I wouldn't call CPS on her, because she could just be having a bad day that particular day, and be overwhelmed.
We've seen children put in foster homes that were worse off, like being beaten, neglected and worse. CPS is hell for some children, and they grow up resentful and more messed up.
And we've also seen innocent people that had CPS called on them, simply because the person reporting didn't like them, or wanted to get revenge on them. Like one mother who was working a job, and she was sick with a flu and called in sick for work. Well, the worker who ended up working didn't like her to begin with, so she called CPS on her because she was mad about having to work in the woman's place. NOW, those kids were taken away with NO PROOF that she and her husband were neglectful, and placed in foster care. She sent us pics of how one of her sons was abused and had marks all over him. He reported to his mother that he was being mistreated by the foster family and wanted to come home to mommy and daddy.
So no, I wouldn't call CPS on anyone, if I didn't know the whole story. If it were me, I would try to assist her and ask if she needed any help with anything. Her response or reaction would spell enough for us to determine if she was really neglectful, or if she was just simply overwhelmed and needed a little help and support.
Because, after all, it could be a single mother, who was just overwhelmed and all. Well, that's my two cents worth.