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Topic: "We the People..." send Obama a message...  (Read 8673 times)


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2010, 10:42:32 am »
Thank you, mattymatt, for sharing and saying what you said and how you said it.  I just appreciate the fact that there are people who can take a topic and actually discuss the pros and cons of the situation at hand without name calling and put-downs.  We may not agree on every aspect, but breaking them down and looking at them from all angles is what debate is all about.

There are so many issues at hand with Obama.  I definitely agree with you on the One World Order/Government trying to come. Even the United Nations (several members) have hinted at this as part of their agenda.  Like you said, that would most likely do more harm than anything else.

I have heard today that Obama would probably agree to extend Bush's tax cuts, but only if unemployment benefits were extended as well.  There are some really deserving people who would benefit from either side, but there are a lot of people receiving unemployment with no desire to go back and work at a job even though they could. 

And if I read correctly, that's exactly what happened. But unfortunately for the people that are receiving unemployment it's going to dry up again. And then get extended and then dry up again. It's a loop that we've put ourselves into and another example as to why keynesisim is worthless.
We as a country is over spending and this is just another example of that by extending, yet tax cutting. Thing is, with what looks like zero job growth to actually provide real stimulus to the economy, what good really was it that unemployment was increased? You've put a band aid on what needed a tourniquet and unfortunately it won't actually fix anything. Am I against people getting unemployment benefits? No, but seriously, teach a man to fish needs to actually start happening. Stimulus and TARP have done nothing but spend more and more money and have the exact same result. And if you believe that unemployment is only at 9% you're very very wrong. It doesn't include people who have stopped looking for work.

PS no I don't want the government to do a damn thing honestly, I was super excited when it looked like they might not pass a budget and shut down. Oh wait, according to some that's not wanting the president to succeed and then I'm a racist or something along those lines. Oh wait that makes me ignorant and dumb and an idiot right Tantricia?

I don't really know though why I bother, you won't even read this and if you do it'll be replied to with something along those lines as written before.


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2010, 07:56:32 pm »
No, but seriously, teach a man to fish needs to actually start happening. Stimulus and TARP have done nothing but spend more and more money and have the exact same result. And if you believe that unemployment is only at 9% you're very very wrong. It doesn't include people who have stopped looking for work.

Matt, by "teach a man to fish," do you mean that unemployed people should just suck it up and go find a job?

I'll wait for your clarification, but for now I'll just say this:  I'm dead-positive most unemployed people would love to get a job, but the jobs just aren't out there.  Sure, a college-educated person with years of experience could go get a low-paying job at a department store, but let's be honest:  we need REAL jobs.  Corporate profits are as high as they've ever been, but that's not translating into good, decent-paying jobs.

The stimulus has had some positive results, but hasn't been enough.  Why?  It was too small, and included too many tax cuts (which Republicans demanded.)

TARP infuriates me so much that I can't make an objective, rational argument for or against.  All I know is that the banksters who decimated the economy need to go to jail, but our politicians are so beholden to them that not only do they avoid jail time, their bonuses are bigger than ever.

Re: unemployment > 9% due to people who have given up looking- totally agree.


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2010, 08:44:34 pm »
Re: unemployment > 9% due to people who have given up looking- totally agree.

Don't forget the people who have either run out of benefits or who just flat out do not qualify.  The unemployment rate reported is only the amount of people receiving benefits.


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2010, 06:52:09 am »
No, but seriously, teach a man to fish needs to actually start happening. Stimulus and TARP have done nothing but spend more and more money and have the exact same result. And if you believe that unemployment is only at 9% you're very very wrong. It doesn't include people who have stopped looking for work.

Matt, by "teach a man to fish," do you mean that unemployed people should just suck it up and go find a job?

I'll wait for your clarification, but for now I'll just say this:  I'm dead-positive most unemployed people would love to get a job, but the jobs just aren't out there.  Sure, a college-educated person with years of experience could go get a low-paying job at a department store, but let's be honest:  we need REAL jobs.  Corporate profits are as high as they've ever been, but that's not translating into good, decent-paying jobs.

The stimulus has had some positive results, but hasn't been enough.  Why?  It was too small, and included too many tax cuts (which Republicans demanded.)

TARP infuriates me so much that I can't make an objective, rational argument for or against.  All I know is that the banksters who decimated the economy need to go to jail, but our politicians are so beholden to them that not only do they avoid jail time, their bonuses are bigger than ever.

