If you can't spell the president's name then you shouldn't bother trying to talk about politics.
I couldn't agree with this more.
The point you're trying to make is missed however; people have this blind support of him that he can do zero wrong.
The problem that a lot of people miss is, that in theroy this goes back way before Bush, the bubble however, burst while on his watch. Not saying he was a great president or anything. His unconstitutional wars, TARP, and other bailout programs have hurt the economy more than help, but Obama has done nothing more than continue these exact same things. He's no difference if you actually can look at it with an unbiased look.
He hasn't done anything different. He's still warmongering outside of the US, he's still bailing out companies that deserve and need to fail, he's still spending our childrens future at an unprecidented rate.
What gets me though is how people fail to see any difference. Most with this blind faith of him seem to think he can do nothing wrong, when in my opinion, this si exactly bush's third term. Nothing has changed except become much much worse. Unemployment is still at record highs and our taxes are still beyond control. We spend more money than we take in and yet they want to continue these failed policies. The lobbyists control us, and while people seem to think this healthcare boondoggle was a great idea; why are my rates going up if I take the letter I received from my provider stated. Why are companies going to stop allowing health care? Why are 1099's going to be required now of all transactions concerning gold? There's a lot more out there than what you can get through fox/msnbc/cnn and until people stop following him blindly we're exactly where we were 2 years ago which is where we were 2 years before that.
There is zero difference between him and the previous president.