when he/she dies one day, he/she goes to Heaven to be with God (if you can please look at the possibility of Heaven for just a minute.) There is no harm in that whatsoever. Those people just have reassurance where they are going when they die.
The #3 greatest harm deals with this. Has life after death been proven? No, not even in the slightest. When y'all think of a "soul", most of the time you're referring to your personality, but guess what? Personality is located 100% in the brain.
This has been proven by science. Your brain is physical just like the rest of your body, so if you can admit your body dies and withers away, why wouldn't your brain which contains your personality (being a physical part of your body) die too?
You're believing in this magical occurrence of somehow your personality will float into another dimension where you'll receive a new body with special "soul senses" (remember, you need the physical senses of sight, touch, smell, etc. AND a brain to interpret it all to be able to perceive your surroundings AT ALL). How does that not sound ridiculous to people?!
But anyway, back to the harm...so you are having people convince themselves of a lie just because they're sad about death.
They may, in turn, take their one and only life for granted if they think the "real" life starts after they die. It is a death cult: don't worry too much about living *this* life to the fullest, because it is just the doormat you wipe your feet on before entering eternity (of which we have no proof of). If someone dies in a car wreck and has their soul - er, brain - splattered all over the highway, instead of
remembering them and actually grieving, we can forget about them over a weekend simply because we say they're in magical Happy Land.
The only harm then, is to the one who does not accept the "message" and goes to hell.
Being in the worst pain imaginable on end, FOREVER? Wow, that's it??
It's clear from you and Sherna's nonchalant talk of hell that you two
really haven't thought about it. Too blinded by the fantasy of heaven to care, for sure.
Once again, should that really matter to you either since you are secure in what you feel or know?