Recycling if you actually look on it with the energy used to transport it becomes a moot point. The only materials that can actually be recycled for a gain is aluminum. The amount of energy needed to recycle glass is far more than what is needed for creation of the new one.
While a blue bin out front makes us feel we’re helping the planet, recycling most household materials has either minimal environmental impact, or even a negative one. Homeowners dutifully put out their glass, plastic, steel and aluminum packaging. But the only really valuable item, Mr. Porter says, is the metal. That sounds like an economic assessment, but it’s a key environmental measure: resources to make metal are at a premium, and production is energy intensive. Recycling metal pays because it saves on limited resources and energy — in other words, it’s better for the environment. The trouble is that in the typical North American city’s solid waste stream (including trash and recyclables) aluminum and steel generally account for just 2% by weight. Glass sent to recycling facilities is heavier, making up 3 to 5% of typical city waste by weight. But although it demands more energy, there isn’t much use for it.
All the glass collected this year by Calgary’s new program ended up at the East Calgary Landfill, where it is piling up for want of a buyer. “It’s a product that there just isn’t any demand for,” Bill Stitt, general manager of Metro Waste Paper Recovery Inc., the city’s recycling contractor, told a local paper. Edmonton is stockpiling, too, as are a number of other Canadian cities. The price of sand is simply too cheap, and the impracticality of reusing bottles of varying quality and colour is too big a headache to make it marketable. goes even more into plastic and glass, but makes some very valid points, especially with regards to glass and the amount of energy used to break it down and reuse it.
Recycling is a manufacturing process, so it has environmental impacts. An EPA study found more toxic materials in recycling paper processes than in virgin paper manufacturing. And, as one expert puts it, adding curbside recycling is “like moving from once-a-week garbage collection to twice a week.” That means more trucks, with their extra air pollution.