Integrity and Honesty is part of the game here, isn't it? Do you go do the research yourself, and find your own answers, or do you just copy and paste from someone else, HOPING they are right? If you choose to copy and paste, then you've cheated yourself. If you choose to do the research yourself, then you can feel proud of your accomplishment. Even when Kohler presents his contests, don't we all get an "Idea" for which team to vote for, by seeing how others are voting? Don't we all take stabs at numbers, based on what others are guessing? I know I do. Is that considered cheating?
I volunteered my own money to help out here, and Kohler opted to make it his money. But no one else's money is in jeopardy here, so why is there such a fuss about this game?
You know, I can't help but feel offended with the people that are saying they don't want to play because it's like cheating, it's no fun, it's not Kohler initiating the contest, the standardized form isn't being used. I'm so sorry I ever stepped in to help, and I'll be sure not to do it again. I'm sorry I cared to want to help out. You know, if you don't all want to play, don't. You don't have to voice it, and make the person, ME, feel bad for giving a rat's

Kohler, maybe you ought to withdraw this contest before it snowballs into something we don't want it to become. Feel free to award those that participated. And I won't bother walking on the Holy Ground again. Sorry I tried.