Well Sheryl, it's kind of hard to address all your posts since I left, but I'll try. For one thing, your entitled to your opinion as everyone is. I'm sorry you have a problem with how I answer the all over "tripe" that gets aimed at Christians. Your stance is different than mine no doubt.
However, I'm not wrong, nor have I said anything to repent of. If I make a mistake, I apologize. However, there has been nothing said on my end to apologize for. You say we are to love our brother as ourself. Your right, but there is a difference from someone who actually wants to hear from God, and those who just want to tear everything about Him to pieces. Other scriptures that say not to be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. I will defend the Word with my own life if I have to. You can't just take one scripture out of context, but the whole Word.
I'll say it again, Jesus was no mamby pamby mealy mouth teacher. He had much to say to the naysayers, and those who wanted to "catch" him in his words. I've been kind, turned the other cheek, and what did it get me? Mocked and berated. I will turn the other cheek whenever it dictates, but not when the Gospel is being dragged in the mud.
You don't have to agree with me and that's okay, but I don't see anything I've done wrong. Since you are not my spiritual authority, and in a religion with totally different beliefs, we even disagree on the application of the Word. I've lost something dear because of this, so it's cost me something. I'm still trying to dislodge the knife from my heart. Separation and discord among brothers and sisters is of the enemy. If I have to take this stand alone....so be it.
If calling names, mocking, tearing you down, etc., doesn't bother you, then....okay, you handle it how you want. However, I won't change how I handle it, just because there are those who don't like it. I have to be true to myself, and what I feel is protecting whatever pertains to Christ and those who follow Him.