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Topic: What do you think about President Obama's Tax cut deal w/the Repubicans?  (Read 974 times)


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Do you think that President Obama's tax cut deal with the Republicans the right thing to do?

He said he didn't like all of it but he doesn't want the American people to wake Jan 2011 to find their taxes sky high with every life line cut off.
His own party is pissed offed & is planning to reject the President's deal with the republicans.

I don't agree with the Really rich getting tax cuts but if it gets Middle class, & poor to  get a tax cut Plus, unemployment extended, & other citizen needs to be extended. Then, the sacrifice is worth it. I just hope they the dems & repubs find a middle ground b4 the end of dec. because if not, EVERYBODY WILL BE TAXED BIG TIME NO SURVIVORS FOR SURE!!!!

What do you think? Did the President do right? Do you think that the warring parties will come to middle grown on the tax issue or will they fail & we the people end up in the losing end? What are you're suggestions that the government should do to help the American people? :wave:


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Re: What do you think about President Obama's Tax cut deal w/the Repubicans?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2010, 05:50:18 pm »
The government does not owe me anything.  The problem with some Americans is that they want things for free.  Nothing in life is free. You must work to achieve and move up the social ladder.  Anyone can become rich.  All it takes it hard sweat, long hours, and not taking life for granted.

As far as for the tax relief package goes, it will pass.  It is not a tax break, it is meant to stop taxes for rising for everyone and yes, even for those rich folks out there.  I am far from rich, but anything that puts more money back into the economy is good enough for me.  Rich people are the people that the majority of us work for.  Perhaps they will be able to spend and hire people now that their taxes are not going up.   :thumbsup:

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