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Topic: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?  (Read 16452 times)


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Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« on: September 12, 2010, 10:04:56 am »
Could any of this possibly be true, or is this guy just nuts??? what are your thoughts on this?

I, Milton William Cooper, 1311 S. Highland #205, Fullerton, California,
92632, (714) 680-9537, do solemnly swear that the information contained
in this file is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I swear
that I saw this information in 1972 in the performance of my duties as
a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander In Chief of
the Pacific Fleet as a Petty Officer in the US Navy. I swear that I
underwent hypnotic regression in order to make the information as
accurate as possible. I swear that I can and will take a lie detector
test or any other test by any reputable persons choosing in order to
confirm thisinformation. I swear that I can and will undergo hypnotic
regression conducted by any reputable and qualified Doctor of any
reputable persons choosing in order to confirm this information. I will
not, however submit to any test or hypnosis by anyone who is now or has
ever been connected with the Government in any capacity for obvious

The following is brief listing of everything that I personally saw and
know from 1972 and does not contain any input from any other source

"MAJESTY" was listed as the code word for the President of the United
States for communications concerning this information.

"OPERATION MAJORITY" is the name of the operation responsible for every
aspect, project and consequence of alien presence on earth.

"GRUDGE" Contains sixteen volumes of documented information collected
from the beginning of the United States investigation of Unidentified
Flying Objects (UFO's) and Identified Alien Craft (IAC). The project
was funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated) and money from
the illicit drug trade. Participation in the illegal drug trade was
justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of
our society. The purpose of project GRUDGE was to collect all
scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from
UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file
of collected information has been used to advance the United States
Space Program.

"MJ-12" is the name of the secret control group. President Dwight D.
Eisenhower commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY
(JASON SCHOLARS) to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology,
lies and deception and find the truth of the alien question. The
society was made up of 32 of the most prominent men in the country in
1972 and the top 12 members were designated MJ-12. MJ-12 has total
control of everything. They are designated by the code J-1, J-2, J-3,
etc. all the way through the members of the JASON SOCIETY. The director
of the CIA was appointed J-1 and is the Director of MJ-12. MJ-12 is
responsible only to the President.

MJ-12 runs most of the world's illegal drug trade. This was done to
hide funding and thus keep the secret from the Congress and the people
of the United States. It was justified in that it would identify and
eliminate the weak elements of our society. The cost of funding the
alien connected projects is higher than anything you can imagine. MJ-12
assassinated President Kennedy when he informed them that he was going
to tell the public all the facts of the alien presence. He was killed
by the Secret Service agent driving his car and it is plainly visible
in the film held from public view. A secret meeting place was
constructed for MJ-12 in MARYLAND and it is described as being
accessible only by air. It contains full living, recreational and other
facilities for MJ-12 and the JASON SOCIETY. It is code-named "THE
COUNTRY CLUB". Only those persons with a TOP SECRET/MAJIC security
clearance are allowed to go there.

disinformation, and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this
agency . This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates
in conjunction with the CIA, NSA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
This is a very powerful organization and all alien projects are under
its control. MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12.

"SIGMA" is the project which first established communications with the
aliens and is still responsible for communications.

"PLATO" is the project responsible for Diplomatic relations with the
aliens. This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the
Constitution) with the aliens. The terms were that the aliens would
give us technology. In return "we" agreed to keep their presence on
earth a secret, not to interfere in any way with their actions, and to
allow them to abduct humans and animals. The aliens agreed to furnish
MJ-12 with a list of abductees on a periodic basis.

"MAJIC" is the security classification and clearance of all
alien-connected material, projects and information. "MAJIC" means MAJI

"AQUARIUS" is a project which compiled the history of alien presence
and their interaction with Homo Sapiens upon this planet for the last
25,000 years and culminating with the Basque people who live in the
mountainous country on the border of France, Spain and the Syrians.

"GARNET" is the project responsible for control of all information and
documents regarding this subject and accountability of the information
and these documents.

"PLUTO" is a project to evaluate all UFO/IAC information pertaining to
space technology.

