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Topic: what do u think of oboma  (Read 8247 times)


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #45 on: October 18, 2010, 04:20:38 pm »
What a lying piece of *bleep* anti semite closet muslim he is,, he has run this country into the ground.

I agree.

I agree as well  :thumbsup:

I'm sorry, but is this snark?  I really can't tell.


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2010, 05:15:02 pm »
Um, well....I wouldn't call him a piece of (you know what), I do believe He is a closet Muslim, with Socialist tendencies, and I wholeheartedly believe he is running the country into the ground.

The argument that there is no difference between him and Bush is not correct.  While every President inherits the problems of the previous country's President, to continuously blame the Bush administration shows a lack of insight and accountability.  Some of the situations we are facing TODAY under our present President......Obama:

1.  He's given the bailout money to banks and Wall Street to buy up other banks, financial institutions, and insurance companies.  They have taken that money, and also lent it back to the public at eccentric interest rates, or hoarded it and not approved loans at all.  Even to those who would qualify over the top, like small business's.  

2. He made sure he got his Health Bill passed.  What most American people don't realize, is that we are going to pay through the nose for it over time.  If you don't "opt" for health insurance, you'll be fined.  It will be Gov't. policy that everyone carry health insurance.....wether you want it or not, or pay a hefty fine.

3.  He's slapped the Senior population in the face and denied COLA for them now for 2 years in a row (since he's been in office).  First time in 37 years.  These are people that can hardly pay for food, utilities, and medical, because their on a fixed income.  During this time, He's made sure their Medicare/Medicaid premiums have been raised in spite of no increase in their incomes.  That doesn't include the co-pays, meds., medical testings, etc.  The Gov't has also raised those payments even though no COLA to help Seniors absorb the cost.

4.  He's taken numerous vacations in the 18 months he's been in office, all on the taxpayers dime.  A date night out with his wife, one night, cost the taxpayers $73,000.

5. The tax cuts that Bush put in place are in the process of being done away with.  Obama is now rewriting the tax laws.  Get ready, some will be implemented coming January 2011.  Others over the next 2 years.  They aren't pretty, and the taxes are hiked for the middle class.  Anybody can research this on the web.  A couple can only claim a single deduction.  Also, they are talking of taking the Schedule A out of the mix all together.   No more itemized items you can claim on your taxes.  lowering the limits of what you can claim (a ceiling amount).

6. His promise of stopping our jobs going overseas is not happening.  In fact, he's opening more trade and commerce with these countries that harbor massive US companies overseas, and protect them from paying American taxes.

7.  He's had the Homeland Security Manual modified to where anyone can be brought up on terrorist charges....even Christian groups.  He's waffling on the decision if the US should also join the World Court.  As of yet, we are still independent of this, and you can thank Bush for keeping us independent.  Research the World Court and what it implies and represents.  If you have any problem with your rights being taken from you, you wouldn't want the US to endorse this at all.

He's been in office 19 months, and has accomplished nothing for the American Taxpayers, except bury them in debt.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 05:20:42 pm by Annella »


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2010, 06:32:50 am »
Um, well....I wouldn't call him a piece of (you know what), I do believe He is a closet Muslim, with Socialist tendencies, and I wholeheartedly believe he is running the country into the ground.

The argument that there is no difference between him and Bush is not correct.  While every President inherits the problems of the previous country's President, to continuously blame the Bush administration shows a lack of insight and accountability.  Some of the situations we are facing TODAY under our present President......Obama:

1.  He's given the bailout money to banks and Wall Street to buy up other banks, financial institutions, and insurance companies.  They have taken that money, and also lent it back to the public at eccentric interest rates, or hoarded it and not approved loans at all.  Even to those who would qualify over the top, like small business's.  

2. He made sure he got his Health Bill passed.  What most American people don't realize, is that we are going to pay through the nose for it over time.  If you don't "opt" for health insurance, you'll be fined.  It will be Gov't. policy that everyone carry health insurance.....wether you want it or not, or pay a hefty fine.