Re: unemployment > 9% due to people who have given up looking- totally agree.

I think I’d have less problems with the Stimulus if it actually was stimulating something instead of just how do I word this, dumb *bleep*… Like the signs being used for road work, I’m sure that cost money why was that needed. The fact that it’s been used for such things like building a turtle tunnel and millions were spent on it pisses me off.

What I meant by “teach a man to fish” is like say in NH, they’re using the stimulus money to help people of lesser means go and get some sort of vocational training, I think that’s a GREAT use of the money, it’s reinvestment and I’d rather read stories like that then paying for hookers to get STD treatment or tunnels for turtles or big *bleep* signs saying “This road project paid for with stimulus money” my taxes already are supposed to go to roads, it’s included in what I pay each and every month, why the hell are we using stimulus money for it? Also, the mismanagement of the stimulus pisses me off entirely; we have people that are elected into office that can’t even tell where the money went. Monies have gone to areas that don’t even actually exist. If they don’t exist, where the hell is my money? I paid for it; it should have the oversight of a fine toothed comb. I mean it had some initiatives in it that were potentially great, like the college and pell grants available, but here’s the thing, if colleges weren’t subsidized in the first place, wouldn’t education be more affordable by allowing those super top tier education establishments to charge what they want, and everything else be more affordable? It’s the same problem with the health insurance industry.

As far as tarp, it pisses me off and the more and more and more I read about it, the more I get upset. People continually talk about Bush and his ties with Oil, well the more I read about Tarp, it was the same thing, Obama’s cabinet is full of people that should be in jail from AIG and Goldmann Sachs, however; they were given high paying cabinet jobs after betting our money and then if losing, they were just reimbursed by the taxpayers. Why in the hell they were bailed out is beyond me. It’s done nothing more than give these idiots more gambling money; our money. They should be in jail, if you or I ran a ponzi scheme like this we would be, yet, they were rewarded.

Going back to the “teach a man to fish”; my friend works for an unemployment office in NY. The stories he’s told me of the lengths people go through to not have a job and continue on unemployment benefits is downright hysterical, if they’d go through these steps to find a job, maybe there would be less unemployment. Maybe it’s because I live in Northern Virginia, where the unemployment is only around 6.5 to 7%, but there are countless places hiring. I see signs almost everywhere, hell my company alone is looking for three well qualified persons right now and we’ve only had six people apply total, the job rec has been open for 29 days and we’re listed on all of the major job boards and our recruiters are telling us no one is applying. All three positions pay between 60 and 70k but we can’t find people to fill them. Do I think there are people actively looking for work and not finding it? Yes, I have friends that have been unemployed for almost a year; do I think something should be done for them? Of course I do, but here’s the thing, the banks that were bailed out with our money are supposed to be making these small business loans are not making them. If a business cannot get the money, how can they employee people? It’s a very vicious cycle and it’s just continually being perpetuated by the same banks that we bailed out, yet still completely in business and still making millions if not billions of dollars. The banks got theirs; it still hasn’t came back to the individual. Which goes back to TARP and how it’s royally screwed us in the long run totally, if TARP hadn’t happened and these idiots were in jail like you and I both feel they should be one could say that stimulus might not have had to happen the way it did?

I’m not trying to blame Obama for all of this nor Bush, I’m blaming policies enacted by our governing powers and I think both the current and previous administrations have put us into the giant crap sandwich. Thing is, Obama has had multiple opportunities to actually fix it, and I think it could easily be fixed by one simple thing. Ending the unconstitutional wars. Thing is though, he’s as much to blame for them happening as the next guy. Had the senate had some *bleep*, they would have stepped in and used the power given to them by the constitution to put a stop to it before even happening. They had the power Democrats especially had the power and they didn’t use it. So democrats who continuously say this is 100% Bush’s fault either A: have far too much love of the democrat party, or B: are just so indoctrinated in everything that the media gives them. I say this as a former Marine, one who was on active duty at the time. By ending the war you can effectively slash the absolute *bleep* out of the defense budget and blam… we have money for years just by that simple act alone. 

By the way, I enjoy these discussions with you and Amy, while we agree probably on very little, it's always a very good discussion with well thought out posts and zero name calling, even if we disagree, I still very much respect the opinions shared.


