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Topic: My new blog  (Read 141108 times)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1005 on: December 24, 2011, 11:58:40 pm »
I'm a college student, 10 classes from my degree. I'm also 38..

You can find me hanging out on Google :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1006 on: December 25, 2011, 03:14:16 am »
Merry Christmas morning!  I slept in today.  Didn't get up until 5:45!  That's the longest since break started.   ;D

We went to Jess's last night for dinner and met up with Chad and his girl friend Nadine, Jen, Jess and Amya.  We had our turkey dinner and exchanged gifts.  Jen got her dad a nice Craftsman tool box.  He really needed it as his old one is falling apart.  She made me a really big glass vase, which she hand decorated with ivy and filled with white lights, scented pinecones and holly berries.  It's huge and very pretty.  It probably stands 2 1/2 feet tall.  Chad and Nadine got us an Italian gift basket filled with pasta, sauces, cheese, beer from Buffalo (where they live), a large cookie and some sort of fancy black olive cracker spread.  All unique products.  Jess gave us a gift certificate to one of the local steak houses.  The kids were all very generous to us!  We had a good time and Amya entertained us using her new T-Pain (rapper) microphone that her Aunt Jenny bought her.  She loved the Innovation tablet we got her and her Hello Kitty hat I made her. 

I had made each of the girls two hats for Christmas and Nadine had bought them charm bracelets so they all posed for pictures in their hats holding their hands up so you could see their bracelets.  If they post them to FB I'll repost so you can see them too. 

Jess gave us lots of leftovers so I guess we won't have to go eat the duck at the Chinese restaurant today afterall.  We might go to see War Horse if it's playing at the local theatre though.  That looks like a really good movie. 

I'm sure you'll enjoy your Kindle.  They do so many cool things besides just reading books.  I'll bet they were as excited to give it to you as you were to receive it.  I can just see their sneaky little grins. 

I never did hear anything yesterday from my son.  If he doesn't call me this afternoon I will touch base with him.  It isn't me he is mad at...just the world, the trials of life and he and Angie aren't getting along too well.  I'm not sure at this time if I have to run Bob to Erie to pick up the truck or if he will drive his car and let it sit there until he returns home.  It all depends on if they are flying him home for New Years.  If I do have to go to Erie I will suggest going to visit my son after I drop Bob off at the complex.  I have a gut feeling that my son might end up moving in with us for a while if things don't work out with him and Angie. 

Well my dear I'm going to go play my games and then get busy around here.  I still have a few hats to make in order to pack a box to mail to my daughter in WV and a cousin in Baltimore and some special friends in GA so I want to get those completed within the next couple of days and get them in the mail no later than Tuesday.  I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the "make a hat tunnel".   

I have people asking me for more hats to buy at school so I'll keep on making them but I'm not going to allow anyone to put time lines on me. 

Again...Merry Christmas my friend. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1007 on: December 25, 2011, 07:44:07 pm »
I'm a college student, 10 classes from my degree. I'm also 38..

Hi malgron,

That is super!  Hang in there - you are almost finished! :)



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1008 on: December 25, 2011, 08:06:25 pm »
Happy Christmas Night, Kim,

Today was very quiet here with just Roddy and I.  I did have an uncle and a couple of aunts who I spoke with.  It's kind of funny, you and Bob didn't eat the duck, but I went and got Roddy and I Chinese, lol.  Since Adam and Veronica were bringing lots of food home from my MIL, Roddy didn't want me to cook anything.  That was sweet.  He slept off and on most of the day.  I played around on my Kindle, watched a couple of Christmas movies, and also spoke with a couple of friends, too.  We had a bunch of gifts to open from my MIL, and both sets of SIL/BIL's, and our nieces and nephew.  We sent ours all down with our kids.  They all spoiled us with clothes, gift cards, jewelry, this really cute Gingerbread Man Cookie Jar, winter scarves, and other odds and ends. 

I'm glad you and Bob got to spend some time with his family, too.  I am sorry about your son, though, and I hope things work out with them.  Randal didn't call anyone nor did he let the girls call any of us.  That should be a neat picture of the girls in their hats and charm bracelets!  That's part of the fun isn't it?  You and Bob received some more really nice gifts.  The vase with all of its trimmings and items inside sound wonderfully winterish and Christmas-sy!  I imagine it's lovely.  I like all of the unique things you spoke of, too.  I'm glad Amya had a great time with her gifts.  :)

I told you your hats were going to be popular, lol.  But you are absolutely right in not allowing time restraints put on you.  You've got a lot of other things going on in your life, too.  Besides, it would not be good to be pushed and then not actually enjoy what you are doing with making them.

Keep having fun with those games.  I really hope I'll be able to start catching up with my games this week.  I do miss them.

Have a nice Monday!

Julie  :)
P.S.  You have special friends in GA?  Lol!  It just sounded nice to hear that!   :cat:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1009 on: December 26, 2011, 03:21:41 am »

It sounds like you had a pretty good Christmas despite Roddy being sick and Randall not calling. 

