This is STILL going on from this morning?! Adults, normally rational ones at that, spending almost 2 pages playing tit-for-tat and digging up all the names you have been called and even showing
posts from a year ago that NONE of you have the slightest clue as to what the context of the conversation was, but you can see one person in particular who was involved in it, so you ought to take her history into account from the get go! The other post from the one not known, is from Jerry1216 - any of you even recognize the name? No, I didn't think so, cause he was a fanatical troll and was saying some really un-Christian things as a 'true Christian' to liljp617 (someone I respect and who is always decent to everyone) and Falconer
was defending her, but marielissa tried to make HIM look like the bad guy for it. Come on, you're all (most of you) better than this. The thread now looks more like a bunch of highschool girl's Facebook accounts.....and all started because one person didn't know what was going on.
I have gone after one person on here for their behaviour,
as have all of you, but this makes that stuff look like milk and cookies because it was at least relevant to the time period. AmyTrivitt, you can get as PO'd as you want, but you really didn't bother with knowing what was in this entire thread. As soon as I saw this I knew that:
No I will not listen to anything that comes from the mouths of people who are so small minded as to start a thread with the word retard in it and then continue to talk about YOUR GOD..
Didn't this give you a clue? Anyone who says that 'not intelligent' = 'retard', when
there is a whole lot of levels in between the two is not quite a reliable source for anything:
The thread didn't start out retarded. I was sick of atheists and agnostics saying believers were not intelligent, which would be them being a retard. It is my understanding that, non believers think believers are retarded.
What a hot mess this thread became....