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Topic: WTH happened in here?  (Read 51521 times)


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #255 on: November 05, 2010, 11:04:02 am »
Marie, that is a very good post.

Then you're scum too if you agree with her.  I'm sorry, but what is wrong with you people who agree so passively with the most inane, objectionable posts??
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #256 on: November 05, 2010, 11:04:14 am »
What childish reaction would that be?

Claiming that people laugh specifically at my posts, saying "bwahaha", etc.

Are you talking about yourself here?

Yes, yes I am.  I may get frustrated with some people and "sound superior" sometimes, but I know I am just a person you will probably never meet.  It's your choice to take anything I have to say into consideration, or not.  Only YOU have the power to let go of your superstitions...all I can do is challenge you.  If you truly wanted to be honest with your students, you would be using materials from people who make careers out of this stuff (Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins).
qon, must we travel in our little circle again?  You hold on to your superstitions with your beliefs and we will hold on to our beliefs in the Lord.  It doesn't affect you in any way how we believe.  

Sheryl, I do hope you notice the language and the cut downs coming from this particular poster.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #257 on: November 05, 2010, 11:11:49 am »
Marie, that is a very good post.

Then you're scum too if you agree with her.  I'm sorry, but what is wrong with you people who agree so passively with the most inane, objectionable posts??

Stop your filthy mouth!  Scum?   :angry7: 
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 11:14:23 am by Annella »


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #258 on: November 05, 2010, 11:19:18 am »
Marie, that is a very good post.

Then you're scum too if you agree with her.  I'm sorry, but what is wrong with you people who agree so passively with the most inane, objectionable posts??
Thanks for the name calling of me qon.  That doesn't bother me.  What Marie wrote was not done meanly towards what you went through - she acknowledged the seriousness of your problem back then.  I believe you are reacting more to the part she wrote of your acceptance of God back then, possibly from fear of what was going to happen with you. You have since denounced God and you are very defensive and sensitive when someone comments on that.  What you went through was awful, and Marie, as well as my "scum" self would never demean you with that.  I'm going through my own health trial right now and I am very sensitive and supportive of people going through any kind of health issue - we need all the support we can get.  I hope this clarifies where I was coming from on responding to Marie's post.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #259 on: November 05, 2010, 11:22:47 am »
So give me some credit at least because I have looked at your sources.

I'll go one step further:

I don't think you're unintelligent because...
a) You were willing to look at my sources (most Christians don't bother).  At least in the beginning...I think I may have scared you off now.  :P
b) You have been genuinely nice to me (the opposition) for the most part.  You're a rare breed indeed and something that more Christians should strive for.
c) You've been through a lot of tough things in your life and remained strong.
d) I'm sure you're a good mommy to your 3 beautiful kids!
e) Anything else I can't know because I haven't met you in person/known you long enough.

You can be friends with Sherene all you want, but you owe jcribb an apology for calling her scum.  You are the most filthy mouthed woman I've ever seen on any site.  What's wrong with you :angry7:


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #260 on: November 05, 2010, 11:32:38 am »
So give me some credit at least because I have looked at your sources.

I'll go one step further:

I don't think you're unintelligent because...
a) You were willing to look at my sources (most Christians don't bother).  At least in the beginning...I think I may have scared you off now.  :P
b) You have been genuinely nice to me (the opposition) for the most part.  You're a rare breed indeed and something that more Christians should strive for.
c) You've been through a lot of tough things in your life and remained strong.
d) I'm sure you're a good mommy to your 3 beautiful kids!
e) Anything else I can't know because I haven't met you in person/known you long enough.

You can be friends with Sherene all you want, but you owe jcribb an apology for calling her scum.  You are the most filthy mouthed woman I've ever seen on any site.  What's wrong with you :angry7:
Thank you, Annella.  It will catch up with her...


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #261 on: November 05, 2010, 01:22:04 pm »
Queen, I know for your own reasons that marie's post upset you but I think using the term "scum" is uncalled for. I don't think either one of them are scum. Just the opposite, I think jcribb is a very sweet person and there is no malice in her that I could possibly conceive.

I can't speak for anyone else here but I think that being called names on a forum is not the worst thing that could happen to a person. I have been called many names here that have no merit. Being called delusional when I shared something personal was only as insulting as it was because I made myself vulnerable.

But I'm in such a good mood today, you probably could have called me the biggest idiot on the planet queen and I would have chuckled and went on my way lol.