We just ate leftovers and went to see War Horse.  I have all of Bob's goodies packed and he has packed his clothing so he can leave this morning.  I'll fix him a good breakfast and he probably won't stop until evening to eat, other than snack. 

I'm down to four hats now.  I just have to put the finishing touches on my grandson's sock monkey hat and their box will be ready to mail this afternoon. 

I laid in bed last night designing hats and thinking it would be great to get together with my cousin Cheryl (photographer) and write a book of patterns and easy recipes.  I think I'll run it past her as she has more networking in the professional world.  We both could use the money! 

The Gingerbread cookie jar sounds really cute. 

I'm kind of stuck on some of those games.  I need things that you can't get unless your friends send them to you.  I hate posting a lot of the junk to my wall.  I never used to play those games and would ask people to please not send me all of the requests.  Now I feel guilty posting anything.  I don't care much for farmville or cityville but really like the Ravenskye and Zombie games.  I hope there is eventually a completion to the games though as I don't want to be stuck taking care of them for time on end.  :)  Right now I can't pass a tree or a rock, in real life, without getting the feeling that I need to start chopping.  I'm glad Zombie's aren't real...or are they???? the CDC has a plan on their web site to stop a zombie apocalypse.  As the saying goes...if Zombies start chasing us....I'm tripping you.   :angel12:

Later girlfriend.  Relax today. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1010 on: December 26, 2011, 06:13:52 pm »
Hi Kim,

You're so funny!  But I do have to admit to the same.  I'll see little tree roots sticking out of the ground sometimes when running errands, and right away Ravenskye crosses my mind about having to get rid of the root, lol.  Nah, don't feel funny about the posts asking for things.  People who don't play have an option to turn off seeing game requests even though they would still see your conversations with them.  I know I'm really behind in sending items requested for to my gamer friends, but I will get in there and try to catch up.  I haven't been much help, lately, to anyone like that.  Veronica will sometimes go in on my name to click on and send herself her requests sent to me, lol. 

I'm still having some tummy issues with one of my meds.  Thing is, I can tell it's starting to help some with the constant bronchial cough, but I'm just not having an appetite nor wanting to drink anything.  I make myself do both though so I don't make myself really sick.  I'm drinking lots of vitamin water, flavored, with low carbs, because of my sugar, and because I can drink it better with flavor to it.  I still occasionally lose my food (maybe 2 or 3 times a week.)  One good thing, is I'm not having any desire to eat sweets.  That's good in one respect, I guess.

That sounds like a good idea with you and your cousin.  That would be neat to maybe be able to do that!  Thumbs up!!   :thumbsup:

If there were really zombies, we'd be tripping each other, lol!!!  Hope you're doing okay with Bob not there.  Thinking of you!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1011 on: December 27, 2011, 04:07:04 am »
Hi Julie,

First full day home alone today.  The neighbor, Vince, was here for several hours yesterday.  I was feeling pretty frustrated by the time he left.  I wish my car wasn't so visible as they know when I'm home.  Then I feel terrible feeling this way about someone.  I do sympathize with him and I understand his frustration with the judicial system and think he does have a valid case but .... I don't think anyone is going to listen to him as he doesn't state the case clearly enough.  Too bad really but my patience is running thin too because I just have too busy of a schedule to help him. 

I need to make one more hat for my cousin and then get back into housecleaning and homework mode.  From how I feel today that's going to be real hard task.  I feel worn out. 

Hope you and Roddy are feeling better today. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1012 on: December 27, 2011, 06:45:34 pm »
Hi Kim,

Sorry about the situation with your neighbor.  I remember you telling me about it.  It's hard to help someone, sometimes, when they have their mind already made up about something.  It sounds like he needs to confer with some type of attorney or someone who can work with him from an objective point of view.  He's putting a lot on you and it puts you in a spot, since he's looking at you as a friend.  Sorry, I'm rambling here..... hopefully you know what I'm trying to say...   :dontknow:

Housecleaning and Homework - notice they both start with H and both entail work.  After the rush of the holidays, it's hard to get in any kind of desire for any kind of work, lol.    :P    I've got to get moving more with housecleaning and rearranging some things.  I lost my lunch today, though, and am puny.  Plus with the weather change today, my cough is irritating.  I'm glad I go to the pulmonologist next week - maybe she'll change this one med out.  I'll also find out the results from the latest labwork.

I ordered a lava lamp today with one of my gift cards.  We think that mine was taken by a certain dil when she moved out when she lived with us.  We have missed many things.  When they lived in Norfolk, we saw a couple of things of ours.  Of course she said she had bought them somewhere because she liked them so much.  Even then, we tried to keep the peace.  :sad1:

Well, I hope tomorrow is a better day as far as being on your own to do what you want or need to do.  Talk to you then!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1013 on: December 28, 2011, 02:39:24 am »

Yes he does need to talk to someone with more knowledge but he keeps hitting brick walls.  He was to take his paperwork yesterday to file in the courts.  I hope he gets some attention from somebody but I fear not. 

