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Topic: What if I make a bad referral?  (Read 3510 times)


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Re: What if I make a bad referral?
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2010, 03:55:39 am »
Hey guys, so I just recently joined because of the amazing referral program. I read read a bunch of reviews and got mixed feelings. I figured the best way to see how legit the cashouts are would be to try it out myself!

Here's what really bothers me though; one of the reviews I read said:

"Things were going good and I was making a lot of money (mostly from referrals). I had about $120 and went to cashout.

The next day when I went to see if my cashout had passed, I couldn't sign because my account was banned. I received some lame email saying that one of my referrals made 2 accounts so my account was deleted. Instead of deleting my account and costing me hours of time and effort, I think it would have made sense to just delete my one referrals account. Oh well, I just won't be going back to this site again."

Is it true? If I make a couple of bad referrals who stupidly make multiple accounts despite my warnings, my account will get banned (instead of those referrals' accounts getting banned)? It really worries me because I make like 40 refs daily on my primary GPT site (not enough actives though) and I might be able to get like 10 daily refs for FusionCash. I don't want to wait a month only to find that I'm getting banned for something little like 20-30 bad referrals out of 200-300.
that didnt even sound right...but give a support ticket to find out


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Re: What if I make a bad referral?
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2010, 07:55:58 am »
You will probably get thrown into the FC pit of fire. Nahh jk I'd just take a number and ask the people up top.
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Re: What if I make a bad referral?
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2010, 05:02:08 am »

I've made 220 referrals in 2 weeks, cashed out yesturday for 257.80 and my account during the last two weeks was restricted, and both times with just a ticket to support my account was reinstated.  I look over my referral list and it does look like some of my referrals my have made multiple accounts.  The reason I know is they will make a username like alot1234 and then alot 4321.  I can't see how you can be held accountable for their fraudalent activity.  If your account does get restricted and you haven't done anything wrong, support is very good at getting your account reinstated within 2 or 3 days.  I have 220 active referrals and no problems so far.  I got discouraged when my account was restricted both times and by then I had already been credited 150 or so in referrals.  I was pissed to say the least and I like instant results.  I knew I did nothing wrong and I sent several tickets to support, trust me don't do that send them one and have the patience for their response, they will respond.  Don't get discouraged.  Make sure none of your referrals use your computer and if your advertising you are not allowed to direct someone what offer they should complete.  Your referrals have to be genuine referrals.  I have a forum post label "made 240 in two weeks, and today I'll be discussing how to get good referrals.  As of now 95% of the referrals I get signed up confirm their email(not an easy task but I can show you).  Out of that I would say 20% did their first offer making me an extra $40.(That wasn't easy either).  Check out my forum I'll be giving out some of my secrets.  My advice if followed to the tee, can earn you $100 your first week.  Comment my forum and I'll add you as a buddy and I'll begin little by little so not to confuse people, but within a week theirs no reason why you couldn't make $100.  I hope I can help all of you.   REFERRALS IS THE WAY TO RICHES. Take Care

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