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Topic: 9/11  (Read 10420 times)


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2010, 01:19:00 pm »
Yes, I believe terrorists plotted and carried it out, I also believe that their religion was used as a catalyst. "Holy war" is one of the topics in the Quran, and it was used along with the idea of "hatred for American Infidels" to convince alot of people to commit those unspeakable acts of terror on our soil.  Religion is already deeply rooted in the middle eastern culture, it will never change and will always be practiced.  Unfortunately, others with cruel intentions use it to their advantage to persuade their citizens-even from birth- to  do wrong to innocents........ :sad1:
BOBBYBLUEBLAND-CHARLESMINGUS-CLASSICALMUSIC-BILLHICKS LordoftheRingsTheMatrixKingpin,Mybaseguitar,Mybowlingballs,300game
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Re: 9/11
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2010, 01:28:07 pm »
if that's true tzs, then why did our government lie about every single attack.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2010, 01:30:22 pm »
if that's true tzs, then why did our government lie about every single attack.
Who cares?  You believe in what you see right in front of your eyes, NOT what the government spits out at ya!!!!
BOBBYBLUEBLAND-CHARLESMINGUS-CLASSICALMUSIC-BILLHICKS LordoftheRingsTheMatrixKingpin,Mybaseguitar,Mybowlingballs,300game
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Re: 9/11
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2010, 01:39:51 pm »
if that's true tzs, then why did our government lie about every single attack.
Who cares?  You believe in what you see right in front of your eyes, NOT what the government spits out at ya!!!!
i care. i saw the world trade center twin towers fall to the ground as if demolished by several explosive were planted throughout the building, i know that WTC7 had thousands of wall street investigation files, that building came to the ground. Do you honestly think a plane could have made the building colllapse that way? it would be the first in history. The pentagon had 0 evidence of a plane hitting it. no skids on the yard, few spare parts from a plane - only small ones i mind you. the people on the streets (so called witnesses) all say they saw something different. the FBI immediately -within minutes- obtained surveillance tapes from surrounding areas. Don't you think it's wierd at all, that no one saw nor captured securiy tapes of anyone planting explosives in the WTC? and there WAS explosives. or do you find it wierd that no one has given a straight answer for it?


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2010, 01:49:31 pm »
do you know how fast that plane was going??? How much fuel was in that plane? Airplane fuel burns extremely hot and fast, so when it hit the pentagon, it literally disentigrated, and lit up that place.

I believe all of these attacks happend because of a massive breakdown in governmental inteligence-people saw it comming, but inteligence failed to pin down the attack to any one single day.......Lesson learned! Hopefully!

P.S. Did you know that Seth McFarlane overslept for one of those flights the day of the attacks??? He doesn't know if someone else got the ticket, or not!!!! Yikes!!!
BOBBYBLUEBLAND-CHARLESMINGUS-CLASSICALMUSIC-BILLHICKS LordoftheRingsTheMatrixKingpin,Mybaseguitar,Mybowlingballs,300game
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Re: 9/11
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2010, 02:01:31 pm »
do you know how fast that plane was going??? How much fuel was in that plane? Airplane fuel burns extremely hot and fast, so when it hit the pentagon, it literally disentigrated, and lit up that place.
I believe all of these attacks happend because of a massive breakdown in governmental inteligence-people saw it comming, but inteligence failed to pin down the attack to any one single day.......Lesson learned! Hopefully!
P.S. Did you know that Seth McFarlane overslept for one of those flights the day of the attacks??? He doesn't know if someone else got the ticket, or not!!!! Yikes!!!
First, the type of plane they claimed hit it has engines made of TITANIUM ALLOY, wich has a melting point of over 3000 degrees celcius, jet fuel burns about 2000 degrees. No molten titanium found, NO engines, the engines should have been almost fully intact, they were titanium.  and you still haven't explained the surviellance surrounding being confiscated. if it was really a plane, why was it not shown to the public?


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2010, 02:14:18 pm »
is there one person on here, that is confident that terrorists did it, and can explain their reasoning.

They flew planes into the towers.
small planes. what about the explosives planted throughot BOTH towers? how did they get there un-noticed. and a week or so before the towers were evacuated several times for "security reasons". watch
"loose change". ill post a link if you want.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2010, 02:15:55 pm »
do you know how fast that plane was going??? How much fuel was in that plane? Airplane fuel burns extremely hot and fast, so when it hit the pentagon, it literally disentigrated, and lit up that place.
I believe all of these attacks happend because of a massive breakdown in governmental inteligence-people saw it comming, but inteligence failed to pin down the attack to any one single day.......Lesson learned! Hopefully!
P.S. Did you know that Seth McFarlane overslept for one of those flights the day of the attacks??? He doesn't know if someone else got the ticket, or not!!!! Yikes!!!
First, the type of plane they claimed hit it has engines made of TITANIUM ALLOY, wich has a melting point of over 3000 degrees celcius, jet fuel burns about 2000 degrees. No molten titanium found, NO engines, the engines should have been almost fully intact, they were titanium.  and you still haven't explained the surviellance surrounding being confiscated. if it was really a plane, why was it not shown to the public?
It was the PENTAGON!!! They  can confiscate anything that they want!!!  

