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Topic: WTH happened in here?  (Read 51522 times)


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #270 on: November 05, 2010, 03:20:47 pm »
I've obviously caused more hurt and frustration than I know.  I will apologize, and make sure that this part of the forum gets back how it was before I came.  I'll no longer come into D&D.  I'll make my $3 posting in other threads. Lord Bless you all.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #271 on: November 05, 2010, 03:26:28 pm »
Amy, you are so sweet  :heart:

Annella, it takes more than just one person to make all this that's been happening. I have had to apologize several times to people for getting riled up and saying things I regret saying. I'm not saying you have said anything you should regret, but I have had my part in causing dissention and hurting feelings. So it's not just your fault sweetie.

Probably and especially to marie  :confused1:


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #272 on: November 05, 2010, 03:28:23 pm »
I've obviously caused more hurt and frustration than I know.  I will apologize, and make sure that this part of the forum gets back how it was before I came.  I'll no longer come into D&D.  I'll make my $3 posting in other threads. Lord Bless you all.

Annella, that was in no way directed at you personally or to try to get you to leave.  I think you are a very valuable part of this forum, and I would hate it if my words made you think otherwise.  I honestly have nothing but  :heart: for you, and I think D&D would miss you deeply as well.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #273 on: November 05, 2010, 03:40:45 pm »
Sheryl, I don't like to verbally insult anyone.  But there is one poster, specifically, that has literally claimed that we, as believers, are idiots, scum, clinging to security blankets, superstitions, etc.  I do not call this person those kinds of names. I'm just saying when I or any other Christian gets treated that way and that we are idiots because we do believe in God, then that person should be included in being "verbally insulting." If this person doesn't want to believe, that is her choice, but she can't leave it alone and continues to harp on Christians because she thinks she is right and we are wrong. As a Christian, if my God is attacked, or I am demeaned for believing, then I have the right to stand up for what I do believe.  And I do think I should do it with a Christian attitude. Unless I am wrong, I haven't seen other Christians in here curse at the non-believers that have done so.  If I am wrong, then I will apologize.
 Referring to qon I presume?  Her posts, and she has many that when all put together show she has a "unique writing style" that also includes "names", "sarcasm", "insults", and sometimes "foul language".   She has posted enough to let eveyone know that she's a militant atheist so WHY does everyone EXPECT her to be an ANGEL???   She is very intelligent, she is a great writer and why shouldn't she have fun "baiting believers"...they are such easy targets and always keep coming back for more.  She's ALWAYS going to think she is right and Christians are wrong if she can't find any intelligence there to prove to her any differently!!  I believe a person should stand up for what they believe --I also believe there is a time and place for everything and if the purpose is to "pick a battle" with a militant atheist in the hopes of "converting them to Christianity" on a public forum...then one shouldn't get upset if they "fiesty".  Both sides can sit here and battle back and forth until Jesus comes back if they want's not going to solve anything.  Christians aren't supposed to use profanity (many do in the real world).  Non-believers can use any type of profanity they want, those words are a regular part of their what?  We're not responsible for their words, they are.  Jesus didn't require any non-believer to be perfect first before they can come to Him---why should we?
I don't expect her to be an angel. I'm not an angel, myself. But, in my defense, I have had to stand up to her for making fun of my beliefs. Like I said before, Sheryl, she made her choice not to believe.  That is not reason for me to bash her and call her names and her beliefs names.  Yet, it just seems that it is being implied that it is ok for her to do that to me (or other Christians on this forum.) My choice of belief in God ultimately is mine and mine only.  She should accept that the way I accept her choice of non-belief. When we first started debating (when I was new), she was more open and willing to discuss facts, opinions, and possibilities. Then things changed. She doesn't really debate anymore, she bashes and intimidates, and I'm sorry, but that is not right. I am more than willing to listen and debate, but that is not possible with her anymore. She has done that to herself.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #274 on: November 05, 2010, 03:56:40 pm »
Annella, please hang on!  I do not want you to not be in these particular threads.  You are a valuable, and strong Christian, and a very sweet lady.  I post in other threads, too, and I know I will "see" and "talk" with you.  But it would not be the same without you in these types of threads.  I will say, however, that it is definitely not the same as when I joined.  We were all able to question each other, share links, challenge, and debate.  Then things started getting overheated when believers were called names and being intimidated for our "wrong" beliefs.  It is like we all got to a point of deep realizations and a couple of them didn't know how to answer and instead resorted to intimidation.  Since then, it's being inferred that we are totally in the wrong, no arguments.  All we are doing is now is defending our beliefs.

