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Topic: 9/11  (Read 10408 times)


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #75 on: September 28, 2010, 03:10:08 pm »
well, surveymack, Larry Silverstien (owner of WTC) just weeks before 9/11 put millions of dollars on insurance for the towers, then filed them as seperate attacks. can you gess how much money he got? about 7.2 billion dollars. ALso, as you know, wall street now pretty much runs the white house. WTC7 was full of wall street investigation files. Also, molten steel was found at the base of the tower LONG after th attacks. Jet fuel dose NOT burn that hot. Well you might say it does if you're one of the people who believe a 757 was completely vaporized in the pentagon. Plus there's NO WAY IN HELL suspision wasn't raised when 4 planes went off course and disappeared from radar. Why weren't millitary jets sent out? EVEN THE FIREFIGHTERS say they heard several explosions. are they lying? and are you saying science was temporarily suspended during the collapses. THAT dosen't add up.
by the way they fund chips with evidence of thermite in the debri. So.... 19 muslim cavemen hijacke 4 planes - prior to that, planted exploives in towers 1, 2 and 7 without being caught, then crashed into the towers, set off the detonaton, and vaporized a 757 in the pentagon -also making a plane with a 125 ft wingspan disappear through a 64 ft.hole (the roof collapsed after a while, not during the "attack". )yeah, makes sense.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #76 on: September 28, 2010, 04:18:59 pm »
Just because you don't think people can know the future doesn't mean it isn't real. It is people like you that make people like me keep our mouths shut and not tell anyone, so good job

I simply said good job because you said it was somewhat comical. If you are really that sadistic to think that that many people suffering and their families too was even slightly comical then please by all means, take your advice and keep your mouth shut because I, for one, don't want to hear it because it makes me sick to my stomach.

Secondly. 502, maybe there were emergency charges placed at the bottom of the towers so that they could actually terminate the buildings if something like this were to happen. Figure the building collapsing straight down vs. the building falling over and knocking over 3 blocks worth of other buildings. Its called damage control(if that is what indeed happened).

Third. Maybe you never flew Pre 9/11(I have no idea how old you are), but the security measures were MUCH MUCH MUCH more lax and where almost asking to be taken advantage of. You could show up at the airport and be airborne 15 minutes later if the lines weren't too bad. + the air-control tower operators tried over and over to reach the plane as it began to detach from its bearing. Technology has a habit of failing the more complex it gets; the operators simply thought the radio had failed and they were going to adjust, or something was wrong with the plane and was turning around. If you think the air force or national guard is called every time a plane veers off course, show me a few sitings of this actually happening. but i have never actually heard/seen armed forces be called over a hijacked plane. never.

On a separate note, what would they do? Blow it, along with all its AMERICAN passengers out of the sky? I think not. That would be WAYYYYY too much bad rep for any President who ordered it and the airline itself.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #77 on: September 28, 2010, 04:32:57 pm »
one problem with your statement, rogue. If they collapsed the buildings for damage control purposes, then what you said about shooting the plane down wouldn't make sense. First, all the planes hi-jacked were only full to 30% capacity of potential. So those lives could have been sacrafice to save everyone in the trade center that died (thousands). If they were going to collapse a building to prevent it from falling, why event letthe planes get there? And, oh yeah, if that was the case, they could have been at least nice enough to wait until the fire fighters got out, before executing their "damage control". by the way no steel skyscraper in history (even ones that burned for days) collapsed from a fire.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #78 on: September 28, 2010, 04:50:36 pm »
it was just a suggestion. I haven't heard evidence of it either way, i just said it was a possibility. I didn't say if it was a wise choice either way.

And planes crashing into large steel skyscrapers = not just fire but large structural damage as well. (The terrorists were known to have structural schematics of the towers and the architect who designed it himself reluctantly stated that they should have had way more reinforcement and that they wouldn't be close to passing code if they would have tried to erect them the year of the bombings)

Oh and not that I care or am trying to preach or anything, but some people on here might be Saudi or Middle Eastern and probably wouldn't feel to good about you calling them "cavemen". Same as any other racial slur or degradation. Ya know?


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #79 on: September 28, 2010, 04:59:15 pm »
Oh and not that I care or am trying to preach or anything, but some people on here might be Saudi or Middle Eastern and probably wouldn't feel to good about you calling them "cavemen". Same as any other racial slur or degradation. Ya know?
The terrorists they claimed did he attack apparently lived in caves. literally.
but as for the structural damage: really?
they collasped like controlled demolition from strutural damage?
« Last Edit: September 28, 2010, 05:30:33 pm by 502mania »


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #80 on: September 28, 2010, 06:27:56 pm »
Oh and not that I care or am trying to preach or anything, but some people on here might be Saudi or Middle Eastern and probably wouldn't feel to good about you calling them "cavemen". Same as any other racial slur or degradation. Ya know?
The terrorists they claimed did he attack apparently lived in caves. literally.
but as for the structural damage: really?
they collasped like controlled demolition from strutural damage?

Touché on the cave part, i wasn't aware of that. I retract my statement. :) That's just the way it came off through the text, ya dig?

Controlled Demo vs Structural Damage:

I honestly couldn't tell you man. I'm no Civil Engineer, just a Computer one. But it is technically possible. If the right structural weak points were hit it could go down very similarly. It is possible, but I could see where your doubt would be justified because of the circumstances necessary.

But what Terrorist plan, a good working one anyway, is complete without years of planning? In my opinion.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #81 on: September 28, 2010, 06:36:12 pm »
well, it's apparent that someone had to plan this. i believe terrorists may have been involved. but the government didn't stop it - either carelessly, deliberately, or it coud all be a big plan. the trade center had been bombed before, so there were plenty warnings. Osama bin Laden is connected with george bush's family.
Bt twe may neve know what actually happened. i just find the sory given to the public unbelievable because it's so twisted and distorted. also, in the official report, (which is 10,000 pages long), it says that they can't explain why the buildings all collapsed. imagine reading that whole report to find out that there's no explanation! i'd be pissed.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #82 on: September 28, 2010, 06:43:08 pm »
well, it's apparent that someone had to plan this. i believe terrorists may have been involved. but the government didn't stop it - either carelessly, deliberately, or it coud all be a big plan. the trade center had been bombed before, so there were plenty warnings. Osama bin Laden is connected with george bush's family.
Bt twe may neve know what actually happened. i just find the sory given to the public unbelievable because it's so twisted and distorted. also, in the official report, (which is 10,000 pages long), it says that they can't explain why the buildings all collapsed. imagine reading that whole report to find out that there's no explanation! i'd be pissed.

lol yea. screw that. I'd be more than pissed. i think a majority goes to just being careless and thinking that we were above such a thing actually being able to happen to us. (us Americans are notorious for that)

Nonetheless it was a terrible tragedy that should never be forgotten.

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