I am NOT saying 'stuff like this' isn't happening. I did not gloss over what occured in my post above yours. I gave the facts, quotes, and statements from Wellesley - those were NOT my interpretations of them nor my opinion on what actually happened. How can you even accuse me of glossing over it? I gave what was reported as the actual occurence by those who were involved - not the voiceover from the mother who was videotaping it. If she was so damn outraged, why did she continue to tape and NOT speak up? So she could get her 15 minutes of fame on YouTube? Also, I am the furthest from being a supporter of the current administration and Obama as I could be and still vote.
And if you are going to site Fox News as reliable, you might want to know this also.
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, News Corp's (the parent corporation of Fox News) largest shareholder outside of the Murdoch family, has donated over $300,000 to organizations run by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the principal planner of Park51 and the proposed Mosque. One of those organizations was the Park51 project itself.
Not only is Alwaleed, the News Corp shareholder, a financial backer of Imam Rauf, but Rupert Murdoch's book division, HarperCollins, is the publisher of Rauf's book, What's Right with Islam Is What's Right With America.
I don't abide cover-ups anymore than you or anyone else, but I also don't abide by everything I hear or see just because it is out there and is 'breaking news'. I do my homewok from multiple sources, but will say that Fox News is not one of them I consider aboveboard, period. They use scare tactics and propaganda, as do most, but you really need to look at their hidden agenda.