Queen, I hope you don't take offense to this but you seem nearly as obsessed with hell as marie!
How can I be obsessed about something that doesn't exist?
Did you go to a church where hell was used to scare people?
No. Churches don't like to talk about the parts of their religion/Bible that are uncomfortable or bad, you know. I think more churches SHOULD talk about it, though. Then maybe some more people would come to their senses...
I'm not trying to pick on you but I'm curious as to why it always goes back to the hell issue when you are debating.
Because it's pretty horrible for your religion to go around telling people that they're going to be burned and tortured and punished FOREVER if they don't become a slave to an invisible, inaudible deity. You really don't know how much harm that's doing, do you?
it seems you're now using the unreality of hell to veer people away from Christianity?
Yes, because it's a major way to reason with people. Consider these points, folks:
#1 - First of all, how exactly are you going to be able to feel pain in hell without any nerve endings? Your physical body will be dead, remember.
#2 - The concept of free will is a lie because if you don't believe in and sacrifice your only life to Jesus, you're sentenced to hell. That's
blackmail, people. Good video on this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0wSjJAsrAk#3 - The Xtians can blow smoke all they want, making excuses about "ultimate justice", but it is NOT justice to punish people INFINITELY for FINITE crimes.
That is not logical, that is not perfect, that is not just. Hitler could only cause a limited amount of suffering in his lifetime; therefore, there's no point and it is beyond cruel to have him tortured FOREVER.
#4 - Again, Xtians like to proclaim how "god is love", but it is most certainly NOT love to inflict cruel and unusal punishment on one's children for billions upon billions of years (and then billions more) for ANY reason. THINK ABOUT THAT.
#5 - So a serial killer rapist is allowed into heaven if he says, "Oops, my bad! I believe in you, Jesus!" but a sweet old lady scientist who donated to charity and lived a good life (but just so happened to be a skeptic) deserves to burn? Again, THINK ABOUT THAT.
#6 - The concept of a "good" place and a "bad" place after you die just sounds like a total fairytale. Like something our primitive ancestors who didn't understand how the world works came up with.
** Hell is a vile human invention meant to control, oppress, and garner obedience. **