Um, well....I wouldn't call him a piece of (you know what), I do believe He is a closet Muslim, with Socialist tendencies, and I wholeheartedly believe he is running the country into the ground.
The argument that there is no difference between him and Bush is not correct. While every President inherits the problems of the previous country's President, to continuously blame the Bush administration shows a lack of insight and accountability. Some of the situations we are facing TODAY under our present President......Obama:
1. He's given the bailout money to banks and Wall Street to buy up other banks, financial institutions, and insurance companies. They have taken that money, and also lent it back to the public at eccentric interest rates, or hoarded it and not approved loans at all. Even to those who would qualify over the top, like small business's.
2. He made sure he got his Health Bill passed. What most American people don't realize, is that we are going to pay through the nose for it over time. If you don't "opt" for health insurance, you'll be fined. It will be Gov't. policy that everyone carry health insurance.....wether you want it or not, or pay a hefty fine.
3. He's slapped the Senior population in the face and denied COLA for them now for 2 years in a row (since he's been in office). First time in 37 years. These are people that can hardly pay for food, utilities, and medical, because their on a fixed income. During this time, He's made sure their Medicare/Medicaid premiums have been raised in spite of no increase in their incomes. That doesn't include the co-pays, meds., medical testings, etc. The Gov't has also raised those payments even though no COLA to help Seniors absorb the cost.
4. He's taken numerous vacations in the 18 months he's been in office, all on the taxpayers dime. A date night out with his wife, one night, cost the taxpayers $73,000.
5. The tax cuts that Bush put in place are in the process of being done away with. Obama is now rewriting the tax laws. Get ready, some will be implemented coming January 2011. Others over the next 2 years. They aren't pretty, and the taxes are hiked for the middle class. Anybody can research this on the web. A couple can only claim a single deduction. Also, they are talking of taking the Schedule A out of the mix all together. No more itemized items you can claim on your taxes. lowering the limits of what you can claim (a ceiling amount).
6. His promise of stopping our jobs going overseas is not happening. In fact, he's opening more trade and commerce with these countries that harbor massive US companies overseas, and protect them from paying American taxes.
7. He's had the Homeland Security Manual modified to where anyone can be brought up on terrorist charges....even Christian groups. He's waffling on the decision if the US should also join the World Court. As of yet, we are still independent of this, and you can thank Bush for keeping us independent. Research the World Court and what it implies and represents. If you have any problem with your rights being taken from you, you wouldn't want the US to endorse this at all.
He's been in office 19 months, and has accomplished nothing for the American Taxpayers, except bury them in debt.