There is a big difference between bullying now and bullying then. When a gay kid is bullied now, he is not only getting crap from his classmates, but the adults at his school are ignoring it, the adults in the school board, and he's hearing on the news about how homosexuality is abnormal and that there is something wrong psychologically and spiritually in people who are attracted to the same gender (cause they're going to hell...gays have no place in heaven). It seems you can't open a magazine or newspaper without reading about some star who is or isn't out with his lifestyle, or a gay politician, or a homophobic politician who was caught with a rent-a-boy. Try hearing a comment in a movie about someone thinking someone is wrong and saying "that's so gay". These kids that are being bullied are consistently told that there is something wrong with who they are, that who they are isn't the right way to be and who they are isn't everyone, including people they don't know. When someone is constantly and consistently being beat down, its hard not to listen. You can only be told you're worthless so many times before you believe it... and it is not only kids that are telling them they are worthless.
If "they" really want to fix the problem, having a summit to prevent bullying isn't going to do a damn bit of good. Its only masking the problem, which is that people consistently profile others that are different... whether it is based on sexuality, gender, intelligence, or religion and nationality. The issue lies in everyone trying to compartmentalize everyone else and stick them in a nice neat category in an effort to make themselves feel better. We're all the bullies here.