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Topic: what do u think of oboma  (Read 8242 times)


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #60 on: October 27, 2010, 10:46:30 am »
In 1935, farmers were going absolutely bankrupt. Reasoning behind it was the banks were forclosing on farms that they said they had rights to due to leins on the money. It was hurting more people than helping because without the farms opperating, other people went hungry. Fast forward to today, we currently have a mortgage meltdown and this is what pisses me off from people who have blind faith in current leadership; if he would say institute another absolute moratorium on forclosures (which previous administrations have done and set precedence from) we could have saved a ton of peoples houses and livelyhoods.

Obama has filled his cabinet with oneoffs from the wallstreet banks, it's absolutely filled with it. You can say what you want, I can however; back this up with facts. If Obama actually cared about the people as much as he says he does; he would put this moritorium into effect, it doesn't happen because of HIS wallstreet buddies would then go bankrupt.

Frazier-Lemke Moratorium Act of 1935, it stopped the the actual banks from kicking people out of their farms. You keep saying he's helping the economy and helping people... inacting something like this would actually do something instead of what he is currently doing... absolutely nothing.


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #61 on: October 27, 2010, 10:59:55 am »


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #62 on: October 27, 2010, 11:34:37 am »
What's REALLY going to bankrupt us is continuing George Bush's expensive wars and Bush's economic policy of handing money to the superwealthy---who invest the money in foreign factories that take American jobs--- with no strings attached!!! How cab you expect even a brilliant man like Obama to clean up such a mess in 19 months??
I completely agree with this and he is a well educated man, and being good educated makes difference nothing changes in days or months and I don't agree with the one who said
"If Bush broke something, then Obama must fix it and stop blaming other people for the mess we are in"
what Bush broke and waste in complete 8 years no one can fix it in 19 months, It wasn't only wasting money and destroying economy it's far beyond that, the Number of people who became anti American in the whole world has increased dramatically in Bush time, the people who see he was lying about Iraq and the system in Iraq they don't differentiate between Bush and Americans. the Anti American doesn't exist only in Arab countries no in the whole world so Obama had to clear it out and try to eliminate those by stating that he will close Guantanamoo and he will leave Iraq but not Afghanistan because he is not in a war with Muslims he is in a war with Alqaeda no one can blame him to complete fighting with the people who attacked his country, This is the difference between having an educated president and another non educated one. And by the way I don’t believe he is a Muslim too. I think we should give him some time and not to expect it would return back in a few years it’s always take more time to fix than the time you spend in breaking anything

Thank you very much  :peace:


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #63 on: October 27, 2010, 11:43:59 am »
What's REALLY going to bankrupt us is continuing George Bush's expensive wars and Bush's economic policy of handing money to the superwealthy---who invest the money in foreign factories that take American jobs--- with no strings attached!!! How cab you expect even a brilliant man like Obama to clean up such a mess in 19 months??
I completely agree with this and he is a well educated man, and being good educated makes difference nothing changes in days or months and I don't agree with the one who said
"If Bush broke something, then Obama must fix it and stop blaming other people for the mess we are in"
what Bush broke and waste in complete 8 years no one can fix it in 19 months, It wasn't only wasting money and destroying economy it's far beyond that, the Number of people who became anti American in the whole world has increased dramatically in Bush time, the people who see he was lying about Iraq and the system in Iraq they don't differentiate between Bush and Americans. the Anti American doesn't exist only in Arab countries no in the whole world so Obama had to clear it out and try to eliminate those by stating that he will close Guantanamoo and he will leave Iraq but not Afghanistan because he is not in a war with Muslims he is in a war with Alqaeda no one can blame him to complete fighting with the people who attacked his country, This is the difference between having an educated president and another non educated one. And by the way I don’t believe he is a Muslim too. I think we should give him some time and not to expect it would return back in a few years it’s always take more time to fix than the time you spend in breaking anything

Thank you very much  :peace:

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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #64 on: October 27, 2010, 11:47:17 am »
Well, he could have easily fixed a ton of these problems almost immedietly if he actually cared.

He VOTED FOR the patriot act when he was in congress.
He as commander in chief could easily pull us out of these wars.
He could easily close GTMO.

Obviously you too have blind  :heart: for him.

Keep being a sheeple of the state and you like Ben Franklin said "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither".

Read for yourself and you'll see that this administration is zero differenent than the previous one.

I don't see why it's so difficult for people to look at the past transgressions of persons and equate that nothing more than failure will come. Look at how poorly ran Chicago is... DC is no different.

Also, Obama was in Congress while Bush was in office, which was controlled by democrats. They didn't do anything of note then, nor push back on any of these things. Sheeple... keep thinking big nanny government can take care of all of your problems. Or can you not have a thought process of your own not given to you spoon fed from Keith Olbermann? Which one is it?


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #65 on: October 31, 2010, 05:33:45 pm »
I love Obama! I feel sorry for him.  He has such a mess to clean up.  Bush's policies are almost impossible for poor Obama to fix as fast as everyone wants him to.  He's trying as hard as he can.  Bush messed everything up too much for one president's term to fix.


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #66 on: October 31, 2010, 11:02:41 pm »
I had my entire family vote for him, since I wasn't 18 at the time. I approve 110%. =]


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #67 on: November 03, 2010, 06:04:09 pm »
oboma? Do you mean Obama?


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #68 on: November 04, 2010, 05:41:12 am »
Well, he could have easily fixed a ton of these problems almost immedietly if he actually cared.

How could he have done this when practically the entire congress is against him?  He has to fight tooth and nail to get anything passed.  He can't do it by himself especially when he has no support from the people who are supposed to help his legislation get passed. 


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #69 on: November 04, 2010, 07:05:54 am »
Well the people didn't support most of his legislation especially if you look at polling data from most of his initiatives.
There were ways of fixing things without increasing burden on the taxpayer and both this and the previous administration are guilty in the whole "too big to fail" crap. If he would have let these idiots fail I think he would have had much more respect from people.

Why the hell did he bail out a failing auto company to pay overpriced pensions? Why if he really was against the big banks on wallstreet fill his cabinet with people from the banks that screwed us, and then bail them out even more. Why has inflation increased as well as price of goods with more funny money magically created by the federal reserve that won't allow for their books to be audited? How can the fed create 600 billion dollars out of thin air to provide more stimulus?

When people start reading more and more Mises and Hayek and Ron Paul; you'll see that as far as econmics go, we're in the middle of a crap sandwich and unfortunatley shows zero signs of real recovery. If real recovery was happening, you'd see more jobs being created and less people losing homes.

This has nothing to do with politics, but everything to do with macro econmic theroy.

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