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Topic: What's BOTHERING YOU today?  (Read 8516 times)


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What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« on: October 30, 2010, 08:47:02 am »
     I caught my neighbor (the wife) trying to look in my windows again this morning---my cat had been sitting in a window and left the curtains "apart".    She made me so MAD the way she "ducked" her head when she saw me come out the front door!   :angry7:   I am also  SICK & TIRED of trying to be nice to everyone...being nice to "toxic people" is like giving out free "crack" to drug addicts.  Problem is, it's not always easy to tell at first glance who has "problems" and who doesn't.  I never wanted to be a "distant, cold-hearted" person but I can certainly understand how people end up that way!!  :angry7:  Lastly, one of my dear friends has cancer and there's a great chance she won't be around in a few more months.   :crybaby2: What's BOTHERING YOU today???
« Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 11:50:53 am by SherylsShado »


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2010, 12:15:33 pm »
 :cat:  First of all, Sheryl, I would be majorly bothered if my neighbor's wife was peeking in my windows - I sure hope that gets straightened out for you.  I also feel for you about your friend with cancer. That is definitely not easy to deal with.  I will pray for her.

What's bothering me today, is a certain family situation that has spiraled and caused problems with other family members.  The one who started it and keeps fanning the flames is blaming others when it's all her undoing.  I don't like being put in the middle to try and calm things, especially when none of us cares for her and she doesn't like us.  What makes me mad is the threat of not being able to see the grandkids, and the lies she tells them about things about family members that are not true.  (Actually, she's being urged on by her mom, who hates our family side, and doesn't want the grands to have anything to do with our side.)  Sorry if I have gone in circles around this.

I hope you have a better, wonderful trick-or-treat day!  :)


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2010, 02:10:01 pm »
I am sorry that you both were bothered today by different issues. But I am sure that you are not alone. I was bothered by one of my tanenhs who is not able to pay the rent for 3 months already and he told me that he won't be able to pay for the next 3 months either. He told me that he could not figure out his monthly bill but he just could not afford the rent anymore. what do you think? Well life is going on. Happy Hollaween to everyone!


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2010, 02:27:58 pm »
My stupid computer keeps freezing when I try to pull up some pdf files then I can't download the latest version of Adobe reader because it keeps freezing.   :BangHead:


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2010, 02:38:17 pm »
somehow I forgot to mention that the people that live upstairs have let another family member move in with his "woman" (I don't know if they are married or what) and they have a newborn baby.  The baby crying doesn't bother me, I know the other neighbor lady up there will make sure it's being taken care of.  What I can't sleep thru is whatever the female is inhaling (or smoking) up there that makes her laugh uncontrollably lets say non-stop for at least 60 minutes.
 I don't know how the others up there tolerate it...I've been tempted to call the police but I don't want to get on the others that live up there "bad side" as they've been pretty great neighbors.  That laughing hyena woke me up way too early today and I finally turned on the radio to try and block her out.   Anyway---jcribb, your situation sounds similiar to one in our family only it's my sister that refuses to get in the middle and I CAN'T seem to find my way out without getting sucked back in.  Perhaps every family has it's "trouble maker(s)", I don't know.  They sure know how to mess up a family, that's for sure!  superteacher: luv your avatar!!  I would be checking into small claims court 9depending on how much your tennant owes) and see about getting a judge to order them to pay up or put a lien on his future earnings and DON'T let it go another 3 months!!  If he can't afford the rent then he needs to get out and quit ripping you off!!  Happy Howl-a-ween ya'll!!
Call the cops don't tell them you name.


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2010, 02:48:05 pm »
It's the 4th day & FC systems are not working. Started noticing on 10/27/10.
Sat. contest last week no current contest, non this sat. New Nov. contest did it but no nothing happened in the late 72 hrs. Daily cash email & paid to click is not processing & not getting credit for the last 4 days. I posted support for help again & I've not gotten any input. I don't usually complain about things but when your poor & jobless, you tend to be a little short tempered.  :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2:


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2010, 04:29:29 pm »
My stupid computer keeps freezing when I try to pull up some pdf files then I can't download the latest version of Adobe reader because it keeps freezing.   :BangHead:
The same thing has been happening to me and to others I know.  Makes you wonder if something is wrong with the Adobe reader latest version itself...


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2010, 04:35:15 pm »
Hello everyone just here to express what I am feeling and whats bothering me today tonight. I just got a phone call from my mother inlaw and according to her her brother my wife's uncle is really upset for some strange reason. Apparently we lied to him about my wife's grandmother loaning us money for our wedding when we didn't lie to anyone. I am really upset right now and don't know what to do. We got married about 6 months ago and they are still dwelling on the fact that we have to pay the grandmother back which we will. My mother inlaw is stressing that we need to pay her back or they will get lawyers and all this other stuff. Anyone want to help me out on this.  >:(

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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2010, 04:52:50 pm »
what is bothering me...theres a certain someone acting like she is close to my family and everyone else i seems like she wants attention or something. she talks about others so I know to beaware of her. I gave her hints..she doesnt need to try that hard.....she can be a friend but not my sis!!


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2010, 05:31:57 pm »
My stupid computer keeps freezing when I try to pull up some pdf files then I can't download the latest version of Adobe reader because it keeps freezing.   :BangHead:
   Maybe your computer is not compatible for those PDF files.

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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2010, 05:51:47 pm »
I got nuthin'  :dontknow: Things could be a lot worse


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2010, 07:55:36 pm »
I dont blame you for not liking the lady to be peeking into your house.

Lets see... what is bothering me........

The fact that we need more money.

I have so many orders for my business that I can not keep up.

I know these two sorta contradict themselves and But when orders are time sensitive it sucks. Gotta have a blanket and hat mailed out tuesday and I am only starting it now. Thankfully they are only for a 2 year old.


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2010, 08:04:04 pm »
Have you every woke up and you just feel like--what in the world is going on today!  I had a not so good day, Thursday.  Here is what happened.  I was scheduled for a mammogram.  Because I am in the process of getting medical insurance, I had not realized that I was required to get charity care before scheduling an appointment.  To make a long story short, I had managed to get the hospital to allow me to write a postdated check for the following week.  This would have been the second time that I would have to rescheduled a mammogram.  I was not about to let this happened again.  I had my mammogram then I scheduled an appointment for charity care.  That didn't go well at first.  I don't where they get these customer service people but they always managed to give the wrong information.  She was going to refuse me an appointment so I went over there and got an appointment.  

Next morning, I complained to one of the supervisors.  I do not take kindly to people who do not treat others with respect or just plain inconsiderate.  I needed my mammogram as part of my follow-up as required from oncologist.  I let them know that it was not communicated as to how I was to apply for charity care.  As far as I was concerned, all this would be taken care of when I go to my appointment.  Also, this charity care is available to individuals who has or had some form of cancer, have a prescription from a doctor for any follow-up appointment and do not have any insurance coverage.  I fit this category.  I got my appointment and after hearing my complaint, the supervisor has made it her business that the Finance department is very aware of my appointment and staff is retrained properly in giving patients the right information regarding charity care.  BTW, I got my results from my mammogram which is,"No mammographic evidence of malignancy."  I intend to keep the results that way!


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2010, 08:59:00 pm »
I am bothered by people who lie when they get caught doing something wrong.  That makes two mistakes. 


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Re: What's BOTHERING YOU today?
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2010, 12:56:23 am »
Nothing really bothered me today..I dressed my dog and cat up for halloween and they would not sit still while I took a few pics but I love them soo much lol so I was not too mad and besides they were dressed as a bumble bee and ladybug so how mad could I get at them lol  :angel12:

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