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Topic: WTH happened in here?  (Read 51537 times)


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #285 on: November 06, 2010, 10:30:26 am »
Oh it gets so much worse, JD. You'd think that I'm not telling you the entire story and that there's more to it than just the religion, but there really isn't that much. They got this idea in their head that my brother is this 'douchebag preppy guy' who goes out drinking and cheating every night which is just ludicrous-- he's furthest from that! Their mindset is the one of anyone not involved in their beliefs is ultimately BAD! She lost the majority of her friends due to them all being aligned with the church. Her parents even have her little 8 yr old brother send (well-worded) emails to her saying "I miss you. Plz break up with him cuz he's with satan and you shouldn't align yourself with that. I miss you!". It's just pathetic. Fortunately it has been an eye-opening situation and she does not align herself with the church anymore. When her parents kicked her out, it kind of opened the flood gates of reality. Now she's a total freethinker on everything we discuss...wait...I mean she's tainted by the hand of satan due to us.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 11:18:50 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #286 on: November 06, 2010, 11:41:29 am »
Falconer and jordandog:  Those parents sound exactly like my dad was when I was growing up and into my 20's.  He scared away a couple of very nice guys with his rantings, speeches, and of the devil threats.  He actually didn't get saved until near the end of his life years ago.  He was a mean man and father, even though he did change briefly at the end after his decision.  Some so-called "Christians" that act like those parents are, are not what I am made of or approve of either.  It's a shame that some of these type people give a bad name to other Christians who genuinely love the Lord and their fellowmen/women.

Sheryl: I do see where you are coming from and what you are trying to get across. However, I am not going to speak for the other Christians on here, only myself right now. I have had conversations with Falconer and jordandog where they have challenged my beliefs and questioned me on why I believe certain things.  They have looked at my links and I have looked at their links.  I have questioned and challenged them as well. That is not a problem to me - since this is a debate forum.  The point here is they have listened and responded to me without animosity. Maybe a few sparks, but that is normal.  Queenofnines, however, in the beginning, did the same.  Then she started mocking me (and other Christians, and even posters who called her on her name calling.) She went beyond challenging and "testing" (as you put it) my faith.  I still stood up to her and tried to present what I could and why I believe what I do.  When she started calling our beliefs "invisible security blanket," how we don't live in reality, idiocy, etc., she was not any longer testing or challenging. She was mocking and berating and not accepting that our/my choice is what it is.  I do accept her way for her - it's her choice and not my business, except to pray for her, which I have. I have not cut her beliefs.

Queenofnines: Just so you don't get on to me for talking about you in the previous paragraph, I am simply responding to Sheryl and her defense of your "testing" of Christian faith on here.  I enjoyed very much debating with you in the beginning.  But as you now simply shun my beliefs and turn me off, and mock by name calling, instead of asking questions back and forth in a debating way, and answering in a mature way, I feel it has gone beyong debating and it appears that it is your way or no way. I certainly do not mind being tested, but at least receive my responses (and others) as genuine answers and stop coming back with demeaning answers.  In that way, I am willing to listen to you, as well.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #287 on: November 06, 2010, 01:47:32 pm »
He actually didn't get saved until near the end of his life years ago.
It's a shame that some of these type people give a bad name to other Christians who genuinely love the Lord and their fellowmen/women.

No offense whatsoever, but I'm 99% sure all of the people that clung to his past train-of-thought would think "Yeah, but your dad wasn't really saved like us. We're the real ones who are saved. He wasn't because he (insert random bible quotes or broken philosophies here)." It is a shame, but I keep on seeing it everywhere. Hell, 2 weeks ago my friend got arrested. Of course his dad was there for him, but was his nutjob churchy mother? Nope. She just bashed him saying if he had never left the church, this would have never happened. She probably used it as an example at her church too. Nevermind that she was a major reason he left in the first place. :BangHead: What a headache. It has been a busy past couple o' weeks.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #288 on: November 06, 2010, 02:36:20 pm »
He actually didn't get saved until near the end of his life years ago.
It's a shame that some of these type people give a bad name to other Christians who genuinely love the Lord and their fellowmen/women.