"POUNCE" is the project formed to recover all downed/crashed craft and

"REDLIGHT" is the project to test-fly recovered alien craft. It is
conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Nevada. It was aided when the
aliens gave us craft and helped us fly them. The initial project was
somewhat successful in that we flew a recovered craft but it blew up in
the air and the pilots were killed. The project was suspended at that
time until the aliens agreed to help us.

"SNOWBIRD" was established as a cover for project REDLIGHT. Several
flying saucer-type craft were built using conventional technology. They
were unveiled to the press and flown in front of the press. The purpose
was to explain accidental sightings or disclosure of REDLIGHT as having
been the SNOWBIRD craft.

"LUNA" is the alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and
filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very
large machines and the very large alien craft which have been described
in various sighting reports as "MOTHER SHIPS" are based there.

"NRO" is the National Reconnaissance Organization based at Fort Carson,
Colorado. It is responsible for security for all alien or alien craft
connected projects.

"DELTA" is the designation for the specific arm of the NRO which is
especially trained and tasked with security of these projects. [The
so-called "Delta Force" has been labelled by the government [in media
reports] as an anti-terrorist special combat unit. It apparently has
other, covert responsibilities. This would also seem to tie in all too
neatly with the "contingency plans" listed below. =CSW.]

"JOSHUA" is a project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound
generating weapon. It was said that this weapon would be effective
against the alien craft and beam weapons.

[NOTE: It is known that a special experimental project was launched
some years ago under the auspices of the US Navy to investigate a
special low frequency, pulsed sound and radio wave system. The antennae
for such a system consisted of buried cables that extended radially for
several hundred miles in all directions from the generator site. The
listed purpose of these experiments was to develop a system of
communications that could be used with our submarines world-wide that
could neither be detected by anyone not having this specific equipment
nor jammed by any conventional source known to current technology. This
may or may not have been a "cover story". It is equally interesting to
note that while this "national secret" was being printed in certain
"popular" monthly mechanical and science magazines, articles appeared
in several of the more serious scientific journals concerning
experiments with a sound-wave generating weapon that operates in the 4
to 13 Hertz range that could be fatal to "enemy troops"...perhaps
reducing them, quite literally, to a mass of quivering jelly. =CSW.]

"EXCALIBUR" is a weapon to destroy the alien underground bases. It is
to be a missile capable of penetrating 1000 meters of Tufa or
hard-packed soil such as that found in New Mexico with no operational
damage. Missile apogee not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL and impact must
not deviate in excess of 50 meters from designated target. The device
will carry a 1 megaton nuclear warhead.

"ALIENS": There were 4 types of aliens mentioned in the papers. A
LARGE-NOSED GREY, with whom "we" have the treaty, the GREY reported in
abductee cases that works for the LARGE-NOSED GREY, a blond human like
type described as the NORDIC and a red-haired, human-like type called
the ORANGE. The home planets of the aliens are described as being a
star in the Constellation of Orion, Barnards star, and Zeta Riticuli
1&2. I cannot remember even under hypnosis which aliens belong to which

"EBE" is the name or designation given to the live alien captured at
the 1949 Roswell crash. He died in captivity.

"KRLL" OR "KRLLL" OR "CRLL" OR "CRLLL" pronounced Crill or Krill was
the hostage left with us at the first Holloman landing as a pledge that
the aliens would carry out their part of the basic agreement reached
during that meeting. KRLL gave us the foundation of the yellow book
which was completed by the guests at a later date. KRLL became sick and
was nursed by Dr. G. Mendoza, who became the expert on alien biology
and medicine. KRLL later died. His information was disseminated under
the pseudonym O.H. Cril or Crill.

"GUESTS" were aliens exchanged for humans who gave us the balance of
the yellow book. At the time I saw the information there were only 3
left alive. They were called (ALF's) Alien Life Forms.

RELIGION: The aliens claim to have created Homo Sapiens through
hybridization. The papers said that RH Negative blood was proof of
this. They further claimed to have created all of our major religions.
The showed a hologram of the crucifixion of Christ which the Government
filmed. They claim that JESUS, the CHRIST, was created by them.

