty much no choice in adopting being that you're American.  Sorry to break it to you, but you're wrong.  If science pointed to something supernatural, science as we know it wouldn't exist.  This is because the universe is governed by strict physical laws with no room for randomness or magical god like hocus pocus.  If you spent more time in school rather than church, you'd know this. 

Funny how you Christians want to have it both ways.  I get two different stories from them: You can prove god using science! and You *can't* prove god using science because he is not of this world!!  lol

You take scripture and dispensations out of context, and apply them to what we live under today.  Today we have the law, AND Grace.  Adam and Eve didn't have what we have today, Noah didn't have it either. However, men cried out to God the best they knew how.  Moses was the beginning of the actual Law of God handed down to man. The "Grace" and "Church" came so much further after.......when Jesus was crucified and rose again.  Every person will be judged by what they know, and the law they lived under.  The dispensation of "Grace" had not happened yet, and there was no pure sacrifice for sin (no remission) yet.  Jesus was the supreme sacrifice, and no more were the sins "rolled ahead" for another year, but remitted for good.  Different dispensation and fulfillment of the Law....Just like Adam and Eve.

Zzzz...excuses...psychobabble cult speak...

I don't mind talking with people about the Word of God, but your different qon.  You were once a Christian, or professed to being one, then turned your back on God.  For that I have no desire to talk with you about anything pertaining to my Lord

And yet you keep doing it.  Why should I think you'll ever stop?  You still haven't learned how to correctly use "you're"; you still haven't learned not to be tempted to respond to anything I say (especially when all I was doing was making a quick poke of fun in my original message here)...yep, I'd say you're about on par from what I can expect from a brainwashed believer.

No more do you get any explanation from me about anything Biblical.

Uh huh.  How many times have you said this now?  It's okay; people who subscribe to delusions aren't known for their credibility.

get ready!!  Your in for a big surprise!  LOL

Oh no!  Daddy's gonna burn me forever in the bad place because Annella says so!  lol 

Your attempts at threats are just plain sad to anyone who lives in reality.
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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2011, 08:41:20 am »
that's a good question i never that about that. i guess there could have been. but where ever they landed after the flood, did it mention about what was there?


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2011, 10:31:10 am »
I believe it was a global flood.  I believe the Bible completely.

Noah and his wife, and their 3 sons (who also had wives) repopulated the world.  Cousins married cousins.  By the way, Abraham married his half sister Sarah.  Among certain races and tribes in the Bible, there was intermarrying because of the preservation of the race and bloodlines.  Was God pleased with it?  Many times He spoke against it, but man will do what he wants too.  It's called free will.

Now qon, tell me I'm lying Ms. atheist.  Since you don't believe in God OR the Bible.  You have nothing to comment about what, or what isn't in it....right?

Now....what excuse, or lie, do you accuse me (as a Christian) of?
I love to read your posts so I can have a good laugh!


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2011, 06:25:20 pm »
I was wondering when you would show up cuppycake.  You never miss an opportunity to verbally "dump' on Christians just like qon.

This is "Off Topic", not "Debate and Discuss", where both of you usually verbally spew your anti Christian rhetoric.  Since I no longer go in there, you have made it a point to follow me around this forum just to let out your hate and discontent.  That's pretty pathetic. You won't change my mind, and you know it, so your postings are nothing more than spitefulness and attacks.  What miserable lives you must lead.  Sad :(

I will not debate God or His Word with those who have no belief in either.  However, answering a fool in their folly is something the Bible says a Christian has a right to do at various times.  Who's the deluded?  Just keep on burying your head in the sand and say to yourself over and over....there is no God, there is no God.  Guess what?


Follow me around all you want as I know you have nothing better to do.  However, I do.....bye


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2011, 07:22:23 am »
you have made it a point to follow me around this forum just to let out your hate and discontent.

Wow, get over yourself.  You must not know how to read.  I posted before you on this topic; thus, not "following you around".  The post that followed me (yours) was ignorant and incorrect, so I addressed it.  I could care less where the ignorance came from.  You're not special.

If anyone is following anyone around, I'd think it is you to me, since you've frequently said, "Anyone can read your posts and see your rants", implying that you check up on me.  Fun fact for ya: I have never bothered to look at your old posts.  I reserve that for people who actually have something interesting to say.

What miserable lives you must lead.  Sad :(

It's been my experience that the people who try to insult strangers with this sort of unfounded judgement are projecting based on their own lives.  Not to toot my own horn, but I actually live a life that many people would be jealous of.  While you're stuck at home alone being a dried out and resentful old woman, I'm out seeing and experiencing more in 5 years than most people see and do in their whole lives.
Follow me around all you want as I know you have nothing better to do.  However, I do.....

Again, not very observant.  For the past few months, I've pretty much stuck to my minimum posts and GTFO.  Also, let's compare our stats here:

Name:   queenofnines
Posts:   1047 (2.900 per day)
Position:   Silver Member
Date Registered:   January 12, 2010, 06:48:22 pm

Name:   Annella
Posts:   1317 (6.271 per day)
Position:   Silver Member
Date Registered:   June 12, 2010, 05:42:18 pm

The profiles don't lie.  Who has better things to do now?  lol
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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2011, 07:08:31 pm »
For one thing, your a liar, and a false accuser of the redeemed (Bible). know nothing about my life as an Ordained Evangelist/Minister.  Stay at home?  LOL  I've 2 International trips approved for this year, not counting numerous other activities.  I'm happy to be working in my Father's vineyard, and will continue to do so until he comes for me or I drop dead.  My church pays my support while on the field, but making a little extra on FC doesn't hurt in this economy.

I said anyone can read your rants because I was once in "Debate and Discuss" where that's all you did (and still do).  I left that part of the forum, and no longer post there.  I have other Christian friends that have been on this forum as much (or more) than I have. We use it mostly as an outreach tool.  Anyone can look back on my postings and see this as truth.  Your attempt to "color" reliable facts is a waste of time.  People aren't stupid qon, do you honestly think twisting the truth won't be found out?

As far as being resentful?  Um, I believe being resentful of any Christian that loves God and follows His ways, is where you fit in.  You have such hate and animosity for Christians.  That also is in every post you make.  And yes, I am special.  I've been washed in the Blood of Jesus and my sins have all been done away with.  My Father is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I'm His daughter, and belong to Him.  That makes me special in His Sight.

On the flip side, you better get that putrid filthy spirit under control or it's going to drag you straight to hell.  Just sayin.........

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