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2010, 08:00:20 am »
You make excellent points here.  Regarding the unemployment, there is one thing that irks me.  Example:  Right here in our own little town, there are groups of people that we see when we are all going to work, and back from work.  These groups sit outside all day, gabbing away, drinking, and/or smoking.  Most of the ones in the group are on either disability or unemployment.  The problem with it, is that these people (most) have nothing wrong with them.  Some have been heard to say "This is my job," or "Why should I have to worry - I've got it made," etc. Thoses are the ones who mess up the system and to me, they should be made to check in with someone (doctor,...), or have the unemployment expire so they have to get out there and find something.  As long as these type of people get away with this, it takes away from the people who really deserve disability and/or unemployment.  Not to mention, helping to pull the economy down, instead of boosting it.

Sorry, if I've rambled on. I can't seem to express exactly what and how I want to say it, today.  It's just something that really bothers me.


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2010, 11:44:54 am »
hahahaha couldnt resist...

for the record... I am not a Bush fan
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 11:47:13 am by sflynt »
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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2010, 02:31:35 pm »
I have such a hard time with so many people I have seen getting disability or unemployment, although, sometimes I feel like I shouldn't say much since I'm currently receiving unemployment from my stint with the Census this past summer.  My mother works 9-5 everyday, and she can barely walk into the office where she works and is hooked up to an oxygen concentrator because she can't breathe without it.  She has carpal tunnel in one hand and Keinboch's in the other, and she is a worker's comp/personal injury/disability paralegal.  On the other hand, I know a young person who claims agoraphobia and receives disability for it.  It blows my mind. 

Then there is the case of my father, who has been on unemployment since December of 2008.  He has been trying desperately since then to try to find another job, been to countless interviews, but everything seems to fall through the cracks.  He's been depressed and feeling worthless because he can't find another job.  He babysat for me while I was working with the Census, but right now my husband and I are without a car because it would cost more than the vehicle is worth to fix it, and we cannot afford to buy another one.

The problem with the situation is this: there are many who abuse the system, and there are many who are struggling and trying to work within the system, who don't even want the unemployment or disability in the first place, but to refuse it would be almost suicide.  If I were to turn down the unemployment and go back to substitute teaching, I would most likely need to put my child in daycare or pay my father to watch her since he will be without an unemployment check very soon, and then I would be bringing home less than what my unemployment check is.  Same thing if I were to find a minimum wage job.   So, what can we do?  I know too many people who are taking advantage of the system, and not looking for work... but I also know people on the other side of the coin.  And believe me, MattyMatt, if I lived where you did and I was qualified, I'd be applying for a job with your place of employment in a heartbeat!


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2010, 02:46:08 pm »
I just don't understand nun of it.  Something needs to change. 


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2010, 08:03:52 pm »
I just don't understand nun of it.  Something needs to change. 
Actually, your profile name is very suitable to how we can help to straighten out this situation:  "2getherwewin!"

amyrouse: That is not something fun you are going through, for sure.  I just hope things will work out for the better for your dad as well as for you. You are doing what you must do, at this point, instead of what you may want to do. I applaud you for not giving up, and in the process, helping to encourage your dad and not let him give up.


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2010, 09:32:38 am »
"What I meant by “teach a man to fish” is like say in NH, they’re using the stimulus money to help people of lesser means go and get some sort of vocational training"

Huh, I wasn't aware of that- sounds like a good idea to me.

"As far as tarp, it pisses me off and the more and more and more I read about it, the more I get upset. People continually talk about Bush and his ties with Oil, well the more I read about Tarp, it was the same thing, Obama’s cabinet is full of people that should be in jail from AIG and Goldmann Sachs, however; they were given high paying cabinet jobs after betting our money and then if losing, they were just reimbursed by the taxpayers. Why in the hell they were bailed out is beyond me. It’s done nothing more than give these idiots more gambling money; our money. They should be in jail, if you or I ran a ponzi scheme like this we would be, yet, they were rewarded."

To be fair, TARP was Bush thing, but yes, Obama's people have ties to the big banks and Wall Street too.  That's how our government works- people from those instituions come to the government, make policies that benefit those institutions, and then return to those institutions after they leave government.  It's corruption plain and simple, doesn't matter if Dems or Rethugs are in charge.  The system is broken.