ALIEN BASES exist in the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, New
Mexico, and Nevada. Six bases were described in the 1972 papers, all on
Indian reservations and all in the four corners area. The base near
Dulce was one of them.

MURDER: The documents stated that many military and government
personnel had been terminated (murdered; executed without due process
of law) when they had attempted to reveal the secret of the aliens, the
JASON SOCIETY and MJ-12. [NOTE: Any adult human being who lives in
today's society and who still does not believe that "Our Government"
would commit cold-blooded murder in order to preserve their idea of an
acceptable "status quo"....that person should be placed in a secured,
well-padded cell and not allowed to play with pointed or sharp objects.
He/she is both intellectually and morally Brain Dead. As an example,
does any sane person really believe that Karen Silkwood died in an auto
"accident" ? =CSW]

CRAFT RECOVERIES: The documents stated that many craft had been
recovered. The early ones from Roswell, Aztec, Roswell again, Texas,
Mexico, and other places.

GENERAL DOOLITTLE made a prediction that one day we would have to
reckon with the aliens and the document stated that it appeared that
General Doolittle was correct.

ABDUCTIONS were occurring long before 1972. The document stated that
humans and animals were being abducted and/or mutilated. Many vanished
without a trace. They were taking sperm and ova samples, tissue,
performed surgical operations, implanted a spherical device 40 to 80
microns in size near the optic nerve in the brain and all attempts to
remove it resulted in the death of the patient. The document estimated
that 1 in every 40 people had been implanted. This implant was said to
give the aliens total control of that human.

ALIENS ATTEMPT TAKEOVER: This plan called for a public announcement
that a terrorist group had entered the United States with an Atomic
weapon. It would be announced that the terrorists planned to detonate
the weapon in a major city. Martial Law would be declared and all
persons with implants would be rounded up along with all dissidents and
would be placed into concentration camps. The press, radio, and TV
would be nationalized and controlled. Anyone attempting to resist would
be arrested and/or killed.

called for the use of MAJESTIC TWELVE as a disinformation ploy to delay
and confuse the release of information should anyone get close to the
truth. It [the name, "MAJESTIC TWELVE"] was selected because of the
similarity of spelling and the similarity to MJ-12. It was designed to
confuse memory and to result in a fruitless search for material which
did not exist.

of the material was an ONI Counter-Intelligence operation against MJ-12
in order for the Navy to find out the truth of what was really going
on. The Navy (at that time or at least the Navy that I worked for) was
not a participant in any of this. The different services and the
government conduct this type of operation against each other all the
time. The result of this operation was that the Navy cut themselves in
for a piece of the action (technology) and control of some projects.

As you can see, this file is only a little different from my previous
file. Only some names were scrambled previously to confuse the
government long enough for someone to verify that what I have said is
the truth. I have added information in this file that puts my life in
absolute danger. I have sent a copy of this file to people all over the
country and will continue to do so. Please get this file into as many
hands as you can and maybe that will protect me but I doubt it.


I wish to thank all those people who have aided me in reaching this
point and for their patience and understanding. I owe you all more than
I can ever repay.

Finally, it does not matter who is right and who is wrong or if a
project name is in the wrong place. It does not matter who is working
for who or what is really what. It should be obvious by now that
something sinister and terribly wrong is going on involving the
government and the UFO phenomenon. We must all band together and expose
it now.

I have done my part in the best manner that I could. I can add nothing
else except my testimony in Congress or a court of law that what I saw
and have written in this file is true and that I saw it.

Everything in my previous file that does not conflict with this file is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and some of it is from
sources and research. You may combine the files to get the entire
picture. Throw out only that information which conflicts with that
contained in this file.

There will be no further additions or corrections to this information
either now or in the future. My file is complete and stands to be
judged by history. Sometime in the future the exact papers that I saw
will surface and you will all see this exact information contained
within them.

