You don't seem to want to budge as far as the Pentagon damage and quite a few other points brought out here, so I guess you'll stick with the total conspiracy folks. If you are the type of person who sees the subplot/conspiracy to all that happens vs any of what just might be the truth, then that is the path you will follow, no one is going to convince you otherwise. There's nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't turn into complete paranoia.
I believe we should question what we are told and I do not trust the government, but I don't see ulterior motives in everyone and every action either.
There is one point I will give the 'conspiracy camp' and that is the 'supposed' collapsing, on it's own, of WTC Tower 7. The final NTIS report
does not match the available facts and supports the theory that the building
was brought down by controlled demolition. If it was, I have to belive there was a reason for it and it is NOT one that the public as a whole is going to be informed about. Maybe in the future, who knows.
When horrid events like this occur there is always speculation. All of a sudden, everybody and their brother is out there blogging, making videos, writing books, anything they can come up with
and saying "This has been planned for this long and I knew this day would come. I knew so and so was doing this/that 20 years ago. I have kept track of all these peoples'/groups' movements, papers, phone calls, and meetings and I knew they were up to something!" The list goes on. So, the million dollar question comes yet again from me -
If you were and are so sure you all knew about this, why the hell did you not say it before it happened?! Please don't come back with
"they couldn't, they would risk their lives" because with the freedom in this country to pretty much say and print and protest and demand what you want, there is a way they could have put the info out there
before the event happened. To say it would be a risk to put it out before is ludicrous because they are at just as much 'risk', if not more, by putting it out there afterward. I don't think any of us can deny all the 'internet lunatics' that write and video file things we have access to if we want it.
If I know some nutjob is going to torch or bomb my neighborhood, do you think I'm going to keep my mouth shut until the police and fire departments are coming down the street?