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Topic: My new blog  (Read 141244 times)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #615 on: September 03, 2011, 06:35:35 am »
Good Luck but I dont know how to blog or twitter.


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #616 on: September 03, 2011, 11:37:43 am »
Good Luck but I dont know how to blog or twitter.

Hi and welcome!  Just visiting in here and writing about things or taking part in the conversations back and forth is blogging.  Hope you come back and tell us a little about yourself - It's nice to talk to you.  Have a nice holiday weekend!   :cat:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #617 on: September 03, 2011, 12:59:52 pm »

I have to start at the end of your conversation because I can totally agree with what you said!  Doing things at random and doing things as planned has become a part of life now.  I was at such a rigid, busy, and overtime schedule at one time such that I ended up getting sick.  The doctor kept telling me to slow down, get out of some things.  Finally she told me if I wanted to be around the next summer to enjoy my family that I had better listen to her now.  I did - but had to take a year off from work (per dr.)  My system was so fatigued and broken down, and that's when the asthma/bronchitis/allergy/reflux issues completely took over.  So now?  I depend on random and some things I plan when I know I can do it.  I'm still paying, today, for what I did to myself back then.

Regarding the subbing, I am listed as a sub in the classrooms in the county - but they are strictly using their parapros and inclusion teachers as subs first.  So not many of us are getting called (so they don't have to pay out extra money to another person, yuck...)  I'm also a sub monitor on 2 of the buses.  The monitor is always with the driver, helping with special ed students (on one bus) and on the other bus (the one my hubby drives) the monitor is also there for the driver - but it's a bit more complicated.  These students on his bus are ones with extreme behavior issues.  There are a couple who are just slower and may have a health issue - they are the great ones.  Of the others, one may want to start a fight because of something another student says.  Or one may look at another differently and they're ready to fight.  There are only 8 to 10 on this bus because each have to have their own assigned seat.  The mornings are calm - it's the afternoons that may get a little peppy.  I've been hit and kicked at once by one of them (last year) and he got in trouble over it.  I was okay.  The police were called and actually came, picked him up, took him home, and spoke with his parents.  It goes into his record, too.  There have been a couple of incidents with the other monitor but she's fine.  Hubby was military police in the Marines, so he's perfect for the job.  If he stops the bus and gets up, it's amazing how well they listen.  This year's group, I have to say, has been pretty much on the calm side (so far.)  Anyway, I have to sub (on the buses) whenever the main monitor is out.

I'm glad things are a little better at home for you.  You've got to be your own person, especially now with working on a program through school.  Maybe things will ease up in other areas for you, too.  I sure hope so!  What color are you painting your flower box and which flowers do you have in them?  I would like to get a couple of window boxes for our front with some geraniums.

Enjoy your long weekend!  Talk to you soon,

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #618 on: September 03, 2011, 06:28:20 pm »

Yes my headache is so much better..I get them alot sadly  >:(..And so far I have been busy but I have tomorrow during day as a crafting day to get some finished and pictures taken..

I do not have any pictures taken yet I had some but sadly they got lost somehow :'(..But as I post them I will sneak peeks in here  ;D

well back to finishing my farm I am such a addict LMAO :wave:


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #619 on: September 04, 2011, 04:24:32 am »
Good Luck but I dont know how to blog or twitter.

By writing to us on this blog you just blogged.  See how good you are?


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #620 on: September 04, 2011, 04:36:47 am »

Yikes, you be careful.  I feel badly for those kids though as usually behavior problems have to do with a troubled life to begin with.  They want attention so act badly to get it.  MHO. 

The trim on the house is dark green and the flower box is brown.  There are three medallions on the box that are green but I still have to paint those as it will be with a little brush.  I got everything painted on the one window and flower box yesterday but still have to scrape the paint from the window and now clean up a broken light bulb in the box.  There was a light above the box but an extension cord was hanging and dangling and hit the bulb and broke it.  I about fell off the ladder when it crashed.  I had choleas, vinca, spikes and petunias growing in the boxes but the petunias are pretty well spent for the year.  It's getting shabby looking.  My morning glories are going to town though. 

I went to a yard sale yesterday and hit the jackpot.  I bought about 6 different types of cactus for 50 cents each and planted a nice arrangement.  I'll be taking pictures in the next couple of days of the new paint job and the planter boxes.  I also managed to get a couple of pampas grass plants and a set of cone flowers.  Interesting enough they were called Kim's Knee high coneflowers.  tee hee.  I love growing things but I'm running out of space.  Bob's wife planted lots of stuff here through the years so the landscaping was pretty well done.  I had to have these pampas grasses though as I've always had and loved them.  We will plant them between the neighbors house and ours and it will offer a bit more privacy.  All that was growing there was daylillies.  I plan on continuing to move daffodils and seedum through the yard and there are some old tree trunks that are rotting that I can add cactus and other flowering things.  If there is a pile of dirt or a hole you can bet I will fill it with something.  I can still add loads of things to the deck too.  Little by little. 