3.  He's slapped the Senior population in the face and denied COLA for them now for 2 years in a row (since he's been in office).  First time in 37 years.  These are people that can hardly pay for food, utilities, and medical, because their on a fixed income.  During this time, He's made sure their Medicare/Medicaid premiums have been raised in spite of no increase in their incomes.  That doesn't include the co-pays, meds., medical testings, etc.  The Gov't has also raised those payments even though no COLA to help Seniors absorb the cost.

4.  He's taken numerous vacations in the 18 months he's been in office, all on the taxpayers dime.  A date night out with his wife, one night, cost the taxpayers $73,000.

5. The tax cuts that Bush put in place are in the process of being done away with.  Obama is now rewriting the tax laws.  Get ready, some will be implemented coming January 2011.  Others over the next 2 years.  They aren't pretty, and the taxes are hiked for the middle class.  Anybody can research this on the web.  A couple can only claim a single deduction.  Also, they are talking of taking the Schedule A out of the mix all together.   No more itemized items you can claim on your taxes.  lowering the limits of what you can claim (a ceiling amount).

6. His promise of stopping our jobs going overseas is not happening.  In fact, he's opening more trade and commerce with these countries that harbor massive US companies overseas, and protect them from paying American taxes.

7.  He's had the Homeland Security Manual modified to where anyone can be brought up on terrorist charges....even Christian groups.  He's waffling on the decision if the US should also join the World Court.  As of yet, we are still independent of this, and you can thank Bush for keeping us independent.  Research the World Court and what it implies and represents.  If you have any problem with your rights being taken from you, you wouldn't want the US to endorse this at all.

He's been in office 19 months, and has accomplished nothing for the American Taxpayers, except bury them in debt.
Are you sure the information you just spewed out is true?!!!! Just because you see it in the news doesn't mean it's true. Everybody, lies to get what they want.  All of Obama's enemies love to twist everything around so that it makes him look bad. Just because he's president doesn't mean his power is absolute. He has to go through both the house & the senate to pass these laws. Many times the republicans are the reason why we are not getting what is promised. He is blocked by them at every turn. You can thank Bush for starting a war that we didn't need to be in, in the first place costing us trillions. In which was dumped on Obama's lap! The way I see it, Obama is mopping up the huge crap of diarrhea Bush had spewed out behind him! As for the monies spent on going out w/his need to check out how much the previous presidents' had spent while living in the white house b4 you judge. At least it was his wife he took out on dates.  ;)


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #48 on: October 25, 2010, 07:34:27 am »
Once again, people always putting this on Bush. I didn't like Bush either, but this war was not his fault. That crap was gonna happen whether Bush was president or not. In fact, the troubles going on in the middle east have been going for way longer than people like to think, or know.... People need to wake up!
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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #49 on: October 25, 2010, 07:41:34 am »
Once again, people always putting this on Bush. I didn't like Bush either, but this war was not his fault. That crap was gonna happen whether Bush was president or not. In fact, the troubles going on in the middle east have been going for way longer than people like to think, or know.... People need to wake up!

i agree.


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #50 on: October 25, 2010, 07:42:35 am »
What's REALLY going to bankrupt us is continuing George Bush's expensive wars and Bush's economic policy of handing money to the superwealthy---who invest the money in foreign factories that take American jobs--- with no strings attached!!! How cab you expect even a brilliant man like Obama to clean up such a mess in 19 months??
I completely agree with this and he is a well educated man, and being good educated makes difference nothing changes in days or months and I don't agree with the one who said
"If Bush broke something, then Obama must fix it and stop blaming other people for the mess we are in"
what Bush broke and waste in complete 8 years no one can fix it in 19 months, It wasn't only wasting money and destroying economy it's far beyond that, the Number of people who became anti American in the whole world has increased dramatically in Bush time, the people who see he was lying about Iraq and the system in Iraq they don't differentiate between Bush and Americans. the Anti American doesn't exist only in Arab countries no in the whole world so Obama had to clear it out and try to eliminate those by stating that he will close Guantanamoo and he will leave Iraq but not Afghanistan because he is not in a war with Muslims he is in a war with Alqaeda no one can blame him to complete fighting with the people who attacked his country, This is the difference between having an educated president and another non educated one. And by the way I don’t believe he is a Muslim too. I think we should give him some time and not to expect it would return back in a few years it’s always take more time to fix than the time you spend in breaking anything


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #51 on: October 26, 2010, 03:07:37 pm »
all obama knows how to do is blame everything on bush.  sure, some of the problems are his fault, but not everything!  obama needs to man up and take responsibility for his own actions and their consequences.   


