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Topic: PAIN IN MY CAT-LOVING CRAW!!!  (Read 599 times)


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« on: November 05, 2010, 11:48:26 pm »
 This is a long one, because it gets on my nervous system!!!!! People that own Cats, especially if they are outdoor/indoor should know that your kitty WILL get into a fight with another cat(s)!!!  It's inevitable!!! Territory has to be fought over, mating has to be done,  and whether or not your little fooo fooo is gonna get hurt or not...too bad-reality sucks!!!! Its a fact of life for outdoor cats everydayas an outdoor cat owner, you really don't know, but should absolutely expect it to happen. I understand that you care  for them and love them and you don't want any harm to come to them But, to be on the Real.....Cats could care less if you come to their rescue, or if you care about them getting injured-that's just what they do!

Don't likey??? No-Lettie-Kitty-Outsidey!!

I say that, because of this, I have a neighbor that owns a couple of outdoor/indoor cats, and everytime she hears a cat fight~she immediatelly gets her flashlight and walks outside to go see if her cat is okay, or to break up the fight!!!!! It drives me crazy!!! She walks up and down people's yards at all times of the night with her flashlight shinning in peoples windows and bushes trying to see if one or more of her  cats are  involved  in the
thrown down....So she can stop it herself??????!!!To me, she couldn't be more useless! Cats instinctively fend for themselves very well outdoors because its in their nature to do so. All of the howling, growling,  screaming and posturing  is just apart of it, and its normal!!!! I am trying to figure out her logic. Does she think shes a cat? Is she some kind of self proclaimed "cat whisperer"???   Is she smarter than the cats about their own natural feline abilities and instincts to survive?

And then we come to the mitigating cirrcumstances>>>

 I then thought to myself.......maybe she got her cats declawed!!! HELLOO!!! If she got her cats declawed, then shame on her for letting them go outdoors!!! I would think that the owner of a declawed cat would easily understand that they are letting this creature go outside at its own risk,  missing one of his/her most precious weapon of choice....their claws!!!!!

Climb tree to escape fight....FAIL!

Scratch trees to mark territory.... FAIL!!!!

Defend self against territorial neighboring cat...FAIL!!!!!

Fight wild animal that i bigger than me.....FAIL!!!!

Scale wooden fence to escape dangerous situation....FAIL!!!!!!

Scratch annoying kid who constantly pulls my tail....FAIL!!!!!!

Nothing shocking here!!! Expect failure and more injuries if  outdoor kitty ain't got no claws!!!!!

 Meanwhile, back on the farm..........if you ever decide to get in the way of a serious cat fight , you should know that MOST CATS WILL GO THROUGH YOU TO CONTINUE THE FIGHT!!!!!!  You are an expendable obstacle in their eyes!   Even if the cats are domesticated, all of the sweetness and the purring and the cuteness dissapeares into thin air! Cats don't know who their owner is from the man on the moon when they are in that mode!!!! They are litterally "blinded with rage"-ie, their vision around them is completely blurred out , like tunnel vision and they are  only focused on intimidation, being submissive, tearing *bleep* out of the fight, or tearing up some territorial kitty *bleep*!!!! If there are  male cats  that are intact, and there are queens around, fights could go on for days and it  can get ugly and yes, sometimes bloddy!!!!! The sounds are CRAZY COOL, and frightening, if you don't know what it means!!!!

 Like I said,  though, her cats aren't gonna be thinking...

...." Oh look! there's mommy, Ill be okay feral cats are gonna get it now, My mommy is here!!!!!"

I'm pretty sure that she doesn't know this, because she continues to waste her flashlight batteries almost every night checking on her cats to see if they are okay!!! But the fact is that you take on that risk when you decide to own outdoor cats, no matter where you live. If they have their claws, and they are healthy, pretty sure they can handle it, unless fate steps in.

My neighbor is gonna get her *bleep* torn up one day, and I hope I'm there to see it!!!

hey, I'm just saying........(face palm and shake head)

  WHA    DO
        T       Y
                      U   THINK !!!!!!!!
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