It's raining this morning so I doubt I'll get much done outside.  Maybe a little crocheting is in order. 

Cya later.


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #621 on: September 04, 2011, 04:06:17 pm »
Hello girls..Well my craft page is on hold sadly..I got so much stuff going on I need to finish other things first lol..I have a habit of doing 50 things at once LMAO..I need more supplies so now I am aiming at possibly next Sunday..But if I can remember later tonight I may have a few pictures of some crafts I did that will be on there and I will post pictures as preview here :) xoxoxo till later


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #622 on: September 04, 2011, 06:36:19 pm »
Hello girls..Well my craft page is on hold sadly..I got so much stuff going on I need to finish other things first lol..I have a habit of doing 50 things at once LMAO..I need more supplies so now I am aiming at possibly next Sunday..But if I can remember later tonight I may have a few pictures of some crafts I did that will be on there and I will post pictures as preview here :) xoxoxo till later

I can totally understand about having too many things going on at once!  Just know that whenever you have it up and going you've got a couple of fans in here waiting patiently to check it out!  Hope your weekend is going well for you.  Have a nice holiday, tomorrow!  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #623 on: September 04, 2011, 07:06:00 pm »

Goodness, girl, I'm relieved you didn't fall and get hurt off that ladder!  Everything sounds really nice and attractive with the painting, the boxes, and the flowers!  I love the "Kim Knee high coneflowers!"  They are so pretty.  You've got a real nice variety of plants and flowers.  I'm looking forward to seeing some pics.!  I used to do so much before getting sick.  And I absolutely love flower gardens.

It only just started raining here a few minutes ago (almost 10:00 at night) but not near enough to make any difference.  We need a lot more.  It's so dry here and a couple of fires they managed to finally contain are up and going again.  At least the temperatures are a tad lower.

I was up with my daughter in the wee hours again this morning.  She was calling out for help - I almost tripped over her in the dark - she was laying on the bathroom floor about to pass out.  You know, they have really never nailed exactly what is wrong with her yet.  She still takes her nausea meds. a few days a week.  I made sure she was hydrated, gave her something for her stomach, and helped her back to bed.  She goes back to the specialist again soon.

Hubby and I went to church then spent the afternoon with some friends.  That was a fun time.  Got home and took my antibiotic, got nauseated (as usual from it), laid down and next thing it's 9:30 at night, and I haven't done my paid things on here, my paid emails, or my few things on FB!  All 3 cats were surrounding me.  So I'm working on all of it now.

Hope you enjoy your holiday tomorrow!  Talk to you then!

Julie  :)


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #624 on: September 04, 2011, 11:58:15 pm »

I didn't realize your daughter was still so sick.  I'm so sorry you are both having to deal with so many problems.  It's a horrible feeling when you don't know what's wrong and can't get any answers from the doctors.  My prayers for both of you. 

We had rain here all day yesterday.  Believe it or not we decided to go kayaking, thinking we would get just a morning shower.  We kayaked for over 10 miles.  We had never been on this river before so we were trailblazing.  We ended up having to by-pass two dams.  I didn't go very well prepared for what we were to endure.  I wore an old pair of flip flops that I knew full-well were blowing out on me.  I'm too darn frugal at times!  Poor Bob had to pull my kayak around the dams and at one time had to give me his shoes to get me over some rough rocks and a current.  My arms are so weak at best and I was exceptionally tired because I had mowed the yard with the push mower on Friday afternoon then I had painted on Saturday so I was even having a problem getting in and out of the kayak, let alone pulling it some distance.  I have to start doing some arm exercises to strengthen.  It's scarey being this weak and with getting older I'm feeling rather helpless these days. 

It's not yet 3 in the morning and I can't sleep.  I still haven't gotten things worked out with the unemployment and I'm down to less than 20 dollars to my name.  I've faxed them all of the their paperwork, made phone calls, emailed them and have been assured things would be taken care of but still nothing.  With the long weekend I can't even call anyone to complain until Tuesday.  I'm so frustrated I'm ready to just take a job and be done with all this uncertainty.  I'm not used to being dependent on anyone else and I don't like the feeling.  Bob is more than willing to help me but my pride is too large to accept the help gracefully.

I'll surely end up taking a long nap this afternoon.  :) Talk to you later my friend.  I hope your day goes better today.   


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #625 on: September 05, 2011, 06:28:20 pm »

My daughter has more good days than she was having, but whatever the problem is that they can't quite figure out, still rears its ugly head about once a week or so.  There seems to be a slight problem with her gallbladder with the digestion/releasing of bile (whatever they call it), but it doesn't seem to be enough for the specialist to want to take it.  So the tests go on.