"I’m not trying to blame Obama for all of this nor Bush, I’m blaming policies enacted by our governing powers and I think both the current and previous administrations have put us into the giant crap sandwich. Thing is, Obama has had multiple opportunities to actually fix it, and I think it could easily be fixed by one simple thing. Ending the unconstitutional wars. Thing is though, he’s as much to blame for them happening as the next guy. Had the senate had some *bleep*, they would have stepped in and used the power given to them by the constitution to put a stop to it before even happening. They had the power Democrats especially had the power and they didn’t use it. So democrats who continuously say this is 100% Bush’s fault either A: have far too much love of the democrat party, or B: are just so indoctrinated in everything that the media gives them. I say this as a former Marine, one who was on active duty at the time. By ending the war you can effectively slash the absolute *bleep* out of the defense budget and blam… we have money for years just by that simple act alone. "

One of my biggest gripes with Obama is that he said he'd change stuff like this.  Silly me to believe him.  We needed bold leadership after the Bush debacle but Obama is too busy trying to compromise with Republicans who have no desire to negotiate in good fatih.  And don't even get me started on the worhtless Senate- that thing needs to be abolished.

Does anyne else have a hard time writing long relies in this forum?  My reply window only takes a certain amount of text before it starts jumping everywhere- very hard to proofread and just plain annoying.


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2010, 09:37:54 am »
Yes, if I know I'm going to be writing a lot, I just open up Word and type in there and then copy to here. The window I think has a very tiny buffer in how it lets you type.


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2010, 09:41:03 am »
Oh and you're right TARP was totally Bush, I wasn't blaming Obama for TARP, just that his cabinet is filled completely with bailed out bankers. You're right though the revolving door and greased palm is what pisses me off.

And then reading an article today on huffpost, how the freshman senators and congressman are already hiring K Street lobbyists to fill their staff... seriously just more of the same and nothing more to see here. Get lobbyists and unions out of elections and we'd see a governence for the people by the people.


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2010, 02:05:42 pm »
And don't forget, corporations can now spend as much money as they want on elections because, thanks to our "conservative" Supreme Court, corporations are now people too!

I honestly don't know how anything can be fixed.  The system is so corrupt that change will have to come from outside it, but the American people are so lazy/misinformed/uncaring/what-have-you that I don't think we'll ever reach the proverbial tipping point.  I can honestly see myself moving to another country for good in the not too distant future, especially if Social Security gets destroyed (and that's coming, believe me.)



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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2010, 02:20:29 pm »
And don't forget, corporations can now spend as much money as they want on elections because, thanks to our "conservative" Supreme Court, corporations are now people too!

I honestly don't know how anything can be fixed.  The system is so corrupt that change will have to come from outside it, but the American people are so lazy/misinformed/uncaring/what-have-you that I don't think we'll ever reach the proverbial tipping point.  I can honestly see myself moving to another country for good in the not too distant future, especially if Social Security gets destroyed (and that's coming, believe me.)

The thing about making change regarding a problem is that it is much like chopping down a tree. The bigger the tree, the more swings of the axe required. Most people now days have the mind set that if they can not down the tree with one or two swings, there is just no use picking up the axe. If they would just go to work during all the time they spend gripping about it, eventually the tree will come down. Step away from the key board people....and pick up that axe!!!


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Re: "We the People..." send Obama a message...
« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2010, 05:48:46 pm »
You make excellent points here.  Regarding the unemployment, there is one thing that irks me.  Example:  Right here in our own little town, there are groups of people that we see when we are all going to work, and back from work.  These groups sit outside all day, gabbing away, drinking, and/or smoking.  Most of the ones in the group are on either disability or unemployment.  The problem with it, is that these people (most) have nothing wrong with them.  Some have been heard to say "This is my job," or "Why should I have to worry - I've got it made," etc. Thoses are the ones who mess up the system and to me, they should be made to check in with someone (doctor,...), or have the unemployment expire so they have to get out there and find something.  As long as these type of people get away with this, it takes away from the people who really deserve disability and/or unemployment.  Not to mention, helping to pull the economy down, instead of boosting it.

Sorry, if I've rambled on. I can't seem to express exactly what and how I want to say it, today.  It's just something that really bothers me.
    This is sort of similiar to the behavior I'm seeing here and it bothers me too.  People actually get foodstamps so they can use their own cash for the necessities in life such as:  alcohol, cigarettes, energy shots & energy drinks and lottery tickets.  SERIOUSLY?   :BangHead:
You are so right, Sheryl!  It boggles my mind how they continue to get away with it.  There should be some kind of system when the food stamps are actually being used, to block or not be allowed to get certain things, like you mentioned above.  I have a neighbor on food stamps and she only gets things that are actually needed.  Yet she'll see others going through getting things like the above mentioned and they are allowed to get them. It just doesn't make sense.

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