No offense whatsoever, but I'm 99% sure all of the people that clung to his past train-of-thought would think "Yeah, but your dad wasn't really saved like us. We're the real ones who are saved. He wasn't because he (insert random bible quotes or broken philosophies here)." It is a shame, but I keep on seeing it everywhere. Hell, 2 weeks ago my friend got arrested. Of course his dad was there for him, but was his nutjob churchy mother? Nope. She just bashed him saying if he had never left the church, this would have never happened. She probably used it as an example at her church too. Nevermind that she was a major reason he left in the first place. :BangHead: What a headache. It has been a busy past couple o' weeks.
I'm really sorry you and your brother and friend have gone through this trying time.  I'm glad you are there for support for them.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #289 on: November 06, 2010, 05:15:22 pm »
Oh it gets so much worse, JD. You'd think that I'm not telling you the entire story and that there's more to it than just the religion, but there really isn't that much. They got this idea in their head that my brother is this 'douchebag preppy guy' who goes out drinking and cheating every night which is just ludicrous-- he's furthest from that! Their mindset is the one of anyone not involved in their beliefs is ultimately BAD! She lost the majority of her friends due to them all being aligned with the church. Her parents even have her little 8 yr old brother send (well-worded) emails to her saying "I miss you. Plz break up with him cuz he's with satan and you shouldn't align yourself with that. I miss you!". It's just pathetic. Fortunately it has been an eye-opening situation and she does not align herself with the church anymore. When her parents kicked her out, it kind of opened the flood gates of reality. Now she's a total freethinker on everything we discuss...wait...I mean she's tainted by the hand of satan due to us.

Actually (and unfortunately) I really did NOT think there was more you weren't saying as far as the reasons behind it. I know people like that, like jcibb bringing up her father, and those are toxic folks I have said before I refuse to be around. They are true brute fanatics and yes, it does give religion and religious people a horrible rep if that is all someone is exposed to. We all know you can beat a dog into complete submission, but eventually he will have had enough and his only instinct is to destroy the person who owns the hand. Those 'parents' are doing the same thing to their daughter, but unlike an animal, she had the sense to stand up to them and I honestly think she would have left their care regardless of them kicking her out. Thankfully she has your brother to help her stay away from the horrible guilt trip that is already being put on her. Bringing her little brother into it?! Shows you just how low some people will go and say it is 'all in the name of love and god'.

I don't like to talk about work and my patients on here. It somehow feels as if I am breaking a code, even though it's not - I just have so much love and respect for them because of the hand life has dealt them. I have said before I NEVER bring my religious opinions and/or views into the lives of my patients and their families. Countless times I have sat and held hands with them while they prayed and I can only remember one time being asked why I didn't add my voice to it. I said something to the effect that "I felt it was their words that needed to be said, not mine, and I was there as support." Long story short - we had a 15 year old boy that was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It is highly agressive BUT also treatable with a fairly good outcome if it is caught early. For a couple years before he came to us and was [correctly]diagnosed, the family doctor was 'reassuring' the parents, his 3 siblings, and the rest of the family that he kept catching colds which caused the rise in his white cell count (told them every kid catches colds, strep throat, etc.) was always winded during and after sports because of a case of 'mild asthma', kids his age always need more sleep, especially boys, he was always 'tired' just being a teen and burning the candle at both ends, every excuse out there. They were also told he would "most likely grow out of it and just needed to take antibiotics when needed, use his inhaler and steroids, blah, blah". We started him on all the normal protocols, I took care of him for 2+ years, but it was too late for us to make him one of the 'lucky ones'. He had a very supportive and loving family, but they were also very, very dedicated to their religion. Keep in mind he could NOT have any of his friends come to see him while he was hospitalized because of the risk of infection being brought in and family had to don the clean suits when he was at his most susceptible times. The one joy he always looked forward to was playing cards with his dad and grandfather when he was able and well enough to do so. I honestly believe he did it to make THEM feel like everything was going to turn out all right. There were many times I could see in his eyes just how lousy and worn out and sick and tired of being sick and tired he was, but he still played.

That was the very last thing he did with his grandfather, 2 months before he died, because he told everyone in the family "You can say all the prayers you want, but god is not hearing me anymore, if he ever did, so I won't talk to Him anymore - you do it." His 'Pops' never came back again to see him after that and even though it was never said to me, I know his 'Nana' lied and went behind her husband's back so she could visit him 3 or 4 more times. It literally ripped them all apart and any emotional crisis in our class of patients can be the straw that will break even the strongest person's will to survive. Tyler died this past June, just shy of 2 months after all this. I just know in my heart that the absence of his Pops was one of the last things he thought about. I was able to attend the funeral home for Tyler's memorial, which I do for all patients we lose whenever possible, because you (I) cannot treat them as a chart and room number ever, but especially when they are with us for long periods of time. Tyler's grandfather came up to me with his arms out, as if to hug me. It was one of the ONLY times in all my years that I absolutely could not bring myself to offer any words to someone - I turned and walked away from him.

