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Topic: Homosexuality?  (Read 4258 times)


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2010, 07:27:46 am »
Yeah, well in some cases it can be affected by the media I think. >:o

But I just don't understand though, I mean I don't think it's natural... maybe it's from a person's experience in their life.
For instance someone said their aunt was a lesbain and shes 97? Well, maybe she had a bad accounter with men that caused her to just feel not attracted to them.

I disagree with the idea a person is just born that way, I think it's brought on by experience's throughtout life and a person's expousre to things.. media for exmaple  :P


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2010, 10:15:09 am »
I disagree I do not think that homosexuailty is "natural" and a person is just "born with it"
I think that media and what a person see's as a young child is what causes that.

First let me say this. I was not saying anything bad towards you when I posted that link to the other discussion and saying this topic had been discussed before. I was letting you know it had and thought maybe you, or anyone, would like to read some of what was in that one because I thought it was a great (and heated at times!) discussion.

Now, about your post above. If that is honestly how you view this and think about it, let me give you this. It has been mentioned by Amyrouse about seeing hetero couples on TV and what did that do to you. Going by what you said, that implies kids seeing drinking, smoking, drugging, shootings, robberies, anything you can put here that is also seen all over the place, literally, should then also 'influence' young people to imitate all those things too. We all know that is NOT the case, so how do you explain that? It is a known fact that a child raised by homosexual parents, 2 women or 2 men, is NOT automatically going to be homosexual. Anymore than every kid who grows up in an alcoholic or drug using environment is going to grow up to be an addict. The same equation can be put to all the other things I listed that are not considered a 'normal' way of life. I don't think what you said can actually stand up if put to the test.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2010, 10:35:38 am »
I think it's brought on by experience's throughtout life and a person's expousre to things.. media for exmaple  

There's much research pointing to hormone imbalances when one is born. Granted I agree with the media being a influence (also people one hangs around with), but I highly doubt that's the reason why someone becomes a homosexual. Both of my gay friends have told me that they just slowly realized who/what they were attracted to. Understand that homosexuality is abnormal behavior because it is a kind of rarity when put up against hetero populations (I think it was estimated that 4-5% of the worlds population is gay and hasn't changed much for most of our history). Abnormalities seen in nature are not the same thing as being unnatural.

For instance someone said their aunt was a lesbain and shes 97?

I don't think she became a lesbian at 97. She has been one and is now 97; the person was just disputing that there was little/no media back then and she still realized it.


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2010, 10:54:05 am »
Honestly everyone is going to have their own opinions and feelings toward this topic. SO here goes my opinion; be who you are, not what you should be, not trying to act like some media-crazed friends, not by peer pressure. Just be you. If it's gay, bi-sexual, straight, or whatever your preference of attraction is. I hope you find that somewhat helpful Cheyanne15.  ;D


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2010, 11:35:26 am »
I still think it's caused by the media and a person's experience. and yes the media does have a role to play in the "drinking, somking" in a person's life. If there was NO commerical's about beer and NO commericals about smoking and if thefactories just STOPED making those products then the new born babies in the world will have no exposure to that resulting in them not partaking n it so yes the media does play a role in it. Ok so I have no idea how ol you people are but I think that my generation is becoming "bisexual" just to fit in with the crowd! My one frien now says see is bi becase our other friend is :/
Yes I know she said her aunt was 97 and a lesbain and I got her point. That there was not much media in those times, and to that I stated its not ALL about media but a person's personal life experience.

I person is not innate (born with) or have any "horomones" that they are going to be a homo! I just refuse to believe it, it doesn't make any sense =/


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2010, 12:06:27 pm »
I still think it's caused by the media and a person's experience. and yes the media does have a role to play in the "drinking, somking" in a person's life. If there was NO commerical's about beer and NO commericals about smoking and if thefactories just STOPED making those products then the new born babies in the world will have no exposure to that resulting in them not partaking n it so yes the media does play a role in it. Ok so I have no idea how ol you people are but I think that my generation is becoming "bisexual" just to fit in with the crowd! My one frien now says see is bi becase our other friend is :/
Yes I know she said her aunt was 97 and a lesbain and I got her point. That there was not much media in those times, and to that I stated its not ALL about media but a person's personal life experience.

