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  • Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not? 5 1
Topic: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?  (Read 7109 times)


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Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« on: November 30, 2010, 10:20:17 pm »
I am pro-life. I believe that aborting a baby at any point during a pregnancy is murder. I believe that you are terminating an innocent life that will never have a chance to live like you did. Because of this, I believe that abortion should be made illegal.

But note this: Illegal or not, women will continue to have abortions if they want it. In fact, if abortion is illegal, woman will go on to perform their own personal abortions which are unsafe and deadly, because they will not have access to a trained medical facility.

Again, I am 100% for preserving and protecting life. But when I come to think of it, more lives will be destroyed if abortion is illegal. Because of this, I'd rather see one innocent life wrongly terminated, rather than two lives. Because of this, I think abortion should be legal.

Do you think abortion should be illegal or not??? P.S. Let's keep the discussion nice and peaceful.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2010, 12:30:36 am »
I think women should have the right to abort babies if they want. It's their body! If you don't agree with abortions, then don't have one.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2010, 06:57:43 am »
I am pro-choice.  While I couldn't imagine having an abortion myself, I don't agree with denying any woman the right to choose whether they have a child or not.  And while life begins at conception, it is not self-sustainable, so I wouldn't consider it murder until the point in development that the baby is able to survive outside the womb.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2010, 10:22:39 am »
I don't think it should be illegal at all. How can the government take away whats rightfully yours to decide. As a woman, its your right to make that choice, its your body. Period. The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights. Take away her reproductive choice and you step onto a slippery slope. If they take away that right, then Should the government be able to force sterilization? (IMO, that could be a good idea! lol :P ) just a thought.

Regardless of what laws are in place, there will always be young women out there who want to have an abortion. They may not want to face the wrath of their parents, the embarrassment at school, or the lifetime responsibility of motherhood. If we criminalize abortion, many woman will simply look for other ways to get rid of the child. They could starve themselves or seek unlicensed "back alley" abortions. So instead of getting an abortion in a controlled environment where there is one last chance for counseling on options, women may subject themselves to a potentially dangerous situation.

and I dont think abortion is murder. Of course I dont like the thought of killing a baby as much as anybody else. but where to draw the line..... The concept of personhood is different from the concept of human life. Human life occurs at conception, but fertilized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives and those not implanted are routinely thrown away. Is this murder, and if not, then how is abortion murder?

It's arguably better for society to have babies aborted than have them be brought up poor and neglected, because the mother didn't want them, or can't raise them. Adoption should always be considered. but what about when that child grows up and tries to find said mother. And they find out its because she was a drug addict POS and didn't want them or they find out they were a product of rape. Then that causes more psychological harm to the adopted child/person. Finding out you were brought into this world bc your father raped your mother, how would you feel? How could a mother possibly tell their child that that happened. Its a very tough choice. I don't know what I'd do if I were put into that situation. but if I ever was put into that situation, I'd like to know that I still have choice, that I still have the RIGHT to make that choice.
Just my opinion though... I can't imagine what I'd do if I had to make that choice... But I would never look down on someone for it. Its your right as a woman to make that decision, and that right should never be taken away.
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2010, 11:02:32 am »
I am not for using abortion as a method of birth control but I do believe a woman should have the right to make choices regarding her own body. I believe that if our laws are changed to force a woman to bring a life into this world she can't care for, then our laws should be changed to help the woman care for the child after it's born i.e, health care, head start, and other needed social services. If we as a country are not willing to give families the care they need to support children born as a result unplanned pregnancies, then we should not force women to carry the child to full term.  It's easy to say you're pro-life before a baby is born; but after the birth are you still pro-life? Do you want to give this mother health care to support this life, do you want to give the mother resources to provide food, clothing, housing and education for this life? Or are you just pro-life when it comes the fetus, and once the child is born, you could care less what happens?  Are you pro-life when it comes to the death penalty? What exactly does pro-life mean to you? Because for me, it means that not only do you support the life that's growing inside of the woman, you support that child and the life sustaining programs it will need after it's born.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2010, 02:19:30 pm »
NO, women have the right to do what they want with their body!


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2010, 09:49:52 am »
im highly against abortion and believe it should be made illegal. but even though so many people believe this, it will probably never happen. every baby should have a chance to live.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2010, 06:51:12 pm »
Pro choice here. Nobody has the right to regulate what any person may choose to do to their own body.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2010, 01:40:27 am »
YES it should be illegal.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2010, 04:02:27 am »
Pro choice here. Nobody has the right to regulate what any person may choose to do to their own body.
::) ::) What a lame excuse for murder. Eventhough it is your body, IT IS THE LIFE OF AN INNOCENT, UNBORN CHILD. Therefore it is not just about your body. You are murdering a child. PERIOD.

About your statement, "No one should have the right to regulate what you do with your body". You need to inform the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT about this. They have just recently passed some rediculous food laws. Just had a bill in congress making it illegal to grow you own food. The bill passed the house and was about to pass the senate, but they added in some taxes and this caused it to get kicked over to the side. BUT it is still floating around up there in the halls of Justice ( ha,ha,ha).They are also trying to make vitamins illegal. It is against the law  to put many drugs into your body, because they have made them "illegal".