God is so good  ;D

As for Sheryl's post: Sheryl, I mean no offense but I could really care less about what people I have never met and do not know me, think about how good of a Christian I am.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #262 on: November 05, 2010, 02:33:26 pm »
marie, you're a goof.  :)


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #263 on: November 05, 2010, 02:33:49 pm »
Well Sheryl, it's kind of hard to address all your posts since I left, but I'll try. For one thing, your entitled to your opinion as everyone is.  I'm sorry you have a problem with how I answer the all over "tripe" that gets aimed at Christians.  Your stance is different than mine no doubt.

However, I'm not wrong, nor have I said anything to repent of.  If I make a mistake, I apologize.  However, there has been nothing said on my end to apologize for.  You say we are to love our brother as ourself.  Your right, but there is a difference from someone who actually wants to hear from God, and those who just want to tear everything about Him to pieces. Other scriptures that say not to be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.  I will defend the Word with my own life if I have to.  You can't just take one scripture out of context, but the whole Word.  

I'll say it again, Jesus was no mamby pamby mealy mouth teacher.  He had much to say to the naysayers, and those who wanted to "catch" him in his words.  I've been kind, turned the other cheek, and what did it get me? Mocked and berated.  I will turn the other cheek whenever it dictates, but not when the Gospel is being dragged in the mud.  

You don't have to agree with me and that's okay, but I don't see anything I've done wrong.  Since you are not my spiritual authority, and in a religion with totally different beliefs, we even disagree on the application of the Word. I've lost something dear because of this, so it's cost me something.  I'm still trying to dislodge the knife from my heart. Separation and discord among brothers and sisters is of the enemy.  If I have to take this stand be it.

If calling names, mocking, tearing you down, etc., doesn't bother you, then....okay, you handle it how you want. However, I won't change how I handle it, just because there are those who don't like it.  I have to be true to myself, and what I feel is protecting whatever pertains to Christ and those who follow Him.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 02:41:05 pm by Annella »


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #264 on: November 05, 2010, 02:42:26 pm »
LASTLY, because I know this situation is going to happen again.......and I don't want there to be any confusion when it does.  There are all types of "believers" in all different types of religions.  Their words, actions, deeds, lives are testimonies of the kind of believer they are.  If their lives are more about attitude than servitude, there's a problem.  I will NOT be backing any "Christian" that can't treat others with some degree of respect.  (I'm not saying it's ok for non-believers to attack Christians, I'm saying the foolishness will be ignored.)  It isn't because I'm a "sitting on the fence" Christian or because I have "no back-bone" to take a stand for what I believe.  It's because I feel more shame seeing what "Christians" post in the name of "Christianity" than what the non-believers post just being themselves---and I don't mean that as a put-down to non-believers, but rather it's the Christians that are called to obey the Bible and NOT the non-believers.  I don't "verbally insult" the non-believers in my life here, and I'm not going to do it on-line in a forum either.  
Sheryl, I don't like to verbally insult anyone.  But there is one poster, specifically, that has literally claimed that we, as believers, are idiots, scum, clinging to security blankets, superstitions, etc.  I do not call this person those kinds of names. I'm just saying when I or any other Christian gets treated that way and that we are idiots because we do believe in God, then that person should be included in being "verbally insulting." If this person doesn't want to believe, that is her choice, but she can't leave it alone and continues to harp on Christians because she thinks she is right and we are wrong. As a Christian, if my God is attacked, or I am demeaned for believing, then I have the right to stand up for what I do believe.  And I do think I should do it with a Christian attitude. Unless I am wrong, I haven't seen other Christians in here curse at the non-believers that have done so.  If I am wrong, then I will apologize.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #265 on: November 05, 2010, 03:02:00 pm »
LASTLY, because I know this situation is going to happen again.......and I don't want there to be any confusion when it does.  There are all types of "believers" in all different types of religions.  Their words, actions, deeds, lives are testimonies of the kind of believer they are.  If their lives are more about attitude than servitude, there's a problem.  I will NOT be backing any "Christian" that can't treat others with some degree of respect.  (I'm not saying it's ok for non-believers to attack Christians, I'm saying the foolishness will be ignored.)  It isn't because I'm a "sitting on the fence" Christian or because I have "no back-bone" to take a stand for what I believe.  It's because I feel more shame seeing what "Christians" post in the name of "Christianity" than what the non-believers post just being themselves---and I don't mean that as a put-down to non-believers, but rather it's the Christians that are called to obey the Bible and NOT the non-believers.  I don't "verbally insult" the non-believers in my life here, and I'm not going to do it on-line in a forum either.  

