As opposed to...?
There is nothing else in this world that "appears" to be designed that wasn't actually designed. It is not delusional to think that a creative intelligence designed the universe and life in it.
It gives the theory plausibility
What experiment do you know of that gave chemical evolution plausibility because one that I know of didn't do anything but make me laugh.
The Miller Experiment:
Was conducted in an environment that did not correctly represent the atmospheric conditions of the primitive earth. If the experiment were to be conducted under correct atmospheric conditions you would not get amino acids (necessary for life to exist) but you would still get organic molecules. What are these promising organic molecules?? Formaldehyde and Cyanide. It's true that formaldehyde and cyanide can be turned into biological molecules....but it's a joke to think that they could give you the right substrate for the origin of life.....because what it produces is embalming fluid. (taken from the case for a creator thread)
Again, there is evidence. It's just not irrefutable due to the reasons given earlier. Creation was not a supernatural event unless you can put proof on the table for it
Where is the proof on the table for chemical evolution? Where is the proof on the table for any mechanism of evolution to create information? Where is the proof on the table for this naturalistic explanation of life to be considered evidence?
AGAIN- It has evidence. And you can see the results
There are two possibilities for the existence of life
1. Spontaneous assembly of life from chemicals
2. There is a Creator who designed biological systems
If you deny the existence of a Creator, scientific studies demonstrate that you must believe each of the following things about the origin of life:
Scientific FactHomochirality somehow arose in the sugars and amino acids of prebiotic soups, although there is no mechanism by which this can occur and is, in fact, prohibited by the second law of thermodynamics (law of entropy).
Solution reject the second law of thermodynamics
Scientific FactChemical reactions in prebiotic soups produce other sugars that prevent RNA and DNA replication
Solutiondiscard chemistry data "science of the gaps"
Scientific FactPyrimidine nucleosides (cytosine and uracil) do not form under prebiotic conditions and only purine (adenine and guanine) nucleosides are found in carbonaceous meteorites (i.e primidine nucleosides don't form in outer space either)
Solutiondiscard chemistry data "science of the gaps"
Scientific FactEven if a method for formation of primidine nucleosides could be found, the combination of nucleosides with phosphate under prebiotic conditions produces not only nucleotides, but other products which interfere with RNA polymerization and replication.
Solutiondiscard chemistry data "science of the gaps"
This is only a small portion of the evidence AGAINST chemical, spontaneous explanations of origins!
For the rest of the list and about 100 other pages authored by scientists visit Speculation allows for anything without grasping to it
So you think you have the right to say someone is delusional for grasping an idea YOU think is impossible, even though you admit that ANYTHING is possible and you are open to it?? Just because you have not "grasped" any particular idea, you are given higher intelligent status to those who have grasped an idea? That is arrogant and preposterous in light of the BAD evidence for the alternative! Don't "grasp" an idea to assert is as truth, that's your choice but don't walk around telling people that what they HAVE grasped as truth is delusional! You can't have an opinion about what is delusional when you don't believe ANYTHING.