I was not here - and when I logged in Wednesday to put one up - Mike had already put one up. This is almost the same as the last couple of contests where it came directly from a user - I just did not put this into Google Docs since Mike had spent the time to draw something up in Ms Paint. No one gave Mike permission to create a promotion while I was out, he did for himself and for you guys. He offered his own money to pay for the promotion, and I decided to make it official when I saw it. If jackxbob came into the thread and posted a question (which happens all the time on Saturday promotions) and people want to answer it with our without my permission of it being an official promotion, then so be it.
I know most people understand that I am an actual human being who has a real family just like they do, but this is my job. And I let you guys down by not posting a promotion within the time I allotted - so instead of re-creating the wheel, I ran with the one that Mike had created. This is not a normal circumstance, and if you do not want to participate in it then that is your own prerogative.
Also, I do not feel like my response was harsh in any way, shape, or form. I was not intended to be harsh, but rather explain that I had a family issue and missed the promotion and was going to allow Mike to run this promotion. If people do not like it because I didn't come up with it - then there is nothing I can do for them. Will a situation come up like this again? Probably not. One of the main reasons I allowed Mike to run the promotion (and run is a loose term, all he did was create it) was because he had spent the time and effort into putting together an image and the idea. If he would have just posted the questions, again like everyone does in the other promotion thread, then I would have created an "official Google docs promotion", but I felt like he had spent the time to help out members so I was going to let him run with it.
To answer your first question, if you did not know it was official until Wednesday - then you could still easily submitted answers to get in by the time I said it was okay to do. Right now there is no where near 40 responses, so you can still enter and win if you choose to do so. Also, I do not want anyone to feel sorry for me or anything like that, but I do know that this is a business. And I want my members to be happy and if something comes up then I want you to know the truth of why I let you guys down.