Milton William Cooper

Note: William Cooper was killed by Authorities on November 5th, 2001
« Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 10:29:36 am by 502mania »


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2010, 11:26:11 am »
makes me want to watch men in


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2010, 07:27:42 am »
Good vid, queen. I love how Matt aproaches things in both his videos and his writing because he [obviously] keeps an open mind. This will, without any doubt on my part, be countered by believers with the basic stance as to the Bible's books and their origins:
Each one is inspired, without error, and is completely accurate in all things it addresses. The entire Bible, though written by many people over thousands of years is harmonious in all its teachings. This is because each book of the Bible is 'inspired'.

So it basically does not matter whether anything was actually seen, heard, or documented at the time it happened. All that counts is the 'inspriration' given to the writers. How many people would actually get away with speaking of alien encounters, documentation, sightings, etc., if THEY said they were 'inspired'? ;)
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2010, 07:41:06 am »
Well aliens certainly have more evidence than Jesus does.  ;)
good video! very interesting. :thumbsup:


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2010, 11:38:53 am »
It could be true... or not.  :dontknow:  I personally believe that "anythings" possible though.

Do you watch South Park? well, if you do, Have you ever seen the episode of South Park where they go into space, because the aliens are going to destroy earth? And "Earth" is their reality t.v. show?? LOL! It just reminded me of that, sorry, I know thats a little off topic from what you were posting about. It was pretty funny though  ;D 
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2010, 12:30:12 pm »
It could be true... or not.  :dontknow:  I personally believe that "anythings" possible though.

Do you watch South Park? well, if you do, Have you ever seen the episode of South Park where they go into space, because the aliens are going to destroy earth? And "Earth" is their reality t.v. show?? LOL! It just reminded me of that, sorry, I know thats a little off topic from what you were posting about. It was pretty funny though  ;D 
i have seen it. that comment wasn't exactly off-topic though, in the post, this guy claims that aliens said they created us... if they did, that "reality show" would relate to the experimental nature of creating life through hybridization.


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2010, 01:21:38 pm »
It could be true... or not.  :dontknow:  I personally believe that "anythings" possible though.

Do you watch South Park? well, if you do, Have you ever seen the episode of South Park where they go into space, because the aliens are going to destroy earth? And "Earth" is their reality t.v. show?? LOL! It just reminded me of that, sorry, I know thats a little off topic from what you were posting about. It was pretty funny though  ;D 
i have seen it. that comment wasn't exactly off-topic though, in the post, this guy claims that aliens said they created us... if they did, that "reality show" would relate to the experimental nature of creating life through hybridization.

That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2010, 01:40:52 pm »
I don't know about all of this, but I do know that there are some impeccable UFO cases out there. Here is a great article I came across recently:

Skeptic misses point behind UFO book

Solid sightings cited in ‘UFOs’; serious investigation needed

By Leslie Kean
Special to
updated 9/7/2010 8:59:32 AM ET

When I wrote my book about officially documented UFO reports, I fully expected the skeptics to react. That’s why I was careful to focus only on the very best evidence from the most credible sources in "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record." Since 95 percent of all sightings are eventually identified, the book is concerned only with the remaining 5 percent — those UFO events that have been thoroughly investigated, involve multiple witnesses and ample data, but still cannot be explained.

That didn’t stop James Oberg, a space analyst for NBC News, from complaining that the book was based on a “questionable foundation.”

In the biographical note appended to his commentary, he notes that he spent 22 years at NASA’s Mission Control and has written books about space policy and exploration. But he neglects to inform readers of something UFO researchers already know all too well: that he is a founding fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI, formerly CSICOP), a group whose aim is to debunk UFOs and any other unexplained phenomena that challenge our familiar ways of thinking.

For many years, Oberg, while retaining his stance as an objective student of the UFO phenomenon, has been a consistently vocal skeptic.  His long list of articles dealing with UFOs date from the 1970s and are posted on his website under the heading "space folklore,"  which accurately sums up his attitude towards the subject. He may be qualified to serve as an unbiased, expert consultant on Russian or Chinese missile systems, but not on UFOs.

Story: UFO book based on questionable foundation

His objection to my many varied cases has to do with his notion that pilots are poor observers. To buttress this idea, he quotes J. Allen Hynek referring to questionable statistics compiled in the 1960s by Project Blue Book.  He also cites Russian researchers describing two events in 1982 when pilot sightings were accurately identified as "military balloons" after the fact.