I just can't believe your DIL would take things from your home like that.  I've said it before .... she has some audacity and is a true piece of work. 

What color of a lava lamp did you end up ordering?  My big one is blue water with white wax and the one Bob got me is blue water with yellow wax.  I used to keep mine on my desk at work.  It was sort of relaxing to look at when things got hectic.  They make a nice night light too. 

It sounds like you do need to change that one medicine.  Too bad it was helping in one aspect but not another.  Hopefully they can find the right one the next time. 

Off to play my games before I get started on the house. 




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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1014 on: December 28, 2011, 05:33:00 pm »
Hi Kim,

I studied the lava lamps for quite awhile.  I finally narrowed down to 4, lol.  Yellow wax with blue water (yep, like one of yours!), yellow wax with purple water, yellow wax with red water, and pink wax with purple water.  I went with the pink/purple because it also has a purple base, not to mention it's my favorite color.  It's supposed to arrive tomorrow (Thurs.)  Amazon had a prime-member deal for 2 day free shipping if you bought something within a certain amount of time.  I was like 7 minutes away from the deadline before I even noticed!  I made it!  :)

Wow, I'm impressed with myself today!  I did not get sick once and my stomach actually stay pretty settled most all day.  I still don't have much of an appetite, but I could eat and hold it down.  Yay!

I need to pay bills tomorrow.  Yuck, I don't like to, but oh well, gotta get them paid.  We all have that in common. 

Have a super day!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1015 on: December 28, 2011, 06:34:45 pm »
I just started maintaining a blog. WordPress makes it easy :)

You can find me hanging out on Google :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1016 on: December 29, 2011, 02:34:54 am »
I just started maintaining a blog. WordPress makes it easy :)

Hi Malgron,

I'll have to check out wordpress.  Why don't you share the url to your site so we can drop in and say hello there? 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1017 on: December 29, 2011, 02:40:42 am »

This is weird.  Writing on here and by email. 

I have an interview today at 1:30 regarding my internship.  It's with one of the local hospital physicians groups.  My money was also deposited into my bank.  I told a friend I would run her son to the doctor at 10:30 so I'll hit the post office while I'm out. 

I worked on homework all day yesterday but the English is making me pound my head against the walls.   Arrgghhhh...  This module is ridiculously hard.  Even the English teacher struggles with it and admits as much. 

I'm going to try to type up one of the sentences and send you an example by email so you can see what I'm talking about.  It's unbelieveable. 

It's hard to believe it's already the 29th! 

I think you'll enjoy your lava lamp.  I need to pay bills today too.  Don't you just hate it?   

Later lady. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1018 on: December 29, 2011, 05:12:07 pm »
Hi Kim,

Here goes 2nd try with this.  I was typing away and I guess touched a key (?) and *poof* it all went away.  Grrr.......

Yes, I agree that's it's different writing here and through email.  But it's fine with me!  I'll check my emails and look for yours with the English.

Well, 1:30 has come and passed today since I've not been on long.  I really hope your internship interview went well for you.  I'm glad your money was deposited, too.  That's always a plus.  Looking forward to our incoming mail!!

We are enjoying the lava lamp tonight.  It came today, as promised.  AAhhhhh....  it's so nice to have one again, lol!

Oh yeah!  I agree with hating to do bills; necessary though...

I agree this year has flown by now that we're here at the end of Dec.  There were times, though, it seemed to go slow.  I remember you working at a kiosk last year - you wouldn't want to go back, would you?  Just kidding!

Have a nice evening and a great Friday!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #1019 on: December 30, 2011, 03:59:02 am »

The interview went well.  It wasn't conducted by where they would be hiring me...more of a human resource office for the entire physicians group.  I could end up just about anywhere, including Ohio which is right on the border of the part of PA where we live. 

I have to get a titor test, physical, TB test, drug test, background test and purchase specific colors of scrubs.  I was supposed to pick up a packet from the nursing school yesterday with paperwork to fill out and specifics about the tests but when I went there the office door was wide open but the lights were off and nobody was in the room.  I called to try to get answers as to when there would be someone in the office but nobody returned my calls.  I need the packet in order to get the tests started and today is when I was supposed to get started so they can read the results of the TB test next Monday.  They want me to have all of this stuff completed by the 9th so I can attend an orientation.  With people being off for the holidays they sure make it tough to chew through all of the red tape. 

I'm going to go to their office again today around 10, hopefully pick up the packet, go and get the first TB test, go for the drug test and physical.  I can do the background check online and go to the uniform store next week.  All of this has costs attached to it too so I'm trying to squeeze the money I have left after bills into the right slots.  Good thing I might have won 100 on the lottery as I'll certainly need it.  Each TB test costs 11, the physical is 40, the background check is about 15, I'm guessing about 25 for each uniform and I need two at least.  I don't know how much the titor test will be. 

I'm really feeling frustrated and anxious with all of the todos on my list. 

Gotta run so I can keep these fires burning. 



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