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Topic: For or against abortion?  (Read 24034 times)


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2010, 07:16:36 pm »
im totally against abortions because i think that if you don't want kids you should do something to prevent u from havin them and i think that if i was a rape victim i would keep mah babii because even after i get rid of it, it still wouldn't change the fact that i was raped or i might put it up for adoption :dontknow: but thats just me
Tonya and Quese


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2010, 07:32:42 pm »
I do not think that abortion is right. Why punish a child for something?  I have mixed feelings about rape and incest though and do not really know where to stand on that one.


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2010, 09:39:00 pm »
Against, it's a irresponsible action except for in the case of being rape.


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2010, 06:29:44 am »
I am definitely against abortion. It is murder, against a victim that can't even defend himself/ herself. Since when does anyone have a right to take another person's life, when that person hasn't done anything wrong? In rape situations there are procedures done at hospitals that prevent conception if done within 24 hours.

It is not full friends 14 year old sister was raped and had this done to her within 6 hours of the incident.
She was told that it was 99% full proof and she still got pregnant and was told her options to have or abort.


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2010, 06:34:10 am »
I am against it and if you are sexually active you should take precautions against it. If you don't want a baby, then don't have sex or use a contraceptive.  :thumbsup:
Contraceptives fail. My boyfriend and I have had a condom break and one slide off and we probably only ever used less that 30 of them. And yeah, we were using them correctly and they weren't expired. We just had bad luck. I'm on the pill now, but some people can't get on the pill because they smoke. Maybe smoking is a bad decision and all, but they still can't get on the pill and it's not so simple to quit smoking just to get on it.

I am definitely against abortion. It is murder, against a victim that can't even defend himself/ herself. Since when does anyone have a right to take another person's life, when that person hasn't done anything wrong? In rape situations there are procedures done at hospitals that prevent conception if done within 24 hours.
Yeah. Because rape victims go to hospitals within 24 hours. You clearly have no idea at all how a woman in a situation like that typically feels. So so so many of them don't go to the hospital. They don't go to the police. They keep quiet. If they do go to someone about it, it's not always within 24 hours, either.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 06:38:06 am by JessieKateRose »


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2010, 06:42:28 am »
This is a dilemma my sister faces. She doesn't want kids and nor would I ever like to see her with children, because she has no patients and isn't very motherly.
She has always stated she didn't want any.

Her best friend didn't want children as well went to the doctor asked if she could get her part removed to make
sure she would not have children, but was denied because she has to have a better reason then her not wanting kids.
 The doctor put her on the pill and she used condoms during sex and when she felt she had a oops she took the morning after pill.
She did everything possible to ensure that her and her husband wouldn't get pregnant and now she is 3 months pregnant.
She is having the baby, but isn't happy about it.

 It's unfair to bring a child in the world that is not wanted and that will have to wait in line for parents to adopt them.
Sometimes children don't get adopted because people are picky and want cute kids, kids that fit their looks, kids who aren't past certain ages.
It's a tough and miserable process at times.

It's unfair that the unborn child to be denied it's life, but I have had an abortion.
 Do I regret it? Yes!! Do I live with the pain and do I torment myself YES!
I was 17 years old going through chemo for osteosorcoma aka bone cancer, I was raped by an ex boyfriend and became pregnant.
I was hurt, lost sick and upset.

You can sit here and say... well you could have gone to the hospital right after I did.
My doctor advised it was in my best interest to think things out because certain medications would clash and cause me to die..
Did I want to die at age 17 ? No!

You can say well you should have left it in the hands of god?
Why would I want to torment myself and a baby inside me . What happens if I die and my baby died?
I thought that and ran everything in my head.
 Is it fair to me to carry a child in my stomach for 9 months because I was raped?
Do I risk my life and it's life so people won't judge me?

