Glenn Beck. Oh yes, it'd be so sweet.
I'd like to see like a royal rumble type fight of say like Fox news idiots vs. the idiots at MSNBC.
I think it'd be a good fight honestly. Like a no holds barred, steel cage, ladder match. Winner takes all.
Yeah, that'd be fun. Something tells me that, for all their tough guy, war-loving bravado, the Fox idiots would get their clocks cleaned.
I dunno man, lets do this via head to head line up.
5: Glenn Beck vs. Chris Matthews.
I think this is a tough fight to call. Beck is a wus who constantly has proven his ability to cry, but Matthews acts like he's never been in a fight. Knowing Becks torrid past with drugs and alcohol before his "come to Jesus" moment, I think Beck could handle himself in this fight.
6: Brett Bair vs. Ed Shultz.
Shultz hands down... No question.
7: Shepard Smith vs. Chris Matthews again. Shep wins this. Rumor has it he downs two martini's before each show and he's a scrapper.
8: O'Reilly vs. Olbermann.
This is a tough fight to call. I can see even with his age, O'Reilly being a tough one to take down, yet I'm sure Olbermann has the youth on his side. It's a coin flip.
9: Hannity vs. Maddow
The biggest *bleep* of FOX vs. the highest amount of testerone on MSNBC. Again tough fight to call, but I give the edge to Maddow due to her probably being a dirtier fighter. Kicking and scratching, low blows. I can see her winning this fight.
10: Gretta vs. Lawerance O'Donnell.
I don't know who this O'Donnel person is, but I can see him winning this fight due to Gretta's inability to hold a conversation let alone knowing how to fight.
If you add in correspondences, I think Fox edges it out, I mean Palin will bring a gun, Juan Williams is pretty damn OG. Britt Hume is old... but you can tell he's fought a few times in his days.
So all in all I think it's a slight edge to Fox, but def not a hands down winner.