How does a person know that hell doesn't exist- have they been there?- you know it's pretty funny that if you ask people if they believe in heaven, they don't have a problem with it, but when you say that there is a hell to punish people, they have a problem with a big bad mean God who created hell for them if they don't accept him. Let me ask you if it is fair that a person or persons should be able to commit a crime and not be punished?- you would say no, should they go to prison- you would say yes- well God, who created us all, and has has a peanalty for sin, because he created us, he has a right to make the rules, and those are the rules he made, believe it or not. For those who say we came form something, how do you say we were created- what's your theory?-see if if it sounds more rational than a Being that created the beautiful world we have and everything in it. hell is not a horrible aspect of Christianity- as I said before, it is okay to live the way you want, and go to heaven, but it is not fair to live the way you want, do bad things, not be sorry and go to a place called hell- sounds right to me. What religion, if any do you see as valid?- give me the reason that your religion of choice is so great. Mareelisa and others can be as cynical and sarcastic as they want, but I assure you that when they take their last breath, it is the God they say they don't believe in that they will call- the soul knows its owner- there are no athiests in fox holes,- when all hope is gone, you won't call on your family, friends, job, lover, or government, you will call on the one that your soul knows can save it- period. The word says that 'and the books were opened, and all whose name was not found in the lamb's book of life were cast into the lake of fire and brimstone"- you will not sleep in hell, you will be alive, and in torment forever(yes, I said forever)- that is the price for unbelief- whether you think it harsh or not. I am all for respecting others beliefs, as long as they respect mine- blowing up people, in the name of your religion, or doing other destructive acts is not right, I don't care what religion it is- we must respect, and have debate, but not harm each other.