Thank you for wasting your time scanning your little certificate. It was pointless. You fell into my trap. I was successful in wasting your time as you do with everyone elses. You just got trolled. Trollin' the trollllllllll!
It didn't bother me, I am very proud of my certificates.
You should be proud of them. You were helping others out by working in those fields. Why don't you want to go back and continue working in them?
I had a hard time sticking babies and children. It just wasn't the field for me. People hated seeing me, because they don't like their blood drawn. I admire all medical professionals because they are special people but I just can't do it.
I remember they wanted me to draw blood on someone in the operating room while they were doing surgery and I almost passed out.
I thought I was going to cry the first time I had to ask the nursing staff at the hospital to stick my daughter...She was almost two days old and I suspected she was borderline jaundiced...and I had to fight them to get them to do it...but they did it, and it turns out I was right. She stayed in the bili lamps for a day, and then she was ready to go home before I was. Everytime she has to get a shot, or we have to check her iron levels at checkups, I verge on tears.
But its necessary. Think of all the people whose lives you made better by swallowing that feeling and drawing their blood. I understand, though, feeling like you can't do it. A few years back I had to give myself injections in my stomach for an illness. I cried the first time, and squirmed everytime I loaded up that syringe...but I did it, because I had to. And I have respect for people who do it on a daily the ones who have to test their blood sugar and take insulin, or nurses or phlebotomists who can hit that perfect vein
everytime. Its a gift.