I still don't understand where all of the animosity started coming from towards you recently, with some posters, but I think it is wrong and has gone way too far.  You have a right to post in here without being attacked.  And in so being attacked, you have the right to defend yourself. Hang in there, okay?   :heart:


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #275 on: November 05, 2010, 04:11:09 pm »
Amy, thank you for your compliment of me.  I feel the same of you.
 I totally agree that this is a debate forum and not a "tearing down" forum.  Some of these particular threads didn't start out that way.  I really enjoyed debating, challenging, taking challenges, etc.  I would like to say that I have a problem with certain posters (especially one) that started cutting down, mocking, calling names, and intimidating believers.  It was implied that we, as believers, were wrong and idiots for not accepting that we were wrong.  It got worse with name calling. That's when believers began really defending our beliefs and God.  They can tear me down (even though it's wrong), but mocking my beliefs and cursing (in a PG forum) and making me look dumb, stupid, and idiotic because I am not a non-believer, is over the line.  If they don't believe, then that's ok with me.  If I do believe, then it's not okay with them (one, in particular.) You are absolutely right about debating fairly, but it just doesn't look like it's going to be happening on both sides.
I don't curse at Christians or non-believers, and since the rules in here say to keep it PG, I believe they/she should follow the same example and follow the rules.  I am aiming this at a couple in particular, who just happen to be non-believers. That's just what I've noticed.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 04:33:45 pm by jcribb16 »


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #276 on: November 05, 2010, 04:48:04 pm »
I would like to say that I have a problem with certain posters (especially one)

And I have a problem with you for specifically pointing me out over and over again like I am that horrible.  I have noticed a trend in you.  There was once a point when you seemed like you were listening to reason, but slowly as you've become angered by my blunt style, you've chimed right in with Annella to criticize, judge, and scold me every chance you get.  What's the point in discussing anything with you people at all, when it is always the same 3 to 5 people I am dealing with and the conversations nowadays consist of, "You're mean, queen!  Point ignored.  You're awesome fellow Christian!  *bleep* kiss."  There is not intelligent discussion to be had here.

Most of you are not idiots, but you do all allow your emotions to distract you from seeing reality clearly.  Do not think I have ever called someone on here stupid overall; we all are stupid when it comes to various things in our takes a strong person to confront their stupid and try to make amends for it.  Most people unfortunately can't do this.

P.S.  *bleep*, *bleep*, and even *bleep* are all allowed on national TV.  So that is PG.  I really don't swear as much as you think I do on here, so get over it.
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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #277 on: November 05, 2010, 05:22:08 pm »
I'm actually around people who curse all the time. I used to tell people I don't appreciate their language, but I found in trying to be a good witness that they just thought I was acting holier than thou and better than them. So I just don't say anything anymore.

Also there was a man that was a former gang member, real rough guy, got up to testify about being delivered from drugs and other things and he was so used to cursing that he cursed all throughout his testimony. He said stuff like "thank God for the mother###### that brought me to church." "i nailed my sh## on the cross today"

Far from being offended most people thought it was very endearing. He did just what God asked "Come as you are"

HOWEVER, I do want to clarify that there is a difference between using curse words in everyday conversation and cursing someone out in an attempt at being hateful and derogatory towards them. That is not okay.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #278 on: November 05, 2010, 05:24:08 pm »
There is only 3 people on here that I have had words with, and that's after they backed me into a corner.