His objection to my many varied cases has to do with his notion that pilots are poor observers. To buttress this idea, he quotes J. Allen Hynek referring to questionable statistics compiled in the 1960s by Project Blue Book.  He also cites Russian researchers describing two events in 1982 when pilot sightings were accurately identified as "military balloons" after the fact.

This is not surprising, since the vast majority of sightings can be explained, and this kind of identification is made all the time. However, such solved sightings — whether made by pilots or anyone else — have absolutely nothing to do with the cases presented in my book.

I wonder if Oberg gave "UFOs" a careful read. He spent many paragraphs quoting me concerning a report on aviation cases by French researcher Dominique Weinstein. The problem is, those are not my quotes. The chapter from which he extracted them was written by Jean-Jacques Velasco, head of the French government‘s UFO agency for over 20 years, as is obvious in his byline and narrative about French research.

Oberg gleefully proclaims that I have “faithfully vouched for” the cases in Weinstein's list, but actually, I have respectfully allowed Velasco to write his own chapter.  (About half the chapters in my book were written by highly credentialed authorities and expert witnesses.) If Oberg wants to discuss the Weinstein study, he'll have to contact Velasco.

Oberg’s fixation on the question of the reliability of pilots as witnesses is not raised by the generals and aviation experts I have interviewed — officials who have studied pilot cases and interviewed pilot witnesses for decades.  As described in "UFOs," French Air Force Maj. Gen. Denis Letty initiated an extensive study of UFO data because competent pilots he knew personally were confronted by the phenomenon. Chilean Gen. Ricardo Bermudez was instrumental in the founding of his country‘s official UFO investigative agency in 1997 because of inexplicable sightings involving pilots.

Richard Haines, who has written more than 70 papers in leading scientific journals and published more than 25 U.S. government reports for NASA, was formerly chief of the space agency's Space Human Factors Office and served for 21 years as a retired senior aerospace scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center. Having studied pilot sightings and related aviation safety issues for more than 30 years, and having personally interviewed hundreds of pilots during that time, Haines has concluded that pilots are indeed excellent witnesses, given their thorough training, expertise and hours of flying time.

Haines is now chief scientist for the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena. Sadly, most pilots never report their sightings, as he points out in "UFOs."

Most importantly, the aerial cases documented in "UFOs" — and many more on the record elsewhere — involve multiple factors such as:

Sightings of long duration, allowing for accurate voice transmissions and the refinement of the initial identification.
Multiple witnesses — co-pilot, crew, passengers, other aircraft in different locations, and occasionally observers from the ground.
Onboard radar and ground radar recording the presence of a physical object, often corresponding exactly to the visual sighting.
Direct physical effects on the aircraft, such as equipment malfunction.
As an example, Brig. Gen. Jose Periera of Brazil, commander of air force operations until 2005, reports on an "array of UFOs" observed over his country in 1986. Two pilots chased one of the objects for 30 minutes. Numerous other pilots saw the objects. Radar recorded them. Six jets were scrambled from two Brazilian air force bases to pursue them. Some of the pilots made visual contact corresponding to radar registrations. Both military and commercial pilots were involved. Onboard as well as ground radar systems confirmed the presence of the objects.

“We have the correlation of independent readings from different sources,” Periera writes. “These data have nothing to do with human eyes. When, along with the radar, a pilot‘s pair of eyes sees that same thing, and then another pilot‘s, and so on, the incident has real credibility and stands on a solid foundation.”

In 2007, airline captain Ray Bowyer saw two gigantic, bright yellow objects suspended over the English Channel, which he observed carefully for 15 minutes. His passengers saw them, another pilot on a second aircraft was also a witness, and an object was registered on radar.

In 1986, three Japan Airlines pilots watched a series of UFOs for 30 minutes, communicating with air traffic control while radar operators picked up the objects in corresponding locations.

I could go on with many more examples, presented in detail in the book.