I know I said this would be short and it wasn't. It also took me forever to type out between tears. Apologies for another of my 'novella' posts.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #290 on: November 06, 2010, 05:42:06 pm »
hello, I'm new here  :angel12:

I do not know WTH happen here lol
don't get caught up in this. If you do, your brain will slowly shrink into nothing! It's already too late for a lot for these folks here. Run way, child, run, don't look back. Run away, & find your self a life. Be afraid... be very afraid!


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #291 on: November 06, 2010, 06:37:48 pm »
Jordandog, thank you for taking the time to share that.  That is so tragic and hard to deal with.  You must have a really soft heart for your patients, for it sounds like you go above and beyond.  I will never forget one of my mom's nurses from the hospital my mom was in before she died.  She took such good care of my mom and looked out for me and my comforts (because I would not leave my mom's side until she was gone.)  This nurse came to my mom's funeral, and has since communicated with me to check on me and my family.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #292 on: November 06, 2010, 06:43:42 pm »
jdogs post

WOW what a sad read. That's just terrible. Absolutely terrible. I can't imagine what that must have felt like...sorry to hear that you had to go through with that.  :(
And to think I grew up in a religion that actually would cut off contact with people if they revoked their respect for some magical invisible man. Toxics...what an appropriate name for them.

Apologies for another of my 'novella' posts.


I realized she also probably thinks God has made a level JUST FOR HER because she's just "SO SPECIAL"

This is definitely a major problem with following a concept of an afterlife. Everyone has a different idea on what to expect, and even when they're of the same faith, they still manage to disagree and get ticked off! "My morality level is at 51, but my donation level is at 28. So I expect to get into level 30 heaven."


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #293 on: November 08, 2010, 06:23:38 am »
Do you people have a life, or do you think the world revolves around YOU!  :thumbsup:

They won't respond to you they're so caught up in their psychotic religious realm that if g-d did personally come to take them to the promise land which is a fantasy.....they'd be so busy being all that in their little club that g-d would through her hands up & leave. Haaaaahaaaa, it would be poetic justice that those die hard Christan(s) got left behind because they're too busy alienating other people that don't believe exactly the way they do.

Ahham a favorite song re-worded....
If g-d could talk, she'd say that they were full of *bleep*. If g-d could talk, she'd say that she didn't bargained for this. If g-d could talk, she'd cry that this really stinks! If g-d could talk, she'd say," I should have chosen the minks. "  ;D

Thanks for letting me vent.

From a recovering catholic.  :wave:


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #294 on: November 08, 2010, 08:25:37 am »
Hello everyone!  :wave: How are you today?


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #295 on: November 08, 2010, 08:40:33 am »
 :cat:  Hello, mypug.  How are you?  It's a beautiful fall day out.  What would you like to contribute to the conversation in here?

Marie:  Beautiful song!  Sure beats the other one that the other poster posted before that!


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #296 on: November 08, 2010, 02:48:29 pm »
Do you people have a life, or do you think the world revolves around YOU!  :thumbsup:

They won't respond to you they're so caught up in their psychotic religious realm that if g-d did personally come to take them to the promise land which is a fantasy.....they'd be so busy being all that in their little club that g-d would through her hands up & leave. Haaaaahaaaa, it would be poetic justice that those die hard Christan(s) got left behind because they're too busy alienating other people that don't believe exactly the way they do.

Ahham a favorite song re-worded....
If g-d could talk, she'd say that they were full of *bleep*. If g-d could talk, she'd say that she didn't bargained for this. If g-d could talk, she'd cry that this really stinks! If g-d could talk, she'd say," I should have chosen the minks. "  ;D

Thanks for letting me vent.

From a recovering catholic.  :wave:

There you go Sarabtrayior, I shocked them out their protective force field now's the time to jump in! Good luck :thumbsup:


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #297 on: November 08, 2010, 09:29:57 pm »
From a recovering catholic. 
    lol,  the first time I read that I thought it said "From a recovering alcoholic"........I got up WAY TOO early this morning!

lol. don't feel bad i did the same thing. but i was like "how is that even relevant?"

then it made more sense after i re-read it. ;D


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #298 on: November 09, 2010, 07:43:49 am »
anytime. ;) i'm here all week. *puts out a jar on the corner* all tips donated go straight to the performer(s). :P


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #299 on: November 11, 2010, 05:05:23 pm »
Just had a chance to get om and finish reading this thread.

I appreciate everyone who has contributed to it and I mean everyone.

I agree that it has been pretty painful at times, however, I also think it has been very revealing.

There is a lesson in every thing for someone.

Again....thank you all.

and Annella............quit pouting and get your *bleep* back in here!

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