They regulate the food you can eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, and the medicines you can take and you think that they should not have the right to regulate what you put into your body. OhhhhhhKay.   


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2010, 04:21:20 am »
I don't think it should be illegal at all. How can the government take away whats rightfully yours to decide. As a woman, its your right to make that choice, its your body. Period. The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights. Take away her reproductive choice and you step onto a slippery slope. If they take away that right, then Should the government be able to force sterilization? (IMO, that could be a good idea! lol :P ) just a thought.

Regardless of what laws are in place, there will always be young women out there who want to have an abortion. They may not want to face the wrath of their parents, the embarrassment at school, or the lifetime responsibility of motherhood. If we criminalize abortion, many woman will simply look for other ways to get rid of the child. They could starve themselves or seek unlicensed "back alley" abortions. So instead of getting an abortion in a controlled environment where there is one last chance for counseling on options, women may subject themselves to a potentially dangerous situation.

and I dont think abortion is murder. Of course I dont like the thought of killing a baby as much as anybody else. but where to draw the line..... The concept of personhood is different from the concept of human life. Human life occurs at conception, but fertilized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives and those not implanted are routinely thrown away. Is this murder, and if not, then how is abortion murder?

It's arguably better for society to have babies aborted than have them be brought up poor and neglected, because the mother didn't want them, or can't raise them. Adoption should always be considered. but what about when that child grows up and tries to find said mother. And they find out its because she was a drug addict POS and didn't want them or they find out they were a product of rape. Then that causes more psychological harm to the adopted child/person. Finding out you were brought into this world bc your father raped your mother, how would you feel? How could a mother possibly tell their child that that happened. Its a very tough choice. I don't know what I'd do if I were put into that situation. but if I ever was put into that situation, I'd like to know that I still have choice, that I still have the RIGHT to make that choice.
Just my opinion though... I can't imagine what I'd do if I had to make that choice... But I would never look down on someone for it. Its your right as a woman to make that decision, and that right should never be taken away.

Everyone deserves a second chance. If you keep abortion legal, then after the 1st one, you should get counseling and FREE birth control. HOWEVER, IF you come back for a 2nd abortion. FORCED STERILIZATION SHOULD BE MANDATORY!!

ALSO, IF you give birth to a child and keep it, BUT must be a parasite off of society and rely on SOCIAL SERVICES to care for your child. OK, everyone deserves a Second Chance. You get counseling, Parenting classes, FREE birth control, BUTTT when you have a second child that Social Services must pay to raise your children, FORCED STERILIZATION IS DEFINATELY IN ORDER at this point.

OH, I don't want to leave the father's out. DNA test shoud be done, and IF it is proven that a no good, totally irresponsible male has fathered one child that he is not taking of for whatever reason, He should have counseling, job traiining etc. and be forced to help support his child and participate in the raising of his child. IF he refuses to do these things, FORCED STERILIZATION NOW.

If he does well with the first child, BUT rolls on down the road and creates another child, BUT will not or cannot care for the second child and forces Social Services to raise this 2nd child, FORCED STERILIZATION NOW!!!    
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 04:23:34 am by freepcmoney »


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2010, 07:19:22 am »
I thing it is murder.  You should not take a life of a baby.  The baby was brought to you for a reason.  Take that reason and be the best you can be and in the long run you will see the many rewards the situation has brought your way.  Hold to it.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2010, 07:38:22 am »
I'm pro-choice- the government has no right to interfere in such matters.  That being said, I'm personally against abortion and would never consider it to be an option if I got someone pregnant.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2010, 10:27:18 am »
Pro choice here. Nobody has the right to regulate what any person may choose to do to their own body.
::) ::) What a lame excuse for murder. Eventhough it is your body, IT IS THE LIFE OF AN INNOCENT, UNBORN CHILD. Therefore it is not just about your body. You are murdering a child. PERIOD.

About your statement, "No one should have the right to regulate what you do with your body". You need to inform the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT about this. They have just recently passed some rediculous food laws. Just had a bill in congress making it illegal to grow you own food. The bill passed the house and was about to pass the senate, but they added in some taxes and this caused it to get kicked over to the side. BUT it is still floating around up there in the halls of Justice ( ha,ha,ha).They are also trying to make vitamins illegal. It is against the law  to put many drugs into your body, because they have made them "illegal".

They regulate the food you can eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, and the medicines you can take and you think that they should not have the right to regulate what you put into your body. OhhhhhhKay.   

Grow up. I only stated my personal opinion. I did not attack your beliefs at all.


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Re: Abortion. Should it be illegal? Or not?
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2010, 10:08:42 am »
I get what you're saying on this and it makes a lot of sense, but in your thought process and in order to play the devil's advocate, you say it's your right and choice, but when does the baby that's growing inside have rights and aren't you by forcing that child to die denying it's rights of life?

The right of one doesn't supercede the rights of another. And what really brings me to this point is say you're pregnant and you are killed by a drunk driver in a car accident. The drunk driver is charged 2x's with homicide. That baby growing inside has just as much rights to choice as you do, and just because it's symbiotic in nature your rights do not supercede it.

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