It doesn't matter how many times experts tell you about the melting point of titanium alloy, you cant predict every single scenario that this would happen under. If that where true, air planes would never get off the ground!!! Science is a never ending and always changing art, my friend.  Something that worked today, might not work tomorrow when it slams into the Pentagon!!!

 Surveilance fottage of the pentagon??? Oh yes!! Lets let all of the terrorists and radicals out there view surveilance!!! Then, they will know exactly what the floor plans inside and out of the pentagon are so their attack next time will be more accurate!!!! There are reasons why certain surveilance wasn't released to the public. It compromises further security of the pentagon.

BOBBYBLUEBLAND-CHARLESMINGUS-CLASSICALMUSIC-BILLHICKS LordoftheRingsTheMatrixKingpin,Mybaseguitar,Mybowlingballs,300game
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Re: 9/11
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2010, 02:20:27 pm »
tzs, are you insisting thatyou can see the ENTIRE floor plan for that WHOLE building through a hole too small for a plane to even make? they released 5 frames of footage, it only shows explosion, no crash, no debris can be seen,... why?


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2010, 02:22:42 pm »

marie, tzs
i strongly insist you watch this. most of it can be just listened to, but you may want the visuals. It's about an hour, but it will really open your eyes


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2010, 02:27:34 pm »
Did you not see the planes hit the building?? No bombs, no cover-ups. Bad intelligence-yes!
BOBBYBLUEBLAND-CHARLESMINGUS-CLASSICALMUSIC-BILLHICKS LordoftheRingsTheMatrixKingpin,Mybaseguitar,Mybowlingballs,300game
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Re: 9/11
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2010, 02:36:58 pm »
Did you not see the planes hit the building?? No bombs, no cover-ups. Bad intelligence-yes!
The planes hit, but the ENTIRE buildin collapsed, the top maybe, that building was constructed with tons of steel, In more clear videos, you can see the building exploding at the corners as the building isgoing down. unless the terrorists had smurfs wit planes hitting it too, i don't see how that's possible.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2010, 02:39:31 pm »
I just spoke with my dad, cause he is really smart...I asked if the world trade center was a conspiracy and he said it is possible the president knew about it and let it happen because he wanted to go to war with Iraq and war creates jobs and it's all about money, money, money
That's true, it was a BIG help to get everyone to think we were attacked soley by terrorists so we would approve a pointless war. But also, a vast majority of people investgating wall street and the elite were killed. that's 2 benefits for them.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2010, 03:39:58 pm »
marie, tzs
i strongly insist you watch this. most of it can be just listened to, but you may want the visuals. It's about an hour, but it will really open your eyes=
tzs has got a good head on her shoulders...the kind that's not going to be altered by any wacko conspiracy. 
The only real conspiracy in this world is religion.
It's not exaxctly a "wacko conspiracy" as you put it. it's just the question of why we are being lied to. it's not about a conspiracy, it's about corruption in our government that no one sees. 9/11was not what they told you, terrorists may have been involved, but lok at the rest of the facts.


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Re: 9/11
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2010, 03:40:57 pm »
502 you sound so much like my husband you both share the same views on many subjects.  Its kinda spooky Ill ask him what he thinks about a topic I am reading here.. and he will practically word for word say just what you said lol. I normally think hes nuts for his conspiracy theories on many subjects but on this one we kinda agree.   I don't know but I have always had my doubts that there wasn't some type of government involvement.  I was watching a special on 9/11 this year on the history channel that was supposed to be real footage from people in NY that had all sent in video from what they experienced on 9/11.  From the very beginning where the planes hit the trade center to the end where it just exploded and were talking exploded blocks away.  I cant see how those two planes could have caused such a violent explosion up towards the top levels of the buildings and not only level the buildings but to throw debris several blocks away. I am not one to believe everything I see or read on the news or internet.  But do I question that our government may have had something to do with it or known it was coming I would say it concerns me.  I think there are a lot of things we as the public don't know about a lot of things that go on in our government. I wouldn't say I believe in conspiracy wholeheartedly like my husband does but more I have concerns and doubts that the government and the press especially are truthful about what really happened.

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