Sheryl, you have no idea who I am and what my life entails.  You have no idea what my service is to God. If you want to confront me what you perceive on this forum, that's acceptable, but to judge my walk with God is taking it a bit far.  I never said you were riding the fence or you have no back bone.  However, the Bible talks about those who have a "form" of godliness, but deny the power thereof.  Not everybody that says Lord, Lord, is going to enter into the Kingdom of heaven.  Your either "sold out" or you are "for sale" when the enemy comes shopping.  I want the enemy to know that this vessel has already been purchased, and there's no doubt who the owner is.

Just curious, but did you say you were Catholic?


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #266 on: November 05, 2010, 03:04:25 pm »
I agree with you Sheryl that the unbelievers have taught me more. They challenged me to question what I believe and I have told queen especially that I really appreciate that I met her because it spurred me to deeper understanding of God's word (even if that wasn't her intentions lol)

I probably come from a different place when it comes to dealing with unbelief because of growing up in a muslim/christian household where my faith was constantly in question by my own father. I love my Dad to pieces and I can appreciate today just how much God loves him and kept him through his time of unbelief.

My dad said and did horrible things when I was a child. He mocked Jesus constantly but because he was my dad and I loved him so much....I guess I learned how to respect people who didn't see things the way I do. My dad had my respect because he is my dad, so even when having religious discussions as an adult, I sometimes felt like I had to defend myself but I could do it while seeing his POV and having compassion for him even though he was attacking something so precious to me.

I don't know. I'm rambling.


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #267 on: November 05, 2010, 03:08:23 pm »
This is where you are all wrong.  I'm not defending myself, I'm defending my Faith and the fact that the Bible is true.  I also have come to the aid of those being mocked or torn down.

How can you say I don't have respect Sherene?  There is only 3 people on here that I have had words with, and that's after they backed me into a corner.  You may not like how this is going but at least you can be fair and truthful.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 03:12:06 pm by Annella »


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #268 on: November 05, 2010, 03:11:23 pm »
This is where you all wrong.  I'm not defending myself, I'm defending my Faith and the fact that the Bible is true.  I also have come to the aid of those being mocked or torn down.

How can you say I don't have respect Sherene?  There is only 3 people on here that I have had words with, and that's after they backed me into a corner.  You may not like how this is going but at least you can be fair and truthful.

I'm sorry Annella, I didn't mean to imply you don't have respect. And I never try to be anything but fair and truthful, even if it costs me.  :-[


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Re: WTH happened in here?
« Reply #269 on: November 05, 2010, 03:12:05 pm »
"It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart."
  --  Anne Frank

I have seen so much in the last few weeks alone on this forum that breaks my heart.  I have met people I disagree with... there is at least one thing about which I disagree with every single person on this forum, but I have developed a respect and a caring for everyone I have talked to as I have learned more and more about them.  I wonder why everyone can't see these things about each other.  Jordondog and how hard she works to help others and keep herself and her family thriving; queenofnines and how she believes so strongly in living life for today without wasting it on a god she doesn't believe exists that she will speak in harsh tones in order to make an impact; walks and how he sacrifices himself on a daily basis to fight for awareness and equality for his people; Annella and her compassion for people within and without her faith, and how closely she holds it to her heart, and how fiercely she will defend it; Sherene and her quest for answers and her unwavering devotion to her god and her beautifully kind disposition; Sheryl and the way she lurks and pops out of the woodwork when she finds something on which she needs to take a stand, and how unbiased she can be... how she will take a stand for the believers and non-believers alike; Jcribb... there is no other way to say it, but she is one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet; and Marie with her persistence and her need to share everything with us all.  

There have been things that have been said on this forum that have cut me, and I've kept my mouth shut.  I've always prided myself on my intelligence and my compassion, and there have been times where I have felt "taken down a peg" indirectly by things that have been said, or simply because I don't agree about something... but I've kept my mouth shut.  This is a forum, and we are allowed to have differences of opinion, or to build someone up... but I'm taking issue with tearing someone down... with tearing anyone down.  No one here knows anyone outside of here, not really.  We may talk outside this forum, whether it be by email, on Facebook, or phone calls, but we really don't know each other.  We don't even know the people we meet in our day to day lives, because we can never know what is going on inside someone else's head or within their soul.

 The harshness I have seen on this thread by all parties is not something of which to be proud.  It is never acceptable to use someone's past against them.  It is never acceptable to pick through someone's words to find something to tear down someone personally because of being on different ends of a debate.  It is never okay to make assumptions about anyone, and I am shamed because I have seen so many that I have found myself becoming fond of doing these very things.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  I look forward to the day when D&D becomes the place to which I first found myself drawn... a place where we could exchange ideas, debate, and walk away without the personal attacks and insults.  I know that there will be some who disagree with me and who will respond to this with those statements, but that is contrary to why I posted this.  If it was up to me, this thread would be locked, and we would all move on.  I think its time.

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