Wow, you had quite a day of it!  I know my arms are weak - have gotten more so since I got so sick a few years ago.  Yours are probably stronger than you think with all of the outside activities you try to keep up with, but maybe have weakened up some, not to mention you came to a point out there where you had to push beyond your arms' endurance.  Keep that up and they'll be stronger in no time!  You do way much more than other friends I know at our age - I'm impressed with what you do!  I would probably still be jogging and hiking, etc. if I had never gotten so sick.  Keep up the great things you're doing!

We had wind gusts and rain most of today, as a result of Lee coming up through Alabama.  It wasn't bad at all, but it was needed. 

I'm really sorry about your situation with the pay, schooling, not hearing back, etc.  That has got to be so frustrating.  That's nice that Bob wants to help you out.  I can understand your view on it, though.  Maybe there is some kind of agreement you and he could come to where he feels like he's helping, but yet you don't feel like you are just taking his money.  You two are a family, working on things, and building/trying to build the trust in the relationship.  Look what you did Friday, for example.  You mowed the lawn with the push mower, and you are painting the outside, and planting, etc.  Just mowing the lawn alone is one way you have helped him out.  That's not an easy thing to do.  You are beautifying the place, trying to make it a home.  So maybe you could think how he could simply help you out until school is done and you are able to get a job.  You could pay back or continue to do things that you know help him in return.  It will do one of two things: make things worse, or let each feel like you are helping the other.  If it were to make things worse, you will know right away and that would be that - no more help that way.  Maybe he wants to feel like he's helping you, even if just temporarily.  I'm just talking off my head and heart.  I realize you have to do what you need to do - I just have taken you to heart and trying to look at it through your eyes and through an outsider's eyes.  I'm not there so I don't know all of the things going on - but just want to help in whatever way I can - even if just listening and praying.   So I'll hush now, lol!!

I hope you caught up with some rest today with little sleep last night.  Hope you had a nice holiday.  I'm glad you are nearing your break!  Hang in there!  Talk to you soon,

Julie  :)


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Tuesday morning
« Reply #626 on: September 06, 2011, 02:33:16 am »

I saw you were having some bad weather.  Did it help any with the fires in the area? 

If your daughter is having gall bladder problems I wish they'd just do the necessary.  With the new laser surgeries it seems to be such an easy procedure and she could get back to a more normal way of life. 

Yes I do a lot more than some people my age but I can tell I have slipped some in the last year.  I think it's due to being more inactive with sitting all day at school then coming home and sitting more with all the studying and homework.  I know that last year at this time it was nothing for me to walk six miles in the area around the house but I'd be hard pressed to do it now.  I have started an exercise routine again but I'm not doing as much or as hard of a routine as I'd like yet.  Maybe in time I'll build some stamina.

I do plenty around here financially and work to improve the house and Bob is well aware of my endeavors.  Even though I'm going through a dry spell with the payments I have managed to keep my end of the financial bargain up, so far, and he knows that whatever help he provides to me now will be repaid in time.  He bought me the Jean Auel book the other day which was sweet of him.  We do think ahead too in terms of what retirement needs will be for both of us and know that eventually I'll be back to work and contriubuting more.  I'm just so independent and have always paid my own way and when things get tight I begin to worry.  I'm a planner and always look ahead.  Heck he teases me about my stock of food in the pantry.  Other than meat, milk, bread and eggs we could eat for a couple of months without shopping. 

I wanted to get finished up with the painting yesterday but it rained pretty much all day.  I only have the medallions on the flower box to finish and to scrape the paint off the front windows to call the front area by the rock garden done.  I will finish up the windows on the back deck but the rest is up to him as it requires climing too high on a ladder for me. I'd like to get the deck restained too before it gets too cold but have to wait for the money flow to lighten up to buy the stain. 

We both did a few small things around the house yesterday but took some down time too.  I read a bit of my new book and even crocheted some.  I'm working on a lapghan that I started for him during the winter.  Another night and it should be completed. 

I hope you are feeling some better.  Maybe the rain will have dampened down some of the pollen and not as many allergens in the air.  Do you have any work scheduled for this week yet? 


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Re: My new blog
« Reply #627 on: September 06, 2011, 04:02:39 pm »

Yes, the rain has helped to keep one fire contained that has been stubborn.  It's sad to see all of the burnt acres upon acres around this area and surrounding counties. 

You'll build more stamina - actually you already are just with what you've started doing, with the exercising, kayaking, outside activities, etc.  But, it's not as easy as it used to be, is it? 

That's funny about being prepared with food for a couple of months!  But very good thinking!!  It sounds like you two are already in tune with helping each other with things right now.  He is really fortunate to have you.  You are so supportive and loyal with and to him.  I really hope this financial school situation gets straightened out for you asap.