I person is not innate (born with) or have any "horomones" that they are going to be a homo! I just refuse to believe it, it doesn't make any sense =/

But it makes more sense that a person would choose that life, many breaking their parents' hearts, being subjected to some of the worst discrimination rampant in our times, worrying that someone would beat them up or worse kill them, kick them down stairs at school, call them all kinds of assorted names, being blamed for the spread of diseases like AIDS or even dealing with some whack jobs like Robertson and Falwell saying that g-d allowed 9/11 to happen because of gays?  That makes no sense period.


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2010, 03:23:59 pm »
If there was NO commerical's about beer and NO commericals about smoking and if thefactories just STOPED making those products then the new born babies in the world will have no exposure to that resulting in them not partaking n it so yes the media does play a role in it.

With this train of thought, we should ban everything because it can influence anything! You can't really blame the media on something like this. It's much more personal than commercialism and tv shows. It's like saying "The Columbine kids did what they did because they played DOOM 2 too much!". I will say that a show may comfort an individual to accept who he/she is, but that is far from the cause of being homosexual.

My one frien now says she is bi becase our other friend is

So you know 2 women that are doing the bi thing, correct? How many friends would you say you have that are straight? From what I've seen, the HS or early college years bisexual thing is not uncommon. I've seen many more women do the bi thing than guys. All of them are dating or are married to a guy now.

person is not innate (born with) or have any "horomones" that they are going to be a homo! I just refuse to believe it, it doesn't make any sense
Fetal hormones may be seen as either the primary influence upon adult sexual orientation or as a co-factor interacting with genes and/or environmental and social conditions
« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 03:31:58 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2010, 09:32:05 pm »
Actually, homosexuality is very natural.  Did you know that angels are both male and female?  I bet you don't even believe in angels.  If you read the bible for understanding, it clearly states in Genesis (look for it) that God created man in his own image, he created them "Male and Female" and named "them" Adam.  We all are what He created and He created US in His image.  We should try accepting people as we would have them accept us regardless of what we identify ourselves as.

I am I, and You are You, I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not here to live up to mine.  I am I and You are You, and if by chance we find each other, its beautiful.  Edward S. Pearls    :notworthy:


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2010, 10:45:45 pm »
To me, whether its a feeling born with or its a feeling that generally comes about, it shouldn't matter.  It should be ones own personal issue if they choose to be with someone of the same sex.  With all the bigger issues going on in this world, I dont understand why two people loving each other (that just happen to be of the same sex) is made into such a big deal.


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2010, 03:14:23 am »
Actually, homosexuality is very natural.  Did you know that angels are both male and female?  I bet you don't even believe in angels.  If you read the bible for understanding, it clearly states in Genesis (look for it) that God created man in his own image, he created them "Male and Female" and named "them" Adam.  We all are what He created and He created US in His image.  We should try accepting people as we would have them accept us regardless of what we identify ourselves as.

I am I, and You are You, I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not here to live up to mine.  I am I and You are You, and if by chance we find each other, its beautiful.  Edward S. Pearls    :notworthy:
Okay, Cheyenne, just ignore all that junk!God has nothing to do with it, its in our nature to choose what we prefer, and who we are attracted to. If you like women, do not be ashamed of how you feel, women are beautiful creatures. And if you like men, thats wonderful to, everyone has their own feelings of what will satisfy them for a mate!!!!!
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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2010, 05:20:09 pm »
It is a feeling and it can't be controlled or fixed.  Homosexual people can like or love whoever they want and nobody should tell them otherwise.  If it's against you're religion or something then conversion might be wise, but other than that it should be allowed.


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Re: Homosexuality?
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2010, 05:09:12 pm »
It's normal but some people don't want to believe it is and one of the reasons realy because people get brain washed from the day they are born to only follow certain sets of rules in this world.
They love to blame everything on god, fast to say will the bible said umm... umm... umm and they dont even know what they are talking about.
the problem is people are so jugemental and love to use the word not normal to describe someone else but never to point it
at themselves because as we all know in fantasy world people that point their fingers at everybody else are always so perfect lol ya right.
I have wrote about this subject plenty more and elaberated much more in another discussion on here under a different post ,so it interested in more about this subject there is more on here about it.
Go to my profile and search my posts I have another realy good reply on this subject that might be interesting to some.

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