Oberg says pilots may misinterpret visual phenomena when forced to make a split-second diagnosis before taking immediate action — very rare cases, I would assume — and no one would disagree with that. But, just as was the case with the solved Russian sightings I discussed earlier, this is entirely beside the point with respect to my book, because the cases presented do not involve such a scenario.

In addition, "UFOs: General, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record" presents many other cases that do not involve pilots at all — but often military personnel and police officers — including:

The famous 1980 incident near RAF Bentwaters in Britain, involving the landing of a UFO and objects sending beams of light to the ground.
The 1981 "Trans-en-Provence" landing case in France, investigated by the official French agency GEPAN.
Belgian Maj. Gen. Wilfried De Brouwer‘s report on the wave of sightings in Belgium in 1989-90, which includes a spectacular photograph.
The 1993 "Cosford Incident" involving a UFO over two Air Force bases in Britain, investigated by the Ministry of Defense.
The 1997 Phoenix Lights incident that former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington described.

These are just a few of a host of cases with abundant data that don't rely on pilot observations — and which are still unsolved. It‘s the aggregate of cases, the accumulation of evidence and the long-running but unsuccessful attempts of qualified experts to resolve them that establishes the reality of a yet-unexplained physical phenomenon with extraordinary capabilities.

These are just a few of a host of cases with abundant data that don't rely on pilot observations — and which are still unsolved. It‘s the aggregate of cases, the accumulation of evidence and the long-running but unsuccessful attempts of qualified experts to resolve them that establishes the reality of a yet-unexplained physical phenomenon with extraordinary capabilities.

Oberg says that "if investigators are unable to find the explanation for a particular UFO case, that doesn't constitute proof that the case is unexplainable.” Fair enough. Perhaps there is some prosaic explanation still to be discovered. There‘s always that possibility, no matter how small.

But we remain in a state of ignorance concerning UFOs, leaving us with the conclusion presented in the book: We need a systematic, scientific investigation of the skies that actively looks for these mysterious and elusive objects.  In the meantime, all I ask is that devout skeptics like Oberg read the entire book before raising objections that actually have no bearing on the matter at hand.

Investigative journalist Leslie Kean is the author of the New York Times bestseller "UFOs: General, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record" (Harmony/Crown).  Her work has appeared in many publications including The Nation, International Herald Tribune and the Boston Globe.  She is also the co-author of “Burma’s Revolution of the Spirit” and co-founder of the Coalition for Freedom of Information.


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2010, 12:38:28 am »
Now, I'm not sure of the whole story, but does anyone remember anything from a couple of years ago where Obama was supposed to come out and give info about "secret files" pertaining to aliens and such. I seem to remember it had something to do about alien bodies.
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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2010, 12:42:35 am »
I found a video of a real alien autopsy at area 51 or so it says it is. i don't know if it's real. i can post a link if you want


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2010, 12:55:37 am »
Is it the same video that you had in another post?

So what exactly is your take on aliens?
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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2010, 01:26:45 am »
Is it the same video that you had in another post?

So what exactly is your take on aliens?
I think there is intelligent life other than us. but they are far more advanced and abstain from our lives because they know of our nature as humans. i think SOME of the ufo cases and alien abduction cases are real. if we could get a hold of tht kind of technology, we would abduct them. i'm convinced that they have been to earth and travel in space. If we can, they can. But my question s, did god create aliens? or do they have their own god?


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2010, 08:10:40 am »
Is it the same video that you had in another post?

So what exactly is your take on aliens?
But my question s, did god create aliens? or do they have their own god?
That is a good question... or DID ALIENS CREATE US?  :o  lol... It makes you wonder
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2010, 10:23:50 am »
Is it the same video that you had in another post?

So what exactly is your take on aliens?
But my question s, did god create aliens? or do they have their own god?
That is a good question... or DID ALIENS CREATE US?  :o  lol... It makes you wonder
that's what the guy in the post claims. maybe its a pyramid scheme, god made them, they made us


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Re: Aliens created humans and have been on earth for 25,000 years!?
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2010, 10:56:57 am »
Lmao! That's all I got to say.

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