I enjoy reading Jean Auel books, especially the Clan of the Cave Bear series.  That's neat about the lapghan - that would be a neat idea for something like that for Roddy.  He gets more cold-natured now with his legs and feet, even in the summer with the fan going.  I had bought a couple of fuzzy blankets in the winter and he uses them all of the time.

I have no work scheduled for this week so far.  I'm supposed to go get my asthma shots Friday, but I'm still not responding very well to the antibiotic.  She doesn't like to give the shots when you're sick because of extra problems that could arise.  I've been on the antibiotics for 12 days and have 2 more days, but the congestion won't clear up and out.  It wants to hang on and settle more in my chest.  I'm on the nebulizer and it helps for the few hours and then it starts up again with the coughing/wheezing/congestion.  I was literally up all night (reading my book) because the cough would not stop (even with the inhaler.)  I gave in and took the hydrocodone cough medicine and it finally started helping about an hour later.  By then it was near time for Roddy to get up so I stayed up.  After they all left for work around 6:00, I managed to finally get a couple hours of sleep.

The remnants of Lee cleared out this afternoon - it's slightly cooler with less humidity, and the sky is so blue with little wisps of clouds.  It's really nice out.  It's supposed to go down in the lower 60s at night now, and a couple of nights they've even predicted upper 50s.  Now that's what I can handle and breathe better in!!  I'm so glad fall is just around the corner!

Hope your week is going well.  Good luck on your tests!

Julie  :)


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« Reply #628 on: September 07, 2011, 02:20:28 am »

We have more rain here this morning.  I guess it's the tail end of the hurricanes for us too. 

Sounds to me like you don't need to work for a while until you get to feeling better.  I don't know how you possibly could.  Heck you might even be eligible for disability the way things seem to work out with your allergies and other problems.  How could you possibly schedule working around your shots and how you feel for days afterwards?  I hate it that you are on antibiotics to much.  You build resistence and then if something worse happens you'd have a horrible time fighting it off. 

It sounds to me like you will be needing another good book to read soon.  As soon as I get my first uc check I'll mail that other book.  Have you ever read Tuesday's with Morrie?  I got that at a yard sale a while ago and I could send that too. 

Fall actually is harder on my allergies.  I have to be careful raking leaves and especially being around where they are burning. 

I had planned on getting more painting done yesterday but the rain stopped me.  It doesn't look like I'll get any done today either.  I started on another shrug last night.  I know it's probably impossible but one of my teachers is having her 60th birthday tomorrow and I was hoping I could get the shrug done in time to give it to her.  I crochet really fast and have a couple of hours break at school today and probably all evening.  I'll at least give it a shot and if I don't get it done in time I'll pick up something else for her and give it to someone else.  Her room at school is always so cold and we are always borrowing her shawl and a blanket she keeps so figured she could use another one.  We are having a pitch in for her.  I'm just making pasta salad so that won't take too long. 

Gotta run and do my morning ritual so I can maybe get a bit of crochet time in before school today.  Hope you feel some better today. 



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Re: My new blog
« Reply #629 on: September 07, 2011, 01:07:20 pm »
Hi Kim,

I hope you are able to get the shrug done for the one teacher for tomorrow.  That's a really nice thing to do for her and it's something she'll never forget and always use! 

I thought I had mentioned it, but maybe I forgot.  Your comment reminded me!  I have put in for SSDI - back in early July.  I've gone through 2 phases so far, and am currently in the medical evaluation phase.  They've requested all of my records from my primary, asthma specialist, and pulmonologist.  They've got a complete list of my full page of meds I'm on.  Roddy had to also fill out a form describing everything I do daily, including resting, going out, chores, problems, etc.  I had to fill one of my own out, too.  Also, they have already checked with my past 3 employers (schools) and have seen what I used to be able to do, how I slowed down gradually, got sick, and am where I am today.  So many people say everyone is always denied the 1st time while others say it really does depend on the case.  Some have to be evaluated by their medical staff, but I'm really hoping my doctors/records/meds show how current I am with being under constant doctor care, and not have to go see them, too.  I don't know what will happen, but I'm praying.  I do have attorneys lined up, though, in the event of denial.

As much as I love fall and the cooler weather, Sept. thru Nov. is also hardest on me because of my allergies to the ragweed, burning smells, molds, etc.  So I can understand where you are with that!!  But yet, I do have better moments with the breathing itself when it's cool or cold!

Sounds good to me about the books!  Just let me know and I'll mail a couple to you, too.  I have some of Jean Auel's books on hand.  I have other author's books that are similar to the same themes in her books, also.

Have a nice evening!  It's getting closer to your break, yay!  Talk later!

Julie  :)

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