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Topic: american politics  (Read 11289 times)


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Re: american politics
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2008, 12:33:57 pm »
with the economy so assed up, how can anyone THINK about putting a democrat in the white house?

this just blows my mind.

LOOK people..... BUSINESS drives the economy... sure there are several factors involved in determining economic health.... but the BOTTOMLINE.... IS THE BOTTOMLINE.

It's easy to consider putting a Democrat in the white house when we consider the very recent past.  It's a point that's been trod over again and again, but our best recent economic years were with (D) Bill Clinton in the office when we were running surpluses.  (R) GW Bush almost immediately took us into recession.  Personally, I don't think (D) Al Gore would've prevented recession either, though it's arguable Bush's policies got us there quicker and let us sink longer, but it's a simple connection in many people's lives.  Last two decades in the USA: Democrat in office=good economy, Republican/Bushes in office=multiple recessions

so, while the price of gas continues to go up.... as prices on everything GOES UP...... and wages are not...

Gas going up in price is directly related to the Iraq War (a world leading economist recently put it as costing the USA about $3,000,000,000,000) as well as the weakening of the US Dollar.  Under the republican government the dollar has been plummeting.  Thanks to America's resourceful capitalism (yes, I'm actually talking about Wal-Mart and the like) inflation on consumer goods didn't mirror this as their were able to reduce costs and even increase profit margins in many cases.  Gas, however, has not been exempt.  The foreign bought gasoline continues to rise in price as the dollar sinks and the oil companies with their de facto monopolies post record profits quarter after quarter. 

Fun Facts:
-while BP was making ungodly earnings, they also burst a pipeline in Alaska, hurt the local environment there, and reacted by closing down numerous gas stations across the country to save some money, meaning many people lost their job. 
-Check Bush's energy bills from 2001-2006 -- curious why these oil companies needed tax breaks and subsidies?
-The weak US$ literally cost me thousands over the last four years as I worked in the USA during the summers and spent it in the spring and fall attending university in the UK

just who do yall think will pay for these "feel good", socialist-based, programs the democrats are famous for?

Pelosi's Democrat controlled Congress has been adamant about returning to the pay-as-you-go model.  Anytime they approve an increase in spending for anything, they must cut it from somewhere else to pay for it.  Yes, they even did it for the asinine $140,000,000,000-$160,000,000,000 in rebates we'll be receiving in a couple of months. (of course I'm still going to use mine, but it's really just a bad idea giving us this money)

when hillarys over $100 billion health care program was talked about a couple months ago.... they said "the program will cost the GOVERNMENT....."

sounds like a good reason not to support Hillary, since there are two Democrats in the race.
Of course, many republicans don't see it that way.  Talking (R) heads Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter have both endorsed Hillary.  There are said to have been thousands of voters who crossed over in the recent Texas and Ohio primaries to vote for her as well.


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Re: american politics
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2008, 01:58:58 pm »
***a well worded, and thought out comment***

as we know.... recession is inevitable. its part of the natural flow... and there is argument that part of clintons success economy wise was at least in part... or mostly... due to george H.'s... and his congress's policies.... that was put into play before clinton took office.

i have no doubt that george w. has hurt this country more than we will be able to recover from in 4 years... or even 8.

BUT.... the argument could be made.... with MUCH merit that 9/11 would have been STOPPED.... if clinton had gone after bin laden after the bombing of the u.s.s. cole.

woulda coulda shoulda.

while i didnt have anything against dad.... george h .... i do remember not being too terribly impressed with son.... george w. ... during his race for the white house.

i miss ronald reagan.

while his trickle down economics may not have been 100% successful.... and nancys "just say no" (to drugs) was a joke... we lived in a safer world...

ronnie got the job done.... just ask Muammar Khadafi

last i heard (a couple years ago).... khadafi was trying to be the u.s.'s friend... so much for swearing to see americas destruction.

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