I have a few:
1. A USPS commercial for priority shipping - a family standing outside their house on the porch looking in when the postman arrives and asks what's up. You see they got a "gift" from a relative, a freaky clown statue, that's standing in the center of their living room (cue the psycho music). The postman does his pitch about the USPS shipping. The husband, relieved said the solution was great because they really needed to get that clown out of there. The post man starts to say "I don't see anything wrong with..." and everyone yells - you see the clown statue is now standing at the front door... to which the postman quickly replies "Oh, yeah...that's gotta go!"
2. Jeep commercial from a couple seasons ago - a guy driving on a road through the country/hills when a squirrel drops in and starts singing "Rock Me Gently". The driver a little creeped out starts singing along. They are joined by a couple birds that add in with the chorus. Then out of nowhere, a wolf leaps into the back seat and eats the bird. The singing stops as the driver gives the wolf a look of "what the??!". The wolf then spits out the bird and joins singing "baby..baby.." and again the whole vehicle is off singing again.
3. Recent Geiko commercials - favorite ones this season so far:
> Was Honest Abe too honest? (See old "film" of Abe Lincoln's wife asking if her dress made her back side look too big. After much silent debating, he response "..just a little.." as she walks off disgusted)
> Did the little pig cry "Whee" all the way home? (see a pig in the back seat of a car holding pin wheels in each front hoof squeeling "Wheeeeee", "Wheeeee" out the window. See a boy in the back seat with him look over with a look that he's really tired of enduring this, as well as the boy's mother driving. They pull up to a house and the mother says "Max.....Maxwell! You're home." The pig stops squeeling, and says "Thanks Mrs. H".
> Do woodchucks chuck wood? (see a couple wood chucks with a pile of firewood near a pond. They pick up a piece and throw it into the pond and laugh. The "chuck" a couple more pieces into the water, still laughing. The owner of the house arrives home, and stops on a small bridge that spans the pond and shouts "Hey you dang woodchucks! Stop chucking my wood!" The woodchucks quickly toss one more piece in and run off laughing.)