I kept my pregnancy from my family and took the abortion pill mifeprex or something of that nature.
 My friends took me to get it done and everything that happened was hidden from family.
Why? Because I was ashamed...I let him get away with it and I didn't want to deal with the issue.
The cops didn't ask me much because I claimed I didn't know who did it and I honestly didn't want to handle the issue for months to years.
I was battling cancer I didn't want to battle a drunk/ high Ahole who ruined a part of me.
So being that I was of legal age 17 turning 18 I didn't have to consult family and had a friend with me.
I went home and my family just thought I was jumped.

I was told the baby wouldn't have formed based on the type of chemo I had and the medications.
Do I care if I am judged by others? No, because they were not in my shoes and don't know that the biggest judge of all is God and I come second.
I have already tortured myself for years about this and I still stand with my opinion.
 I do agree with abortion, but I would hope that people really think about it before doing it!
But even still it lingers in my head what if?  
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 06:52:10 am by syntheticbeauty »


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #36 on: October 10, 2010, 06:48:48 am »
@Synthetic: If you were told that the baby wouldn't have formed then it's better that you had an abortion. Why feel bad about it? I understand that that's something that can be really emotional, but that is not your fault at all. Are you feeling bad because your sister chose to keep her baby or because someone has hassled you about it? :[
I'm sorry that you and your sister have to go through that. I hope the doctor that denied her the right to have that surgery feels really bad. :


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2010, 06:58:15 am »
My sister has not had a child, she is still celebant. Her friend is currently pregnant and went through every method to not have a baby. She wants an abortion..

My choice was made and I felt it was right for me. It hurts because I look at my 3 daughters right now and appreciate life but still wonder what could have been?
My daughters mean the world to me and I am a young mother. I got married at 19 and am still married it's been 5 years now. I love the life I have and I wouldn't change anything.
I just wish the situation was never presented in my life.
It's a tough choice to make and more so when your 17 years old. It's not a easy situation to deal with and when your raised in a very catholic home things like these are shunned upon.
My family knows my choice now and they were upset and out relationship has changed.
But the way I see it is, I was raped I wasn't a sexually active teen I was simply a dumb teen who trusted someone because they claimed to care and took advantage of the unhealthy state I was in.
My choice was mine and I hate how people view things at times.

 Sometimes, choices have to be made and they will be tough and people will get hurt, but you have to live with your choice not others.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 07:00:51 am by syntheticbeauty »


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #38 on: October 10, 2010, 10:55:39 am »
I am against abortion unless it puts the mother's life in danger. I feel abortion should not be used for birth control that is so wrong. When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter they wanted to do an amniocentesis. I said no because it was only going to be done so I could decide to abort the pregnancy or not. She is now a healthy happy 19 year old. Aborting her was definitely not an option for me.  :heart:


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2010, 11:39:42 am »
Well i wouldn't support my child's mother doing it, but if that's your choice, fine.


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2010, 02:02:01 pm »
I discourage it (if one of my students tells me she is pregnant, I suggest adoption, etc. and tell her about the disadvantages of abortion), but sadly, there are tragic cases in which it must done to avoid a greater cruelty to mother and child. For those exceptions, it must remain legal.


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2010, 03:02:27 pm »
I'm against it, everyone deserves a chance at life even if it was unintentional.


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #42 on: October 10, 2010, 06:09:39 pm »
Do I care if I am judged by others? No, because they were not in my shoes and don't know that the biggest judge of all is God and I come second.
I have already tortured myself for years about this and I still stand with my opinion.

People are so easy to judge and say that it's wrong and and no one should be able to have one but until something like that happens to them they will truly never know. 

You have nothing to be ashamed of and don't have to defend your actions to anyone else so please stop feeling guilty and stop beating yourself over it. 


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2010, 08:33:14 pm »
I am defintely against abortion. The bible says tho shall not kill. Im with that.
I agree.  I'm against it too.  The baby can always be given up for adoption.  I would even adopt one, if given the opportunity.


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Re: For or against abortion?
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2010, 11:54:49 pm »
I am against abortion because it is unjust to kill a unborn child; however, when it comes to a rape situation, i believe the victim might should have a choice.


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