I'm surprised you didn't break out the race card as well, I mean your post looked like it had so much potential! You really dropped the ball on that one.
You ramped up really well, and the typing in all caps really shows how upset you are, nice job with that, you really convinced the reader to take look thoughtfully at your point. You got the blame Bush thing down well, but next time to really get it done, throw in a "racist" or "bigot" or something along those lines, it'll really get your point across.
The woods comment had me wondering, I mean since 2008, since your chosen one got in office with all of his wallstreet friends that he placed in his cabinet (by the way, they're the ones who really screwed us) are you implying that we're going to living in the woods or are we going to be making log cabins. We really need to know! Do I go out and start buying up lumber to build it? I mean dark ages, I guess we're all going to lose such things like indoor plumbing, I hope you have a good water treatment plan, could you clue me in on that? You seem to be such a pinacle of intelligence and well thoughtout posts you probably have the ability of telling me what I'm supposed to do.
Oh I have so many questions! Should I start getting more ammunition for my guns or do I turn them over to the local authorities? They seem to have my best interest in mind, with their relentless tazering of old people and unconstitutional speed traps, I'm sure they must know what's going on. Please help!
All kidding aside, you're an absolute idiot if you think we're going to the dark ages over a congressional election. 2006 and 2008 the same damn thing happened and we're still here. Are you worried that unemployment benefits won't be extended yet again past their 99 weeks they already are? Are you worried that the idiots in the cabinet, which all worked on wallstreet before being in the cabinet in the first place are going to take more money away from you?
Oh and one last thing... I don't want any damn help from my government, I actually want them less involved with my personal life and liberties. I want them as far as freaking away from me and my family as damn possible. I don't want their handouts, I'd rather; I know this may come as a shocking realization, EARN what I have as opposed to it being taken from someone else to be given to me.
You can't steal from Peter to pay Paul. That's exactly what's going on. Your post shows you have very little econmic intelligence nor actual knowledge of how the politcal world actually works. Keep listening to your media outlets telling you what you're supposed to believe and that government is the end all be all solution of life. Lemmings all jump from the ledge one day.
The Democrats have been IN CONTROL since 2006 and yet they haven't done a damn thing execpt spend spend spend our unborn grandchildrens lives away. If government was such a great thing, riddle me this; why is the USPS in shambles? Why is Amtrak bankrupt? Why do public sector unions have nonbinding agreements in states that employee multiple people? Can you answer any of these or are you just going to goto a good one and call me a racist and think you like many of your brode and "I won the argument". Use some fact's next time as opposed to whatever some douche at MSNBC told you.