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #52 on: October 26, 2010, 03:55:22 pm »
Mama raised me that if you can't say nuffin good about a man don't say nuffin at all.  Nuff said.


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #53 on: October 26, 2010, 04:45:27 pm »
I believe our country is at risk like it never have ben before. Right now our goverment is spending us into oblivion. Intelligent economist are saying we have already passed the point of no return; that is, the US will not be able to payd her debts. Our children and grand children are going to inherit a terrible legacy.
I believe the president is simply following the agenda given to him by new world order gurus who know they cannot take control as long as the US is strong economically.


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #54 on: October 26, 2010, 05:09:53 pm »
Everyone wants to say that Obama messed up the country!  He didn't it was already a disater when he got it and it is going to take more than 4 years to fix this mess!!!


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #55 on: October 27, 2010, 07:33:58 am »
Everyone wants to say that Obama messed up the country!  He didn't it was already a disater when he got it and it is going to take more than 4 years to fix this mess!!!

You're right. This country's been messed up for a long time. I doubt it will ever change (for the better), Because the people in control, only have their best interests in mind. ...corruption, greed...  :angry7:
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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #56 on: October 27, 2010, 08:50:12 am »
If you think it's the past administration's fault and only that, you have some serious bandwagoning going on. This country has been on a severe downward spiral for quite some time and no, this administration is not going to fix any of it. His lobbyist friends are screwing us just as hard as the last one. Only way things will change is if a 3rd party or someone outside of typical politics gets elected, unfortunatly in our 1 party system with two sides, that doesn't look like it will happen unless by some miracle, Ron Paul wins the election and since he's polling higher than everyone right now, I don't see that as such a big miracle.

But hey you keep on your "I  :heart: Obama" "He's the bestest evar!!!!!!!1111" bandwagon. Your blind faith is working out well for you. Did MSNBC tell you all of this amazing information?


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #57 on: October 27, 2010, 09:18:34 am »
I think that America is going to be unhappy with any president in office, because the opposing party will always find some way to slander the other one, to get their party elected back in office, this is pride, talken about someone else to elevate yourself. We do it in life, and we definitely do it in politics, this nation is full of immaturity.


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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #58 on: October 27, 2010, 09:34:56 am »
If you think it's the past administration's fault and only that, you have some serious bandwagoning going on. This country has been on a severe downward spiral for quite some time and no, this administration is not going to fix any of it. His lobbyist friends are screwing us just as hard as the last one. Only way things will change is if a 3rd party or someone outside of typical politics gets elected, unfortunatly in our 1 party system with two sides, that doesn't look like it will happen unless by some miracle, Ron Paul wins the election and since he's polling higher than everyone right now, I don't see that as such a big miracle.

But hey you keep on your "I  :heart: Obama" "He's the bestest evar!!!!!!!1111" bandwagon. Your blind faith is working out well for you. Did MSNBC tell you all of this amazing information?

Absolutely love this! Great post!  :thumbsup: :notworthy:   :thumbsup: :notworthy:
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Re: what do u think of oboma
« Reply #59 on: October 27, 2010, 10:34:03 am »
I believe he has done a complete crappy job. First, the health care reform is rediculous. All it is doing is hurting the people who have health insurance. It might be helping the people without health care but, frankly, if our health insurance goes up any more then we'll be without health insurance too. Instead of jacking up taxes yet again to cover for the people who don't pay them, I think we should lower all health care costs. Secondly, yes the war is expensive and I still stand behind our veterans and I am still completely for this war. Obama has done nothing to hinder or encourage the war. Lastly, he needs to stop trying to take away our guns. All that is doing is making people mad, including myself, and if it succeeds it will leave us law abiding citizens helpless against criminals. Because obviously criminals don't follow the rules so they would be the ones with weapons and not us. Obviously, I don't like Obama at all. :angry7:

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