Lets see here. Let's be truthful here.
and more I cannot come up with right at this moment - only 3 people?!
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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #279 on: November 05, 2010, 05:44:12 pm »
I would like to say that I have a problem with certain posters (especially one)

And I have a problem with you for specifically pointing me out over and over again like I am that horrible.  I have noticed a trend in you.  There was once a point when you seemed like you were listening to reason, but slowly as you've become angered by my blunt style, you've chimed right in with Annella to criticize, judge, and scold me every chance you get.  What's the point in discussing anything with you people at all, when it is always the same 3 to 5 people I am dealing with and the conversations nowadays consist of, "You're mean, queen!  Point ignored.  You're awesome fellow Christian!  *bleep* kiss."  There is not intelligent discussion to be had here.

Most of you are not idiots, but you do all allow your emotions to distract you from seeing reality clearly.  Do not think I have ever called someone on here stupid overall; we all are stupid when it comes to various things in our takes a strong person to confront their stupid and try to make amends for it.  Most people unfortunately can't do this.

P.S.  *bleep*, *bleep*, and even *bleep* are all allowed on national TV.  So that is PG.  I really don't swear as much as you think I do on here, so get over it.

You forgot another curse word, the main one I was referring to. I also grew up in a household of cursing, so you don't have one over me here. For once I must have hit a sore spot since you reacted so strongly. Apparently it is okay for you to bluntly call names, intimidate, and close discussions when you don't want to hear more about the issue. See above, for example. But it's not okay for us to do the same. You are so right. Let's turn it around.  What is the point of discussing anything with you either? You didn't start out so blunt yourself.  You said it correctly that when you started getting more blunt, I got more blunt. I can listen to reason as much as anyone, but when you go too far because I'm not listening to your reasoning, I react, too. That's what you don't like -  for anyone to question you.

I do not let my emotions cloud reality.  I know what I believe, and that reality is God.  You just cannot accept that so you say I am allowing my emotions to distract me from seeing reality clearly. So because of that, I am not speaking intelligently (according to you.) That is a real shame.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #280 on: November 05, 2010, 05:49:25 pm »
All this fighting makes me a sad panda.  :'(


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #281 on: November 06, 2010, 08:06:44 am »
There seems to be a terrible misunderstanding on the part of a great many people to the effect that when you cease to believe you may cease to behave.
Louis Kronenberger

It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui.
Helen Keller

*ennui means boredom*
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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #282 on: November 06, 2010, 08:32:51 am »
It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui.

If only this wonderful woman could have told that to my brothers girlfriends parents before they kicked her out of the house because they didn't like the idea that she was dating someone who wasn't an evangelical like they both are.

And just 2 days ago they told my brother that he was with the devil in the same conversation that he started to ask if they needed help moving the moms parents into their new home. Gotta love dem good ol' primitive relijuss filasufeez! You can justify just about anything with them.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 08:37:14 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #283 on: November 06, 2010, 08:53:50 am »
Do you people have a life, or do you think the world revolves around YOU!  :thumbsup:


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #284 on: November 06, 2010, 09:39:51 am »
It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui.

If only this wonderful woman could have told that to my brothers girlfriends parents before they kicked her out of the house because they didn't like the idea that she was dating someone who wasn't an evangelical like they both are.

And just 2 days ago they told my brother that he was with the devil in the same conversation that he started to ask if they needed help moving the moms parents into their new home. Gotta love dem good ol' primitive relijuss filasufeez! You can justify just about anything with them.

How sad is that? What a perfect example of 'wasting energy', because I am fairly sure the parents spent a whole lot of time coming up with all the reasons why they were 100% 'justified' in doing that to their own flesh and blood, not to mention your poor brother. :angry7: I'm willing to bet a lot of energy was also expended in yelling at and berating the 2 of them. Unless of course they stuck the knife in their daughter's heart quietly - while having a good cup of coffee and a discussion of what the sermon topic would be this Sunday at their church. They'll no doubt wonder and commiserate with friends as to why she wants nothing to do with them at some point because they were 'only looking out for her and doing it because they love her so much'..... :(
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

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